Best Carrier - Currently on voda.

Hi All,

Just seeing who you all prefer as your mobile carrier?

I am currently with voda and have been for the past 4 years or so. For a while I couldnt understand what everyone was bitching about as when I was in canberra I didnt have a problem at all.

I have since moved to Adelaide and now realise how bad the reception can be even though I have just started a new plan with them I am going to go back and hand in my Galaxy as it has some major issues and I will complain about the service.

While I am not an apple fan I am thinking about getting another one as I find they are easier to use and straight forward.

Just wondering who you are with and what you think of the service?


  • You lived near the CBD in Canberra didn't you? My mate lives in Belco and has serious issues with Voda

  • No i was in Evatt (belco)

  • I use TPG, great value for money and service is rock solid. No complaints at all.

    • I use TPG and i get really bad reception at my house and the internet data is terrible. I was in penrith shopping plaza and it wouldn't even load a website. I had to actually leave the penrith area before I could get any internet connectivity. Reception is okay otherwise except in my house.

      How does virgin and vodaphone compare? I looked up telstra plans but they're ridiculously expensive. I just want a plan and don't need a phone but I can't seem to find anything except their prepaid bonus offers - which would cost 30 a month.
      Do they have any plans that are similar but cheaper? i'm looking to spend about 20 a month for decent phone calls and data…

  • We have Telstra and Optus mobiles in North West Sysdney… The optus is crap, especially for data in the afternoons!

    What I do know is that if you use the phone in a car, then in Sydney and Melbourne Metro areas there really is no alternative but to use Telstra. The other 2 simply cannot mantain a connection…

  • Thanks all… migh try and catch up with others who work and live around my area as well to see what they are on… but i think most are still with voda :(

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