This was posted 13 years 5 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free "Swarovski Elements Crystal Earrings"


It doesn't appear that any confirmation of your email or "friends'" email is necessary so you know the score: falsify everything that isn't necessary to get your free crap to your door. Enjoy!

EDIT: One of my friends put her details in last week and got her earrings today. This is why I posted. Not a scam :)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    link isn't working, it just goes to subscription page.

  • -2

    Ozbargained for their earrings in 5….4…3…2..

  • is shipping free too?

  • Going live in 5 days 20 hours…beans atm!

  • How do I know if I'll get it or not? I didn't get any confirmation email or anything

    • +1

      i got an email.
      "Once we’ve confirmed your details, your crystal earrings made with Swarovski Elements will be on their way!"

  • how do i get it?

  • Says you gotta refer 3 people to get it?

    • I think it means referring to 3 email addresses. pretty easy actually.

  • +5

    This looks pretty good for referrals.

    • cool, hadn't heard of this one yet. I always use Mailinator.

    • Another option is using by install their firefox plugin then all you need just a right click to generate a disposable email that will valid on certain days only

  • +13

    Positive just for this: "you know the score: falsify everything that isn't necessary to get your free crap to your door"

  • Kaboom!!

  • -1

    I smell a little bit of BS

  • -1

    this looks rigged

  • Is it safe to sign up to?

  • i got an email that once they've confirmed my details i can get my earrings.

    • Same, I guess we won't know until the site is actually up and running

  • +1

    I don't know how many people claim to make jewellery with "swarovski" crystals, but it should be pointed out that you'll never know if they really are or not.

    And for those unaware, these aren't official swarovski earrings (like from Swarovski). At best, they've purchased crystals from swarovski and made it into their own earrings.

  • How do they confirm our details?

  • I don't know why no one has noticed this yet, but:

    Why isn't there a box to enter in a postcode?

    Does this mean they don't intend to be sending anything out in exchange for your friends' emails?

    • +3

      u already entered the postcode when u subscribe to the site

  • +9

    I thought "Swarovski" was Polish for "Cheap glass that looks expensive"

  • im just slightly worried because i keep thinking… "if its too good to be true, its likely false"

    • maybe, but i figure with all the freebies over the years my name and address would be on countless mailing lists by now, so one more probably won't make a difference!
      ps i keep track of who sold my details to who else by changing my name/address slightly

      • +1

        morpheu one day, morpheus the next? :)

        • +1

          ….do you take the red pill or the blue pill… ;)

  • -5

    Doesn't work? After I click subscribe it goes funny and cases IE to restart -happens every time!

    • +3

      looks like it time to switch browsers. I would recommend Chrome but firefox will do as well.

    • What version of IE are you running?

  • +3

    Hi, I'm from Deal Land. To help clarify a few questions, please check Deal Land's Facebook page where you will see images of the product. We validate data before sending the earrings out so please make sure that you submit legitimate information. If you submit invalid email addresses, you will not receive your earrings. To sign up, visit Thank you

    • +2

      Not a good idea to vote on your own deal!
      Also, where's the "Zip/Postal Code" box? wont let me submit without it..

      • I am not voting simply explaining.

        • +2

          There's a little green plus next to your name that means you've voted positively for this deal, which is disallowed in OzBargain's voting guidelines.

          If you are associated with the Deal or company DON'T VOTE. Friend, Family, employees, shareholders, media relations, developers, contractor, affiliate etc In other words you are independent from the company or deal. All infractions may lead to a ban and post being revoked.

          If you wish to revoke the vote, there's 2 buttons just above the deal's picture that say "view" and "votes." Typically a viewing a deal shows the "view" page, pressing "votes" allows you to see who has voted for a deal and allows you to revoke your own vote.

        • +1

          please mark yourself as a rep by sending scotty/mods an email.

    • +2


      You may want to read our guidelines for merchants, specifically on voting on a deal that you have affiliation with:

      I've revoked your vote this time.

  • -4

    Those daily deal websites have programs that check the email addresses. Do you really think they're going to let through an email like those yopmail email addresses? They're not stupid…

    AND WHILE WE'RE AT IT. What's the god damn harm in submitting three legitimate email addresses to receive your earrings? Are you all worried you don't have enough friends to complete that task? It's free. The least you can do is be a good human (foreign concept to you maybe) and do the right thing by referring people to get your earrings.

    And I got mine the other day and they're GREAT. Think it's a scam? They just put pictures on Facebook of the earrings they're giving out. Do your research before you just assume that everyone's out to scam you. Morons.

    • If the deal isn't live yet, how could you possibly have got any earrings?

      • read OP post and facebook page. Has people posting that they got it

      • llama - it isn't a deal. They're giving away this gift until their site officially launches.

    • +4

      I have used fake addresses successfully countless times. This does not make the business owners stupid, they factor this in to their model. They know that a bunch of people are going to give fake details, they are just counting on a bunch of people to give correct details.

      The 'god damn harm' is that you are likely giving out three of your friends' email addresses without their permission. Unless you want to take the time to contact them each first instead of signing up for this freebie in a matter of seconds. Even then you are opening them up to potential spam.

      AND WHILE WE'RE AT IT - you won't get far calling people bad humans for being slightly stingy on this site.

      EDIT: Just realised this is katsup's first post. Potentially an abusive sockpuppet?

      • +1

        does seem suss…although they didn't vote for the deal so I can't really tell

  • Can you check if my entry is valid?
    Since the page kinda timed out on me…

  • +1

    Received today :)

  • +1

    Received 2 today! :o

  • Still waiting on mine :(

    • You can email them and tell them. They replied to my email quick and I got them few days later. I went through the contact form on their page

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