Tricare Instant Hand Sanitiser 250ml $3.99 @ ALDI
Stock is reappearing as the hysteria dies down
72% alcohol
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Tricare Instant Hand Sanitiser 250ml $3.99 @ ALDI

Last edited 04/12/2020 - 15:43 by 1 other user
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Finally it's happened to me
Right in front of my face
My feelings can't describe itttttI can't find any of the Pump versions on recent weekly visits :/ only Refills
Now we're getting somewhere.
Made in Australia
Oops shouldn't have got the kogan one!
The $49 for 1.2L one… :(
Looks like they increased their price a little bit. Still not as bad as others.
yeah im sure this used to be $2.99
Still no soap or sanitiser in mine today anyway. Be refilling the handsoaps with dishwashing soap soon lol
Nothing wrong with that. I've been using dishwashing liquid as a hand soap in the kitchen for years.
Agreee. But for people with sensitive skin, it may be too harsh.
Now that's not a bad price. You pay the same for 50mL at Woolies and Coles.
Oh but when a YouFoodz deal comes up you all suddenly have a moral conscience 😂
Literally looked through the comments because I knew someone wouldn't be able to stop themselves. Be glad I can only neg you once.
I don't think you can "look through comments" in any other way except literally, so have a free-range negg for that.
72%w/w Surprising to see it specified in w/w, not v/v. But actually higher concentration, probably about 80% v/v. Interesting.
Keep going. I'm almost there.
Ok, that's disturbing.
Keep going.
anyone heard of Zoono?
Only in the last few days and only on forums. The claim it lasts 24hrs sounds like a load of garbage as well. As if people aren't going to wash their hands for 24hrs. It is nothing new but all of a sudden people are shilling it everywhere.
COVID has been good for their share price which has doubled since February. Maybe I'm just cynical….
I just looked it up since you made the same comment on the other hand sanitizer post too. $30 for 250ml why would you even get it??????
This is the one I normally use before covid. Has a nice smell to it
It’s a bit sticky I found but good product.
you need to wave your hand to let it dry then you won't feel it sticky anymore.
Hm, that's pretty important to me, I found Aqium to be the least sticky out of the most popular brands (the clear bottle/liquid) to leave the least residue or smell after use.
It only has some moisturizer but you don't feel any stickiness for at least 2 or 3 uses.
The reason it feels sticky sometimes is almost always sweat on the hands/arms.
Is monocare $1.33?
I injected this into my thigh last week. I haven't caught Bat Flu. I guess it works.
wrong product, this isn't disinfectant.
Well actually, I was told NOT to inject disinfectant. Sanitiser wasn't mentioned.
Didn’t they use to be $2.4 or so before this hoarding started?
I can't remember the exact price but they were definitely cheaper as I bought my last bottle from Aldi in late February/early March.
It used to be $2.99 back in Feb.
Can confirm, I paid $2.99 in Feb
Even at that time, most of the shop sold out. I just happened to see a few shops still had more than 20 bottles at the time. Great product for the price.…
Yep. Grabbed a few before this all started to blow up!
But you paid $1.49 for 500ml of Tomato Sauce!
Ethanol cost more than your tomato sauce.
This one was the cheapest and quality is good. For those who said it is sticky, you need to wave your hand to let it dry completely. There is no sticky feeling once it dried. I got it for $2.99 in mid-Feb. At $3.99 it is still a very good price compared to all the rip-off out there.
They really need to remove their wings to prevent such cruelty.
Good luck finding stock for these. Even antibacterial handwash and the refill bottle has been out of stock in aldi around my place for weeks.
I assume you're the Redditor who posted it there too
The identical usernames didnt give it away Mr Holmes?
hopefully it will put those overnight companies selling overpriced sanitiser to rest now..
Tricare hand sanitiser feels not so good as the ones of Dettol
I got one 950mlBahh … cage eggs
None in Chatswood
And just like that I've almost used up my days negs on one chat lol.
Did you provide this deal? No? Then don't judge other people.
I'm sure I could dig up something you'd have to explain.thanks, Aldi, for not being price-jacking jackasses. i understand prices will be up from a few months ago so this is a reasonable increase.
I am also grateful to Aldi for having supply at all - however I don’t think a 35% overnight price increase on a staple product in the midst of a pandemic earns them a pat on the back either…
My 2c
$1 seriously? Comparable to what else is on the market I think $1 is fine. You could probably guarantee that it was the supplier who raised the price.
Thank you america of creating a best virus!
CPC virus.
I tried yesterday at Thornleigh Aldi. Out of stock.
Do you know which Aldi in Sydney has stock?East Victoria Park is in Perth WA. I haven't seen hand sani at Aldi since Feb in Sydney NSW. I recently picked up 1L of Badu hand sani at Epping Coles for $16 about 3 weeks ago but haven't seen it since. Hopefully all of this local made stock will drive the prices down. Because $24/500ml (general price in most pharmacies, Victoria's basement, health food stores) is ridiculous.
i've seen newsagencies around here trying to flog the $25 500mL bottles as well.
No room left in the pantry with all that bloody toilet paper …
Welcome back Aldi hand sanitiser!
Suffer in yer jocks, online gouging hand scamitisers!
In WA my local Aldi finally had them in stock and quite a few boxes too, both the original and the grapefruit variety.
I bought one of each as Aldi still have the 2 per customer limit, even though Woolies and Coles have already dropped their limits.
2 bottles should last ages anyway.
Thanks Aldi! :)