Just saw this clearance deal at Coles in Moonee Ponds, VIC tonight. After the one I grabbed, there were two left. Not sure if other stores will have the same deal.
Works out at $0.56 per can…
Just saw this clearance deal at Coles in Moonee Ponds, VIC tonight. After the one I grabbed, there were two left. Not sure if other stores will have the same deal.
Works out at $0.56 per can…
I can read a '9/7/11' date on one of the stickers on it… but that's seems way too old to be sold.
It's "reduced to clear" stock. Tried uploading a photo to this deal, but I don't think it's loaded yet(?).
probably reduced to clear because it is close to its expiry.
I mean on the cans…….
Holy crap that's cheap for mothers….
Thanks OP
Are you kidding me, I got my Mother for free ( or was it the other way round)
Really? I got your mother for free as well and fun times were had. ;)
On a different note I would prefer if you used the acronym MILF instead-> I was talking about the drink
My local coles was selling these for $10 with a BB 26/10/11
Got the same price at World Square (Sydney) two weeks ago.
Now I feel ripped off paying $12.50 last week. Still damn cheaper for these drinks.
For anyone considering buying just check the expiry date. Mine was end of October 2011.
As I normally drink 1 or 2 cans a day the expiration didn't really worry me.
Mate these will be fine for months still after the Best Before date….
drinks probably would be . not too sure about chris after drinking 1/2 every day !
Exactly, they will be good well after the BB date.
Even a year after it will probably have just lost some of its fizz.
sugar free?
They don't make sugar-free Mother and besides the lower sugar ones are blue in colour and not red.
Someone's going to overdose on caffeine
Sweet deal. What is the expiry date?