This was posted 13 years 5 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Audible Win-Win Sale: $5 Audio Books - 100 to Choose from


Sign up to be a subscriber and take advantage of 100+ audiobooks available for only $5 each. Regular prices are around $15-$30.

Subscriptions start at $7.49 per month for the first three months - each month includes a credit to purchase an book from a collection of 100,000+.

Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time - see my comment below for the lowest cost way to take advantage of this offer.

Most books are user rated 4 stars +. Some of the selections available include:

Tom Clancy: Dead or Alive
The Clockwork Universe: Isaac Newton, The Royal Society, and the Birth of the Modern World
America's Secret War: Inside the Struggle Between the United States and Its Enemies
Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time
Economics in One Lesson
Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant
The Company: A Novel of the CIA
The Memory of Running
The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives
Bend Sinister

The list goes on….. Many fiction and non-fiction titles.

Each book is between 7 and 24 hours long, so they are great for road trips and daily communiting. Compatible with Andriod, iPhone and numerous mp3 players.

ENDS 11.59pm TONIGHT (20 SEPTEMBER 2011).

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Audible US

closed Comments

  • +1

    This Promotion is Unavailable

    EDIT Do we have to log in to see the special?

    EDIT2 Nope, logged in and still This Promotion is Unavailable. I don't have a subscription.

    • I just logged out to check out the link I posted. It apppears you MUST BE A MEMBER to see the special prices (non members will see $7.49 sign up offer price). You can still view titles using the link.

      Someone might need to sign up as a member to test this out. Please post results.

    • OK - thanks for the help. I changed the original post to clarify that you need to be a paid subscriber to get this deal. Since the net extra cost of becoming a subscriber is only $2.49 (see my comment below), I still think this is a very good deal for people thinking about signing up.

  • I see the prices as $7.49. When I click on "Offer Details" I get:

    Get your first 3 months for only $7.49/month*
    and just $14.95/month thereafter. Cancel anytime.
    AudibleListener® Gold Membership
    With AudibleListener Gold, you can choose to download any of 100,000 audiobooks and more, and listen on your iPod®, iPhone®, BlackBerry, or 500+ MP3 players.Your membership includes:

    One monthly credit good for any audiobook you choose to download
    30% off any audiobook purchased without a credit
    Free daily subscription to The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal
    Member-exclusive sales and promotions
    • $7.49 is for the first three books (each) if you join up. Sign up with a paid membership may or may not be needed to take advantage of this offer. As I said, this part I am not clear about.

      At the bare minimum you can do as follows:

      1. Sign up with a monthly membership and purchase ANY book with your first credit.
      2. Take advantage of the $5 book offer to buy as many of these 'special' books as you like. (Note: I'm a subscriber but still bought 5 of these books on special).
      3. Download the software and titles to your phone.
      4. Cancel your subscription.

      Net cost for membership: $2.49 (i.e. extra cost for the 'subscription' less the cost of the included book at the special price).

      • +1

        Note when you purchase the $5 books and then go to your libary to downlod them they often spring up a surprise further sale window with a dozen or more cheap titles to choose from.

        Canceling is easy there's a button in your account to do so and when you do they often pop up a window offering you cheaper memberships to get you to stay

        The Audible Iphone software is really good :)

        • Agree. I've tried audio books as regular mp3 using music software on my phone - problem is you can easily loose your place. The Audible sofware is easy to use, tracks where you are up to across all your library titles.

  • +1

    I'm a member but no longer a subscriber and the $4.95 books show up for me (I already brought what I wanted last week).
    I joined Audible a couple of months ago through Amazon first month free and then free to cancel subscription after that. Not sure if the Amazon offer is still available as they know I am a member so they stop showing me the banners, Just go to amazon then Audiobooks and look to see if there are any special offer banners with audible on top of the page.

    Also if you like audio books there are some free ones available from The Guardian I posted this on Whirl earlier

    So I have seen audiobooks mentioned a few times in this thread so I figure this is as good a place as any to >post this, The Guardian have partnered with AudioGO to give away Unabridged John Le Carre books narated by >Michael Jayston.…

    I had no problem getting them even though I specified that I was from Australia, just follow the instructions >on the Guardian site create your audiogo account and voila free audiobooks :)

  • +4

    I used to subscribe but I had such a backlog of books to listen to (their sales are hard to resist) that I cancelled my membership. Luckily they allowed me to stay a member for three months without accruing credits but it still gave me access to this sale, $5 per book, bargain!

    EDIT: Forgot to add, a lot of the books available are region locked so we can't buy them in Australia. iIf you set up your address in your Billing Details section with a US address (it doesn't have to match your credit card address, I like Beverly Hills as the Suburb, 90210 is the postcodde :) you will be a lot more books available and in some cases the prices are even different (sometimes higher than Aus but mostly lower). If you are going to buy a book rather than use credits, it could pay to change your address and check the price in both regions, you pay in $US no matter what anyway. I didn't look closely but for this for this sale I don't think it matters which region you are from.

    • Thanks for the tip! Would you still be able to download them on your app (android, ipod, etc) though if it's not in the Australia region?

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