Similar price to previous deals listed on OzB so thought I would share.
Similar price to previous deals listed on OzB so thought I would share.
Been getting the Bunnings Or target ones, not sure if much difference.
Good not paying full price for these either way. We're lucky we can drink the water in this county to start with..
do you mean a different branded filter for the Brita jugs? or a diffferent set altogether?
Yeah those small oval shaped ones for jugs etc
Different shaped filter for a different use/jug?
Awesome timing, mine just about 'expired'.
bought one today ty
Target branded ones are $15 for a 3-pack and compatible with Brita
thanks for the heads up! will have to look in to this!
This sells for $63.99 for an 8 pack at Costco. Last time they had $10 off, making it $53.99 for 8, or $6.75 each. I only buy it at around that price. Anything more than $7 is too much for me.
Thanks for the info! will know for next time :)
Yep. Last time I bought a 12 pack from the Brita website with a $20 reduction for signing up to the newsletter. Came to $7.30 each.
Rather do this.
Thanks for posting. Bought a few.
They are $9 each in Woolworths mcarthur Brisbane. They all made in china though. Can anyone confirm if it is the same everywhere else?
thanks op…always handy having a few spare in the cupboard