Amazon Android Appstore Goes Worldwide…

Some good news for the android fans, for those who can't be bothered to use the little region "hack" to get those one-a-day free apps, now you don't have to.

In my opinion, most of the free apps are mediocre at best, but there have been a few really good ones. Also amazon has more deals/price drops on their android apps than sites such as mobihand or google android market.


  • nice thanks mate

  • Too bad can't vote up a forum post. +1 for you!

  • Hurrah!

  • thank God, cuz i could never get it to work before with all the workarounds

    • The "workaround" is also borderline unethical (and some might argue illegal) as you need to put in a fake credit card detail. Those Amazon App Store deals usually get reported for suggesting hacks, and so far mods have to turn a blind eye on it + adding declaration that people need to be personal responsible for their own hack.

      Hopefully no more of that :)

  • There are a few reports that this no longer works.

    EDIT: And looks like it is region locked to the US again, it was fun while it lasted.
    And here:
    I just tried to download the free up now and it told me it wasn't available in my region after yesterday letting me buy and download PvZ

    Has anyone else had trouble?! It worked fine for me last night - but I will wait for the next free app to check again (and postpone my disappointment :P).

    • yes its not working any more. hope it just temp

    • Oh that sucks. I installed an app to make sure it worked. Hopefully it's only temporary. I also noticed the that the Amazon website reverted back to its old layout.

      • doesnt work for me anymore.
        even with the workaround…maybe i need some us proxy

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