This was posted 4 years 10 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[SUBS] SBS on Demand Now Available via Foxtel IQ3 and IQ4 Boxes @ foxtel


Foxtel has announced a new streaming deal for viewers, with SBS On Demand now available to customers.

The pay TV service revealed subscribers would now have access to SBS’ library of content via Foxtel iQ3 and iQ4 boxes from Tuesday April 28.

It’s the latest expansion deal for Foxtel*, which already has Netflix and ABC iview among its offerings

Users who wish to block "Additions to Subscription Services" can do so by adding SUBS to their deals customisation. * Xbox Game Pass, Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus etc. are considered additions to subscription services. You can also block seeing deals from certain stores or users by hitting the hide button below. Discussion Thread

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closed Comments

  • +19

    Any bargains? Should be a forum post

  • no bargain

  • +17

    So you can watch SBS On Demand with a Foxtel subscription with this ‘deal’, or you can to continue to just watch it anywhere else without a subscription?

  • +1

    Watch for free through SBS app, or watch for free through Foxten paid system?

  • +6

    Yay, going to subscribe to Foxtel so I can watch Netflix and SBS

  • +11

    This is not a deal - app was already free and available on just about every device.

  • +6

    Ooo, so I can pay to watch something I already get for free!!!!

    Next thing you know, I'll be able to get the woolies catalogue in there too!

  • +1

    No idea how this is a deal

  • +4

    Not a deal, just because they include something that is free in their own paid subscription, doesn't make it a bargain because you can get it free separately.

    Who would bother paying Rupert Murdoch more money for his crappy Foxtel just to watch SBS on Demand which you can easily watch on the SBS app and chromecast.

  • +2

    No deal

  • +2

    Not a deal. Free anyway.

    Also, thanks to Rupert we have a second rate nbn.

    • -7

      Protection of FoxTel had nothing to do with mixed technology NBN as 25Mbps easily supports streaming HD content.

      The second rate NBN was caused by Labor's speed tiers and customers demanding unlimited plans making faster speeds too expensive for most 90% of the population.

      • +4

        You mean Lib's FTTN don't ya?

        • -5

          What I mean is Labor chose to hobble a 1Gbps capable network with the expectation that 50% would connect at 12Mbps. Liberals took this to it's natural user-pays extension and said if you want faster, pay for it.

          • +1

            @mathew42: But there isn't faster available with the crappy network the liberals went with.

            • -2

              @Aids: Technology change provides a route to faster. If you cannot afford technology change, almost certainly you cannot afford a greater than 100Mbps connection.

      • +2

        I can’t even begin to digest how you are blaming labor for this mish mash. We went from fttp to a clusterf**k that we have now.

        Just a little side note. Your lib mates have been in power for most of this century (approx 14 of the 20 years). But you know, nothing can possibly be their fault.

        • -3

          I'm blaming Labor for the NBN mess because unlike most people I actually read the NBN Corporate Plan that Labor wrote. After taking FTTN to the election, Labor changed tack to FTTP in response to Telstra's opposition. Labor designed the 1Gbps capable NBN with speed tiers and the expectation that close to 50% would connect at 12Mbps, while in 2026 less than 1% would have 1Gbps connections.

          The reality today is that LNP driven price cuts, in particular bundling CVC with AVC have resulted in higher average speeds than under Labor's FTTP plan. Being stuck on FTTN isn't the best if you are one of the 10% who can afford a 100Mbps connection. If you part of the 1% that could afford a 1Gbps connection, it doesn't matter as the cost of technology change isn't a factor.

          • @mathew42: Yeah, nah. Good luck with that party political line.

            • -2

              @Vote for Pedro: IF it is a party political line, then you could easily disprove my statements by:

              1. Quoting from Labor's NBN Co Corporate Plan charts showing expectation of speed take-up.
              2. Using ACCC NBN Wholesale Market Indicators Report to dispute my assertion that speeds have risen in response to NBN bundling CVC with AVC.

              These are both public documents.

              • @mathew42: Isn’t it easy cherry pick arguments and ignore the expert analysis.

                You’ve read the analysis by experts where the nbn went wrong, right? Though, part blame lies with Telstra wanting to protect their monopoly.

                • @Vote for Pedro: Many experts have written differing opinions on where the NBN went wrong. Labor expecting that people would pay significantly more for an internet connection is possibly an area most agree on. Labor even acknowledged that people would move to cheaper wireless services. SpaceX Starlink is the next threat to NBN, although more likely a saviour as SkyMuster costs more to run than it generates in revenue.

                  Any chance you could actually make an attempt to disprove my statements?

                  • @mathew42: You don’t get to set the ground rules and frame the question. All you seem to be about is slamming labor and protecting your LNP interests. We could have had a future proof fttp. Instead we have what we have.

                    • @Vote for Pedro: A future proof FTTP that only the top 1% could access at the advertised speeds? Are you aware how few people are connected at plans faster than 100Mbps?

                      How about this question: Examining take-up of services, which of the plans has delivered a faster average speed for the slowest 50%, 75% and 90% of connections? A propose using Labor's NBNCo Corporate Plan and ACCC NBN Wholesale Market Indicators report for comparison.

                  • -1

                    @mathew42: For added flavour, the Libs promised their nbn would be far cheaper (as a trade off for a crappier product and quicker roll out) at $29.5 billion. But in 2018 it was already at $51 billion and it’s still not finished.

                  • @mathew42:

                    SpaceX Starlink is the next threat to NBN

                    Obviously you've never used satellite internet before. It's about as much a threat as electric bicycles are to car ownership.

                    • @[Deactivated]: I have used satellite internet, however SpaceX Starlink is very different as the satellites are in low earth orbit which means 30ms latency compared with 300ms from NBN's soon to be obsolete SkyMuster satellites.

                      • +1

                        @mathew42: Oh I don’t disagree on the Skymuster front. Like all paper Billionaires, Elon believes he’s above the law. Alas the laws of physics do trump the laws of Elon, unless he’s discovered some quantum networking technics.

                        • @[Deactivated]: Which laws of physics are you suggesting that Starlink is violating?

                          Geosynchronous orbit is 35,768km above the Earth's equator.
                          Starlink satellites are orbiting at 550km.
                          The 35,000km difference results in Starlink connections having latency around 30ms.

                          • @mathew42: That's latency end to end. Not just the uplink to the satellite, unless elon is going to host a caching data centre up there?

      • What? It was The Australian's & News Corp in general campaign against the labor FttH NBN which hobbled it.

        • I would argue it was Labor's attempt to make pricing of 12Mbps service similar to ADSL while also arguing that it would deliver a 7% return on investment so could remain off budget and the $90 billion handout to Telstra that was problem. If Labor had the courage to put the NBN on budget and subsidised the cost as a nation building exercise then the outcome would have been different.

          • @mathew42: So you’re blaming labor for not having the courage but then defending the liberals version of the nbn? It’s really hard to go past your obvious party political affiliations.

            • @Vote for Pedro: What I have done is pointed out that the Liberal plan hasn't caused the damage that is being claimed, because Labor's plan wasn't going to deliver the 1Gbps promise from a sound-bite.

              Reality is that for greater than 80% being on FTTN has no impact on their experience, because most people won't pay more for faster speeds.

              • @mathew42:

                Reality is that for greater than 80% being on FTTN has no impact on their experience,

                Where’d You pull that stat from?

                • @[Deactivated]: Institute of Public Affairs handbook probably.

                • @[Deactivated]: The evidence for "Reality is that for greater than 80% being on FTTN has no impact on their experience" is based on ACCC NBN Wholesale Market Indicators report which shows only 10% are opting for 100Mbps, with little difference between the technologies.

                  Another fun fact: If you removed the speed tiers on FTTN using variable performance as an excuse, the average speed would be faster than FTTP with Labor's speed tiers.

                  • @mathew42: Umm but fttn can't get even close to 100 in peak hour. Again where did you pull that stat from?

                    • @[Deactivated]: A FTTP capped at 12Mbps thanks to Labor's speed tiers is even further away from 100Mbps than then 68Mbps average for a FTTN connection.

                      The stat comes from the numbers in the ACCC NBN Wholesale Market Indicators report. I've mentioned that 3 times.

              • @mathew42: But you’re ok with a cost of $29 billion blowing out to $51 billion (2018) to deliver an inferior product?

  • -1

    No deal.

    Why would anyone want to pay a micro cent to fund the Phone Hacker and it's pure evil fake news empire?

    Nothing associated with Fake News Corp is ever a bargain.

    Moderators please immediately delete this OP's post.

    This is not a forum for promoting fake news.

    • -1

      Isn't this post about SBS, not about your ABC?

  • -2

    Jesus people love a whinge.

    • +1

      What do you have against Christians and Catholics?

  • -1

    I wouldn't watch it through foxtel box. They'll use the telemetry to figure out which shows the buy and take them away from free to air.

  • Blessed be the fruit

  • Offering a free app on a paid platform is not a deal. Especially when it is available almost everywhere else already.

  • I have IQ2 :(

  • This dude will never post again lol.

  • +1

    not a deal or a bargain

  • Be nice to have Prime Video & Disney+ app on IQ4
    Boxes like they have Netflix

  • I am genuinely glad to know, and know someone who will use the shit out of this on Foxtel, but it's still not a deal.

    Thanks though :)

  • +1

    No deal!

  • +2

    I don't get how a service that has always been free is considered a deal when it's offered on a paid subscription…

  • What an awesome offer, I so glad this was posted.

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