Now that most shops are closed, most of us will need to turn to online stores for Mother’s Day.
What are you all buying this year, if anything?
Now that most shops are closed, most of us will need to turn to online stores for Mother’s Day.
What are you all buying this year, if anything?
My mother is isolating so she can still visit my grandmother in a nursing home, and has asked those of us still working ‘traditionally’ not to visit her.
One of the local bakeries is doing ‘High Tea at Home’ gift baskets filled with baked goods, wine and flowers, so I have organised for one of those to be delivered to her. When all is back to ‘normal’ again, I’ll take her out for lunch and get her some kind of beauty voucher!
Ugg boots. Specifically from the Blue Mountains Ugg Boots manufacturers - they're great quality and locally made!
Hi can you please link the website. I googled it and there are a few results so I am confused as to which is the real one.
Their site seems to be flaky just now, but its -
Or try their facebook page
Thank you very much.
Getting a lunch & dessert box from a Cafe.
She might get a phone call.
Mine won't.
Get her something she'll use. Some really nice baked goods (make something yourself, it'll mean more), a couple of bottles of wine if that's her thing. Avoid the cliches of slippers and bathrobes. As a bonus the products can be purchased from local suppliers helping to boost the Australian economy when we need it the most.
I respectfully disagree about the slippers. Good quality proper Ugg Boots are brilliant, especially with so many of us at home already. I'd love to receive a pair (of I didn't already have one).
I do emphasise nice ones though. Made the mistake of getting some cheapies from The Iconic once. Not recommended. They did not breath like wool and, well, didn't smell so good by the end of winter.
Usual Chanel skincare
Where to buy cheap?
I don't know. I got mine from DJs using the Amex statement credits so I saved $40. I always buy it from Myer or DJs (usually the latter as if the warehouse sends it, it gets wrapped in Chanel paper and ribbon)
I usually get my mum a voucher for a day spa but since they're all closed, who knows!
Something meaningful even from Woolies/Coles. They are open.
Yup found a great cooking pan (Arcosteel Stonehenge) from Woolies
A photo book. Mum's love them. Especially if you have kids.
Same as every year…nothing.
But honestly, no-one on here is likely to know your mother and what she likes / dislikes.
What if op's mum is a Ozbargain power user ?
Eneloops it is
There are lots of 'what ifs'.
I can't understand these posts for suggested gifts for parents, partners, etc. If someone don't know what someone else would like, based on knowing that person, they should probably work on that rather than asking strangers on an anonymous forum.
Ugg Boots from Aldi sale on Sat
A book
Eh. Nothing.
Getting durian delivered. Not a treat for every mother out there.
Hand sanitiser
A picturebook with lots of family images of the last year … takes some time but is reasonable cheap and a great present when you are in isolation.
I bought her a new cooking pan from Woolies, chocolate she loves and a nice fragrance from CW
Toilet roll, hand sanitizer, pasta, flour, rice, oil, mask, gloves, wipes… And on and on…