Because its free and I intend it to always be its not really a bargain and can't post it in the bargain thread. Work dropped off a cliff so I managed to clean up a few projects, one of which is a weight loss strategy I have been using for 6 months and it has worked wonders.
Counting calories just stressed me out and I ended up spending more time thinking about food than I should. 6 months ago I came up with an idea of an "Ideal day" and built an app that kept score. That has been built upon as I added a few bit and pieces here and there. I gamified the app by giving myself a score, and as you complete the tasks such as not having a morning snack you get a point. If you have more "good choices" than "bad ones" your score goes up.
I was able to count how many more good choices I needed to make to get to my goal weight. Its been the easiest weight I have ever lost.
Anyway, as the title suggests I made an app and am making it available or free.
You can download the Android one here:…
The iOS one here:
And a story about how it works and my journey here:…
Can you do a before and after MS Paint?