• expired

50% off for 12 hours: 1kg/500g Blend $25/ $15, Single Origin $30/ $20 Coffee Beans Delivered in VIC@ Inglewood Coffee Roasters


50% off coffee sale! 12 HOURS ONLY!

My best coffee - Love the COLOMBIA SPIRIT OF PEACE

Enjoy and Stay Safe

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Referees get $10 off 1st order of $60+. Referrers get 100 points.

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Inglewood Coffee Roasters
Inglewood Coffee Roasters

closed Comments

  • +1

    I bought the SUNSET BLVD blend last time and was impressed. Very good coffee especially for the price.

    • +1

      @swimmingtoad how dark of a roast would you say the SUNSET BLVD is?

      • It is a middle of the road type blend imo.

    • +4

      Lol, you're kidding right? You must not take part in many coffee bean discussions.

    • +8

      Argh you're lucky I have no negs left today.

    • +4

      Yeah but one is freshly roasted and delivered to you, and one has been sitting on a shelf or warehouse for months. Price is only part of the equation here

    • +5

      Not sure if:

      • trolling
      • joking
      • born without tastebuds
      • +1

        POSSIBLY all three. But I doubt it.

    • +2

      2 out of 3 @Chickenleg.
      Nothing like getting a good evening giggle rickrolling coffee snobs.
      Inglewood is good, have been drinking Cory's roasts for a while.

    • +2

      International Roast is $2.20/100g. Check and mate.

    • Lavazza does have its uses

      e.g. seasoning a new grinder.

      Actually I can't think of another use, so make that singular.

  • Seems to work fine with 250g as well, thanks

  • No Ethiopian?

  • Are these just beans or can they come grinded?

    • +1

      Beans or Ground, choose during order.

  • How do these compare to the Manna beans deal?

    • Manna Beans deals includes free shipping so it's still cheaper than this deal unless you live in Vic.
      I haven't tried these beans though, no idea if they're better or worse.

      • Manna beans deal is whole beans only

        • +11

          I think Manna Beans will grind them for you if you ask, but I'm not sure because I'm not an unwashed savage who drinks coffee that isn't freshly ground.

  • 5$ for shipping outside of VIC. No free delivery for any above $ orders?

    • doesn't look it. So I only bought 1 pack.

  • +1

    Better flavours and aromas than Manna beans

    • How is it compared to bay beans?

  • Sunset Blvd seems to be out of stock? Says 15 available but get no stock message at shopping cart.

    • I just bought a 1KG bag and it didn't say anything.

      • Because you bought it this morning. It was out of stock last night.

  • +2

    Can vouch for the decaf.
    Taste is on point.
    Has a tiny kick still, like 10% tiny. Could be placebo tho, idk yet.

  • bought the blends last time, took a while to be delivered to perth but was worth the wait. still got plenty, but considering to order some more!

  • The first two are unavailable. Out of stock despite the stock levels saying otherwise.

    • Only the one-kilo bags are out of stock. Multiple 500g bags work fine but you pay $30/kg rather than $25/kg.

      • That is what I did….

        • That's it, but no problems as the 1kg bags are back!

  • Picked up 2x500g of a couple as the 1kg were out of stock. Still a great deal inc free delivery

    • Try next time the COLOMBIA SPIRIT OF PEACE

      • I drink my coffee black - espresso, long blacks and the occasional long mac.

        How does that blend fare without milk or is it more for milk coffee drinkers?

        I’m about done on my last order from Pablo and Rusty so up for something new.

        • +1

          I usually drink it with a drop of milk and It is strong and BOLD, I used to get the Pablo and Rustry and it also good but the Colombia Spirit is stronger

          • +1

            @ozpopo: Have you ever tried their decaf? Usually like to have some on-hand as well for guests or late night brews - any good (for decaf)?

          • @ozpopo: I'll grab some of this too - spirit of peace - it doesn't have overly burnt or bitter notes hen appropriately extracted is it?

      • I grabbed a Roosevelt, will try the Colombia next time if it's up for sale :)

      • No thanks. Only drink caps and espresso is not the right mix…

  • No idea if good blends but that is cheap.

  • Ta OP

    Got myself 1x Colombia Spirit of Peace on your recommendation and 1x Sunset Blvd

  • WTF.

    250g of ROOSEVELT is for $1000!

    • I tried to check out 250g of Roosevelt, seems to be sold out

      • sure. say that it's sold out.. but don't ask $1000 :(

        for a moment, I thought I am trying to buy a hand sanitizer!

  • SUNSET BLVD 1kg appears in stock, just ordered

  • Got the Sunset Boulevard last deal, enjoyed it, time to try the Columbia. Thanks OP.

  • ordered Sunset Boulevard. Cheers, OP.

  • How are these beans compared to Olivers Real Food beans?

  • Bought 500g of Decaf and the blend sunset blvd

    Will probably take me a good 3 - 4 weeks to go through, hopefully it's roasted fresh close to the order

  • Darn. Still working through my 1kg Dukes from last deal

  • Just ordered 1kg of the SUNSET BLVD and 1kg of the COLOMBIA SPIRIT OF PEACE

    Looking forward to trying these out!

  • +1

    The sunset has been restocked.
    Can I add one too my order without having to pay shipping again?

    I would have liked to try it too

  • Just bought 2 1kg bags without issues

    One of the sunset and one of the espresso.

    Let’s see if this stuff is worth $60 a kilo!

    • You're a brave man. That's a lotta coffee if you don't like it.

  • thanks. bought 1kg Sunset Blvd beans.

  • NO longer 50% off. I'm only getting 25% using the FlASHSALE code.

    • It was a 'flash sale' - 12 hours only.

      Got my order in last night - looking forward to trying some new beans :) Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Damn it I just missed it! :(

  • Very tempting… was thinking about ordering their only Filter Roast option… but 1kg is a big order if it turns out to be no good.

    Has anyone tried a Filter Roast from these guys before?

  • +1

    I’ve had no communication since ordering on Friday.

    Can we expect shipment this week?

    I’m used to ordering and having freshly roasted beans ship within a couple of days from other roasters.

    Will be disappointed if these don’t arrive by Friday. First time trying Inglewood. Fingers crossed.

    • I had a shipment notification from Australia Post yesterday, saying picked up from Port Melbourne which I assume is for the coffee. But nothing from the company. I'm in NSW, so they might use a different provider depending on where you are.

  • Already a disappointing experience. Will be requesting a refund if it doesn't arrive by Friday.

  • Yes, was wondering how long it would take for the coffee to be sent out. Anyone with any experience?

  • Same here. Ordered last Friday and still waiting. I am in Melbourne about 5 mins drive from their warehouse. Should have just went there in person rather than order online.

  • Out of interest, has anyone tried roasting their own beans? Just wondering how difficult it is and whether viable cost/value wise, not to be mention the quality of coffee compared to professional roasters. One benefit I can see is green beans have a long shelf live so you could roast small batches as needed.

  • +3

    We placed an order last week and these just got delivered! Looks like they are doing their own deliveries, because ours was delivered by a guy in a Mercedes, not Australia Post or a courier company… the beans smell amazing, and we got a canister with them too!

    • Oh great! Hope mine arrives today.

    • +2

      Just got mine too, the tin was unexpected! These guys are legends, I asked for some spare bags so that I could portion out and freeze the beans. They went a step further and portioned out my kilo into separate bags for me!

    • +1

      Same guy just delivered mine. Was not expecting a tin as well!
      Went for the Sunset blend, which makes an amazing espresso.
      The beans arrived still warm!

      • Where are you guys located? Hopefully my side of town lol

        • +1

          Hawthorn, so i'm guessing he's working his way around today. Fingers crossed!

          • @Harvey1: Still waiting :(

            • +1

              @nahz: Oh damn! Must be a fair few orders going out this week i'm guessing.
              If it helps, it's worth the wait!

            • @nahz: Me too

              Edit: apparently was delivered a few minutes ago!

    • Sounds like their quiet approach so far has been redeemed for many of you already. Seems like most of us will receive our orders this week which, in my case, is good given I'm almost out of coffee!

  • +1

    To all who purchased this deal, has anyone received theirs yet? Been almost a week and I haven't heard anything, no shipping updated on PayPal, nothing.

    Edit: Sorry, i missed all the posts above before posting, should have double checked.

    • I'm in Sydney and I received a tracking notice yesterday that I assume is from here. It has yet to give me an expected delivery date though.

    • +1

      I ordered 3KG on the day the deal was posted and have nothing other than an automated "we've received your order" email.

      • My order too is yet to arrive :(

        • Finally arrived. Well worth the wait! :)

    • Hey guys, just got mine this morning.
      Didn’t appear to be courier, came with small tin also which is very nice.
      Hang in there guys!

      • May I ask what suburb you're from?

    • All, just got mine yesterday. No call or whatever , found it in my mail room on the floor.

  • Sorry if this is a stupid question but just bought a breville barista pro after using a moka pot my whole life. Played around with some Aldi peru beans to work out the extraction process. I have bought the COLOMBIA SPIRIT OF PEACE beans and tried my first shot which was very bitter even though the extraction was around 28 secs. Is there usually a similar sort of grind size and amount that is consistent between all barista pro machines or each machine is different even though same model?

    • When you say extraction - do you mean when the water is running through the ground coffee?

      We use a Gaggia coffee machine, and my husband runs that process for 6 seconds, and I do about 8-9 seconds. So maybe you're going for too long?

      • I'm taking about the length of time from the machine starting to the last drop being poured. Usually the coffee comes out at the 8 to 9 sec mark. I'll have a play around with different grind levels over the weekend

        • Another thing we've learnt is that when you heat up the machine, it gets too hot. So you need to run the machine (without the coffee in place) to get the excess heat out, otherwise the coffee gets burnt.

  • How long does delivery take?
    I ordered on 23 April…

    • All good, everything just turned up, freshly roasted and an unexpected coffee tin. Thanks.
      Crisis averted. 😅

      • +1

        Same. Mine arrived in Sydney today. Looking at the tracking, it was stuck in Melbourne for all of last week.

  • I got mine today in QLD, order placed on the 23/4 for 500g of Roosevelt and 250g of Sunset Blvd (both whole bean) and instead received 500g of each already ground with roast date of of the 23rd. Bit of a bummer since I mainly use coarse grind in an Aeropress and Cold Bruer, not espresso. I don't know if there was a mix up or they just didn't have the product on hand to fulfil the OzBargain orders they've been receiving.

    • UPDATE: Contacted Inglewood about the order mix-up and they are sending me out the whole beans - super fast response time too, was very pleased with the customer service!

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