Free Baking Booklet from Robin Hood - No Personal Information Required

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Get this when surfing on the internet.
Just want to share it with you, as the food looks tasty….
No area limitation.
The page loading is slow sometimes.
I will definitely try when I have time…


  • +2

    Keep in mind that this is a Canadian recipe book, so some of the items need to be substituted- for example:

    • all purpose flour = plain flour
    • cake flour (lighter flour than plain) = remove three tablespoons of plain flour per cup of flour and replace it with cornflour or potato flour
    • sweetened condensed milk - looks like evaporated milk but is much sweeter, don't think you can get it here, but a substitute is to mix 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons of dry (powdered) milk and 1/2 cup warm water. When mixed, add 3/4 cup of granulated (ordinary) sugar.
    • cornstarch = corn flour
    • baking soda - bicarbinate of soda
    • Crisco shortning = copha
    • vanilla extract = vanilla essence
    • 2% milk = lite milk
    • corn syrup = Golden Syrup
    • Graham Crackers - not an exact substitute, but they are roughly similar to digestive biscuits
  • Recipe has always been free, moved to forums.

  • just a couple of comments - hope they help :)

    you can get sweetened condensed milk in Australia, from any supermarket - its even a homebrand

    corn syrup does not = golden syrup at least imho.

    Glucose syrup would be closer but in this case you can buy the "real thing" from most health foods stores (possibly the supermarket)- look for the Karo brand

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