For all gin lovers.
With cashback as per dealbot's post, BWS: 25% Cashback (Was 2%, Cap $30) @ ShopBack, the price effectively comes down to $42.50. (Expired)
For all gin lovers.
With cashback as per dealbot's post, BWS: 25% Cashback (Was 2%, Cap $30) @ ShopBack, the price effectively comes down to $42.50. (Expired)
Great roku too
But does it stream? Asking the big questions here!
The more you drink, the more you will stream.
Starts at 4pm. Can't wait. I will though ^^
I see BWS ozbargained…
swing and a miss
BWS has thousands of products, let's not list them 1 by 1.
No, let's!
but this one seems to be real bargain as retails at over $60 at dan's
Can confirm that after discount, it's cheaper than buying in Japan! Haven't seen a Roku-gin priced so low at supermarkets (or even duty-free) in Japan.
By my calculation it's $42.63. I thought cashback amount was calculated on the cost of the item minus 10% GST. Or does it depend on the individual store?
No you are right.
I thought cashback amount was calculated on the cost of the item minus 10% GST. Or does it depend on the individual store?
Yes, and no.
With ShopBack (the cashback company in question) the cashback is calculated on the ex-GST price for all stores.
However, it's different for Cashrewards. The cashback is calculated on the reported value of the sale. Most stores report sales to them inclusive of GST. Others, like First Choice Liquor for example, report sales ex-GST.
By my calculation it's $42.63.
Your calculation is wrong 😉 It's $42.50.
You don't take 10% off the $55 GST inclusive price to get to the ex-GST price. Doing so results in a price of $49.50 (leading to your $42.63 price), which is clearly wrong. It's obviously $50, as 10% of $50 is $5, so a $50 ex-GST price corresponds to a $55 GST inclusive price.
To get the ex-GST price you need to divide the GST inclusive price by 1.1
This leads to the following simple formula to get the effective cashback-discounted price:
«GST inclusive price» × (1 − «cashback percent as a decimal» ÷ 1.1)
For this deal the formula becomes:
$55 × (1 − 0.25 ÷ 1.1) = $42.50
Sure, an obvious miscalculation on my part for the GST component, but the message is the same, cashback is calculated on the pre-gst price. The OP originally had calculated the cashback on the GST inclusive amount. It got edited out by a mod.
The OP originally had calculated the cashback on the GST inclusive amount. It got edited out by a mod.
Yup. Saw that when I edited the deal to show the expired upsized cashback and corrected the effective price which had been updated to $42.63 (and improved the title and description).🤔 I wonder if Lukian made the same miscalculation independently, or just used your figure? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do you have to sideload the coke?
Underrated comment
People get the sideload ref, just no one drinks gin with coke!
This is true. For some reason I thought Japanese = Whisky.
Apple gin is better.
Goku Rin
I'm not typically a gin drinker but I do have a bottle of this on the shelf and it's pretty damn good.
I'm sold! Will give it a shot. punpunpunpunpun……
Hey did you know you made a pun?
Yeah I was just making sure everyone else did.
Would prefer gin scented hand sanitiser.
Plenty of that around now all distilleries jumped on the hand sanitizer band wagon
This is probably cheaper.
great gin for the price
Or great price for the gin?
gin priced for the great
for the price, great gin.
hope it stays this price come 4pm today!
Stock is going to move quickly on this one…
We're about halfway through a bottle of this at the moment. Not too shabby at all.
How is this a bargain? Usual price at most Cellarbrations stores
55 is the everyday price at most places I've been.
so 25% off $55 is a pretty good deal then?
Blame the mods. The deal is actually in the cashback which they've edited out of the title. VERY poor form given straight cashback deals are permitted AND the timeframe for claiming the cashback is very limited.
Blame the mods.
Technically an Administrator and a Community Manager, but "mod" is close enough 😉
The deal is actually in the cashback
Then this post is not really a valid deal and ideally wouldn't have been allowed1. Only dealbot's cashback deal is appropriate.
However, since $55 is $10 off BWS's normal price (and currently $12 off the Liquorland/Dan Murphy's/First Choice Liquor price) then the deal does stand on its own even without the cashback.
which they've edited out of the title. VERY poor form given straight cashback deals are permitted AND the timeframe for claiming the cashback is very limited.
Errm… no. According to point 2 of the the Titles should state:- section of the Title Guidelines:
the price should NOT include any referral discounts or cashback (commission refunds) - include that in the deal description instead.
This has been the case since January 2015.
Show me any other deals that have been allowed to contain the effective price after cashback.
Although apparently it is allowed under OzRRP (😉) rules. ↩
I'm not the first to have this argument with mods and the reasons for that are obvious. There appears to be little logic or consistency being applied in the application of some "rules". For example:
A generic cashback deal can mention actual %rates in titles but an individual product deal taking advantage of those increased rates apparently cannot - according to mod interpretations. The actual guidelines do NOT prohibit this.
In my deal's case my edit did not mention the cashback-reduced price, thereby conforming to the rules. It did however alert users to the very limited timeframe and the large saving available as a result of cashback.These are critical to deal chasers and I think it's time the guidelines were interpreted as such. There is nothing in the title guidelines to suggest this is a no no, nor should there be. the aim should be to inform Ozbargainers of the critical information as concisely as possible.
Then this post is not really a valid deal and ideally wouldn't have been allowed
Is this ozbargained?
starts at 4pm
jason's from the future. 4.01pm 21/04/2020 to be exact.
Yep ;)
Will it work with my samsung tv?
Stock is a bit light on!! Most stores near me only have a couple of bottles
Is it $55 or $42? $42 would be good.
$42.63 after cashback.
Would you get cashback if using e-gift card to pay?
on the shopback website it says Cashback is not eligible if a purchase is made with the use of Giftcard & Gift Card Purchases
Thanks! 👍
Still states 2% cashback
Now 25%. Couldn't wait a few minutes. Let's hope for the best.
Hope it's fine, I couldn't wait. The timestamp should prove clicks happened after 4pm.
Who knows how many people are WFH and ozbargaining simultaneously these days…
I can't find the option to see my click through, like on the cashreward website. Is there any?
Cant even get to checkout.. input pw, page not found..very slow
All of you, get off the BWS site - I'm trying to buy some…
Thanks everyone - site came good and I got my bottle.
And thanks, Kev, for posting the deal.
Thanks OP got one!
Got it, thank you!!
Does the cashback still apply if you get a staff discount which automatically applies from the Rewards Card?
Edit: The T&Cs doesn't mention anything about this
Page loaded error after putting in credit card. Just checked and was charged…
got one
If you like Roku, Jinzu is also a tasty drop to try when next on special.
Thanks OP, Placed the order and collected as well. Cheers
cancel that I'm dumb
I just paid $55
Bought two, thank you, amateur hour though, added a couple of bottles of Pepper Jack Red to total $150 (max cash back - $30 < 25% {$37.5} :( )
What does this go well with?
tonic is the goto mixer
Soda water for me, prefer it to tonic as you can taste the gin more. It is very nice. Garnish with some sliced ginger.
Thanks, will give a go too
100% Nice ice cubes and soda water FTW, either a small, thin slice of fresh lime or ginger and this is perfect
so my shopback email registered my purchase of 2x bottles as $0.00.. gaah
Same with mine - I'm sure they'll fix it.
They are still "calculating" mine (and it was only 1 bottle)
Mine is now showing $13.75 cash back.
If you go to the comments on dealbots post referenced above by OP ( the shopback rep has acknowledged issues with this and assured that it will be sorted
Seem like they've fixed it this morning. Cashback now showing 13.75
Same for me, cashback tracked now.
Just got an email rejecting my claim even though the clickthrough was registered at cashback and I provided them with the purchase info?
I'm still waiting on confirmation of my Kraken purchase from ShopBack and have asked them to investigate. Don't take it lying down. The fact that their (BWS and/or SB) systems aren't up to scratch doesn't mean they don't have to honour their advertisements.
From my comment on the Kraken deal.
Some steps you might consider. I'll be following these if SB doesn't fix my problem.
(1) If you have evidence of the clickthrough and proof of purchase then you should ask SB to investigate and have BWS make good on the deal.
(2) If you get no satisfaction there your next step is to complain to BWS directly, pointing out the advertisement and their lack of delivery on the offer - ie you give them a chance to fulfill their obligations under consumer law. Ideally you should mention this obligation when you complain to them.
(3) If you get fobbed off there then return the item for a refund and/or fill out a complaint on both your state consumers affairs and the ACCC websites. They will record the complaint and if they get enough similar complaints will ask the seller to explain and/or rectify (they can't rectify if you've already returned the item for a refund obviously).
As we all know these are classic marketing inducements to get consumers to buy on the promise of a later discount. Sellers can't simply wave away their responsibility to make good on that promise after they have your money. Under consumer law sellers are required to fulfill all offers - within reason.
In short - know your consumer rights and 'demand' that BWS and ShopBack fulfill their obligations under ACL.
@[Deactivated]: Yeah I've put it back to SB and they've just asked for more proof of purchase, hopefully they can sort it out. :)
Did two orders. My second and smaller order didn't get tracked even though it was the same session. Sent an enquiry
Great gin too.