Pest Service and/or Termite Management Inspection


My house is now 2 yrs. old. Pest service and termite management was done when we first moved in by builder. Termite company then asked us to do every year in order to keep their 3 yrs of warranty for termites. If we dont do it, it wont cover a warranty. So we did one last year. All he did was with one of the stick he had, he kept knocking every wall of the house to check on termites. Took him about 5 minutes and then told that no termites nad it is good. Handed me a bill of $345 and asked to have another inspection next year to cover us for a termite warranty which is due in couple of weeks time.

Is it necessary as i feel like its a waste of money being house is comparatively new as well.

Do you all new house owner have inspection every year?

Please help as this is my first property and have a bearly have knowledge on this things.



  • It's called risk management. If there are termites in the area and they get a sniff of timber they can eat framing over a couple of months. Personally though for 5min inspection it is a rip, but for your sanity just pay it. Why don't you next time tell the guy that your concerned as you heard your neighbour have an issue with termites and you want to make sure his inspection is detailed to ensure anything is covered under the warranty. They may at least take more time and care in observations.

    What's worse finding in a years time that somehow termites did get in and wrecked your house. Try and do regular observations of the house perimeter edges. If suspended slab get under the house and look around stumps for any dirt mounds. I mean an attack can happen anytime and depending on the warranty I assume its only applicable at the time of inspection.

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