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[PC] Far Cry 5 For $17.98 (80% Off) @ Fanatical


Episode 5 of the popular Far Cry series.

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  • decent price, worth it for the gold edition if its not much more. much better than FC New Dawn

    • It really, really, really isn't worth it for the gold edition. It's the only season pass I have ever bought that I felt wasn't worth the price of admission, and common concensus is that each of the DLC packs is a travesty

      • fair enough. i only paid $5 difference when i bought and got my $5 worth

  • +1

    I really liked this game and played it through a number of times. Great value.

  • +3

    Not a bad price, but the game itself was horribly disappointing. I absolutely loved FC2 and FC3, and I liked FC4 but even then it was starting to feel like a series that had pretty much run its course. FC5 was just dull, more of the same but somehow they actually seemed to make it WORSE than the previous couple of games in terms of AI, bugs, glitches, etc. Surely one of the basic goals of a video game sequel is to improve on points like that?

    But I guess for this price if you get 2 or 3 evenings of entertainment out of it before you get sick of it then you'll probably have got your money's worth.

  • +1

    I really liked the game

  • +1

    I'm hearing mixed reviews from you guys

    • +7

      If you haven't played many of the other Farcrys, you will probably love it. But if you have played all the rest, this one don't add much to the formula.
      Gameplay is fun, story is decent, setting is interesting, fewer eagles (looking at you FC4).
      It's the Uplay version, not Steam if anyone is wondering.

      • +2

        (profanity) eagles…

      • Good review - not a world beater, but gameplay is fun enough. Combat, especially stealth, can be quite easy, so it's never going to be a seminal game, but for what it's worth it's a fun shooter with just enough RPG elements and just a fraction of running, jumping, racing etc.

        • For someone who has never played FC before, would you recommend this one or a previous version?

          • @ml17: If you don't mind playing older games, 3 is pretty good. If you like it, then it won't be a shock going to the newer games.

            However, if you only think you are going to go through one, this will do. All the stories are fairly interchangeable, they're almost just reskinned version of the same game, with a handful of technical improvements as well as graphics.

            • +1

              @pdtmathieson: Cheers!

              I was going to pick up FC4 because I saw it on sale and it was newer than FC3, didn't know there was a FC5. I'll probably get either FC3 or FC5, after I have a look at some video reviews.

              • +1

                @ml17: No worries - I've played them all since 3, and they are all good enough fun. I usually wait until they get around $30 to bother.

          • +1

            @ml17: For me, 3 is by far the best story wise. The villain is just brilliant.
            Graphically is has aged a little bit, but the gameplay is still solid and you can pick it up for less than $10 on sale.
            It is well worth a play.

  • Great game, co-op works well however I wouldn't bother with the gold edition (regretful buy!).

    Im about half way through my infamous level play through and have done a few play throughs solo and co-op already, still entertaining.

    Highly recommend!


  • +1

    I loved it, good fun and a no-brainer at this price.

  • thanks!

  • +1

    I think it’s the best Far Cry game. The story is rubbish, but so are the rest of them. But it’s the best world that’s been in a Far Cry game in my opinion and there’s more fun things to and less tedious chores.

    Now if you’ve played FC3 and 4, it may be too much of the same. But I think the improvements make it worth it.

  • "Only you….."

  • Is it now $20.68?

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