Was $39.99. Coupon can be used to take $10 off a $50 spend.
Seeing the popularity of the Blunt Umbrella Deal thought I might share this. I lost a TaylorMade double canopy umbrella some time ago when it got blown out of my golf buggy and into the lake and instead of spending $100 to replace it, gave this one a try. Almost as good a quality as a TaylorMade golf umbrella, will not invert and even when the buggy fell over to the side being blown by the wind (now tightly secured), and took umbrella with it, no breakage or damage was received by the umbrella. So happy with it that I now own 4 of these.
Being a golf umbrella it's a bit big but it lives in the boot for when needed on rainy non golf days.
Lol what doesn't let you check out unless you have $25 in your cart. Therefore you must buy at least 2.