Mod: This is likely a pricing error.
Moved to Forum: Original Link
Saw this on the Logitech Shop website, don't know if it's a mistake, doesn't hurt to try. Doesn't need credit card details as it's $0.
Mod: This is likely a pricing error.
Moved to Forum: Original Link
Saw this on the Logitech Shop website, don't know if it's a mistake, doesn't hurt to try. Doesn't need credit card details as it's $0.
same, just ordered, lets see if they actually arrive……
You guys are all dreamers. lols
Oh geez…this could turn ugly…
I love the LTS and the hundreds of bargains they post, and don't feel good about ripping them on this one.
So did you order one anyway? Truth now.
Like I said, they post here all the time with crazy cheap deals:
There are many others…those are just the ones from the rep.
Scoring on a pricing error from the LTS just doesn't sit well with me personally, especially after I have saved so much from buying from them in the past.
Oh get off your high horse. This is OzBargain for god's sake.
We like bargains sure, but hopefully we aren't stupid enough to bite the hand that feeds us cheap peripherals.
More legitimately the 48 hour deal is a Harmony 700 for $70 delivered.
i love how after an hour, nobody commented or liked this
(hangs head in shame) I actually was gonna write up a post for this LTS deal but forgot
it looks like its frozen already… culdn't get pass checkout screen … nice find though
Well i dare say someone has just accidentally left the first figure off the price when updating it.
dont waste ur time , no one will honour it
just ordered 2, is it the system error? hopefully my order get passed lol, good luck everyone!
think they fixed it… you can't add to cart =(
i did, at 11:20, the button loads last.
i also have an account, so it made things quicker
Just ordered one!
just ordered! fingers crossed lol
I know its just wishful thinking… but who knows!
Just ordered one, what are the potential outcomes assuming they wont honor the $0 price?
You don't get one.
Maybe new promotion to get customers. haven't seen a LTS promotion in ages.
mine went through.. have my doubts though..
Anyone find their policy or pricing errors? Google-fu didn't reveal anything
Couldn't find anything either. Let's just hope they honour it!
Mine went through as well!!
they wont honnor it of course.
Bit early to neg, mate. You never know!
But you ordered in the spirit of ozbargain anyway right?
Don't negative this post!!!! If you wanna give negative, give it to Logitech, it is NOT Ximanz' fault!!! and thank you again for giving us this great bargain, even it might NOT been honor, make me smile already, we need this on Monday Morning !!
Yes, agree. Should NOT negative the OP. OP could not know it is price error or really a BARGAIN.
Sometimes the companies really give away things.
nice freebie :)
ordered one. probably too good to be true.
Thanks for letting everyone know OP. No chances of getting it but appreciated none the less. :)
ordered 2, doubt they would honour it tho… :)
Great trick to get new users to signup tho…
I agree with kirt. They are generally pretty good here, putting their deals up and giving support through the comments. Seems a bit like biting the hand that feeds you.
Plus there is no way they are going to honour this and I can't believe that anyone would honestly think they should.
Clearly pricing error. Going to Neg this deal simply because it encourages ripping an online shop off in a clear pricing error. queue the comments of oh waah! they won't honour my deal. ACCC!
Anyone got any discount coupon codes?
Agreed, no doubt there will be an enormous amount (unfounded) ACCC comments.
To good to be true, ordered it and will wait and see. Who knows ? ? ?
Well…….. I ordered 2 but if it isn't honoured all I lost was 3 minutes of my time..
took about 5 mins to load each page for me
u bastards, u broke the site
something buggy on their site.
The info appears in the wrong columns.
So i would hazzard a guess that it is a data entry error on their part.
It's a bit slack of people to order when it's obvious there is a pricing error in the system. You know it's a Monday morning and not even the staff might be fully awake yet..
yea, at this time im usually in the coffee room. Man i'd hate to get back to the desk, and see i've just been ozbargined to death.
Either pricing error or dirty tactics
worth the try tho. sometimes they give out vouchers to people, instead of honoring it.
Dirty tactics? From logitechshop who has a good rapport with Ozbargain? Somehow I think you're either trolling or being far too cynical.
Site is slow as all buggery this morning, must be all the people trying it on.
Logitechshop have been good to ozbargainers. Maybe ozbargainers should be good in return by not attempting to exploit their mistake.
Then we wouldn't be true ozbargainers now would we? haha jokes…
It's now $245
Still shows $0.00 for me
What is the normal price for one of these $50? plus how much extra for ps3 adaptor?
They sell the adaptor alone for $40
Next time an ozbargain friendly site makes a mistake maybe a discrete email to them advising of the error would be a more morally wholesome choice then exploiting it.
As stated above, biting the hand that feeds you sums it up perfectly, especially when all you are doing is bringing their site to it's knees for a few hours, resulting in loss of revenue, knowing they will not be honoring this honest mistake.
100% agree… pretty sad when people almost extort a reputable company here. Doesn't exactly encourage them to offer great specials.
100% disagree
reputable company
this is ozbargin, people here will gladly extort, pillage or murder for a free $200+ item.
Sure does appear to be the case.
I agree.
Dont shit where you eat.
come on its these kinda free deals that excites people like the Ubisoft deal!!
They post good deals on the website. Don't cut the hand that feeds you.
LOL, website has crashed with all the ozbargainers trying to access it.
You never know it is a great way to stress test the new "load balancers" logitech may have installed for their heavy website traffic
I guess it's just their tactics to get FREE traffic for SEO, new user registration etc. RRP 249 NOW $0.00 bullshxx..
Agree, these tactics are used to increase web visits.
I love my Logitech mouse that I got from them at 1/3 the price. Ordered it at night and got it at lunch time the next day. They used express postage (^_^)
I'm not going to stab them in the back when there's obviously a pricing error!
Logitechshop and ozbargain have a good relationship. First fight for the couple?
Officeworks Pricematch anyone? ;)
lol, jokes. but LTS is a great store, so really shouldn't exploit their genuine error.
I wonder how that would even work? Surely people can agree that exploiting Officeworks is much butter than LTS.
Maybe it's a gentle nudge from LTS to go pricematch it and get yourself a bargain
Dunno, but if they were actually willing to do it, 5% off $0 is $0?
yeah but how would they even react to the deal, note it's $0 plus free shipping as well.
Also *better incase some smartmouth churns out a pun
And damn OW doesn't sell the 650 or the PS3 adaptor. I would feel much better getting this deal at OW than I would if I actually ordered from LTS
hey spawnpoint, help outa noob. usually in markdown ** does bold, and __ does italics, but they are both doing italic for me?
Also *better incase some smartmouth churns out a pun
didn't know __ did italics. I use single *
You are doing?
Ordered 1, let's hope it's true.
yep crashed, can't get through
Seems like a pricing error…Cbf to waste their time and my time ordering….
ordered one. Hope its true, but meh only lost a few minutes. lol.
Site seems to be working for me? Just ordered one! Wouldn't be a true ozbargainer if you didn't take a chance at a freeby! :-P
could it be possible LTS is using its presence in ozbargain to get heaps of people to sign up?
3423 clicks, 3413 was me
3000+ clicks and i just tried again, and IT STILL THERE!!!
could it be true?
i did find it strange that it allowed us to not even enter credit details.
pricing error - probably, and happy for purchase to be cancelled.
unadvertised promo? unlikely, but happy if it's honoured
it seems the servers are getting better. i can get in easy now.
i really hope its real, not for the controller, but so the whinges all look stupider
Marketing 101…ALWAYS advertise your promotions.
Re: comments around this being a tactic to get people signing up, I've had an account for ages and they've never sent me any advertising email, only responses to orders etc.
Looks like people have not just exploited a good merchant's pricing error, but have also crashed their servers. Worse, I can foresee future LTS deals got negged because "they did not honour their $0 remote deal" :(
Agree. No doubt a genuine mistake by LTS. And they don't really deserve this with Logitech now retailing direct online at outrageous prices.
can't you disable the deal till we get more info from LTS?
ordered !
Site seems to be crashing.
I ordered a wireless keyboard mouse combo for $31 yesterday.
I'm saying thanks to those who chose NOT to jump on this $0 Harmony offer … those of you who DID jump on it, if this brings down their system so that more order gets delayed / lost corrupted etc etc, then you'll have been party to damaging the bona fide interests of third parties.
A reasonable person SHOULD know that it was a mistake as no "value exchange" conditions were imposed.
A better, more just form of behaviour would have been to contact LTS and alert them of a possible problem … you probably would have been rewarded with a free Harmony remote anyway for helping them in protection of their online reputation.
It's probably a good idea to remember that we ALL have online reputations and jumping on and trying to abuse the honest mistakes of others, damages our own individual reputation as well as that of the one who made the mistake.
To clarify my positive vote, it relates to paras 4 and 5, not paras 1,2 and 3, where there seems to be a certain amount of tugging with both hands.
like wise
Price match this at OW?
They will beat the price by 5%.
Ordered, probably a pricing error. Lets see…they have one of the fastest deliveries ever. Ordered 2 products on Saturday and had by Monday in Brisbane.