This was posted 4 years 10 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Mac] Kaspersky Total Security 2020 - 3 Devices - 1 Year License Key for $13.99 @ Device Deal


Works for Both PC and Mac - Key Only - for Three Devices

Codes being emailed from 9am Monday, 500+ to work through but they are on their way

Multi-device family security – with antivirus, anti-ransomware, webcam security, password manager, VPN and 87 more technologies – all in one license

Blocks viruses, cryptolockers & other threats
Protects payments, with bank-grade encryption*
Secures passwords & images of personal documents
Encrypts data you send & receive online – VPN**
Stops webcam spies watching you in your home*
Helps guard kids – advanced parental controls
* PC - Mac - Android

You can activate anytime before the end of 2021. You will get 365 days from the day you activate the key.

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closed Comments

    • +13

      Thanks for your comment, but to clarify for others, you posted a link for Kaspersky Keys for One Device only.
      Our offer is for 3 Devices. PC & MAC. Which is the best price when compared to the results on your ebay link.
      Have a lovely day anyways!

  • +16
  • +10

    Encrypts data you send & receive online – VPN**

    ** 200MB of data traffic protected per device, per day

    Had to look it up on the Kaspersky website because you didn't include it on yours or in the description here.

    • Thanks for your comment.

  • -8

    Rather run Linux, and you don't need this type of bloatware

  • ESET or Kaspersky?

    • If you have a deal on ESET, can you link it? I am looking for something too.

    • Kaspersky, uses a 10th of the RAM vs ESET and recent benchmarks show ESET allowing many samples to get through its software, this can change yearly though.

    • I prefer ESET and have been using their smart security suite for 6 years with no problems.

    • +2

      Malwarebytes + Common Sense is better than both.

      • On what basis? The latest tests suggest Malwarebytes for Windows has fallen off the pace

        • On the basis that 6 months ago it was deemed slightly better than Kaspersky. Works on both Windows10 and Mac, without pissing off the built-in Defenders. And it's free. Not sure if Common Sense is free though.

          • @Kangal: Deemed by whom Kangal? Malwarebytes (and plenty of other AV companies, inlcuding KAS cloud) have both free and paid versions, most of which are only marginally "worse" than the paid versions.

            After decades of having it as a backup (it had a better threat removal tool back in the day) I've recently deleted the Malwarebytes free version because of its annoying popup reminders.

            For the vast majority of Windows users - those with modern systems and software which is kept current - compatibility with inbuilt security should not be an issue. It's a sample of 1 but I've never had a single compatibility problem with BD/Kas, or McAfee back in the day, even with older versions of Windows.

            • @[Deactivated]: I googled it, and read half a dozen sites.

              So I installed it on a fresh new system that I built, and gave it away. I even installed it on my MBP. So far I've been "impressed" since there's little to no problems with built-in security. If you Google it, you will find plenty of users who have had issues with that very subject, and yes even the expensive ones like Norton or Kaspersky. I had problems with McAfee and Defender on Windows 7 before, that was around 2015. Usually the fix is to uninstall the AV and then reinstall it fresh.

              You can take my word that MWB is good, and it's not just a sample of 1. Usually I'm knowledgable with these things, but this time I wasn't too sure, which is why I went on a Google/Research expedition. Just like when I thought NordVPN was the best one out there, then I did some research and came to the conclusion of instead using ExpressVPN…. and then boom Nord was found to have been compromised. I'm not sure if things have changed drastically in the last 6 months, but I doubt it. If you're interested, read up on the comparisons between them, and try to get several different sites/sources. Who knows, Malwarebytes might have gone from #1-#2 to a position of #5-#6. So it's upto you, to do your due diligence, I am only sharing what I have found.

              And that is, Common Sense is the strongest Anti-Virus that is… combine that with a decent Free service, and you're going to be better than using even the most expensive one if you're gullible (or cyber-dumb/bad digital hygiene).

              • @Kangal: I'm well aware of Malwarebytes, having had it since its early days when it there was only one version, which was free to all. From memory the organisation (hence as it was back then) was essentially a group of like-minded people interested in providing free AV tools to the public - ie it wasn't primarily a venture to make a for-profit product, unlike most other AV companies. I used its threat clean up a couple of times some years back. MWB has since become a large commercial operation. Can't ever recall seeing its AV product being sold cheaply here. At around $A88 for 3 devices for 1 yr its cost is far too high imo, esp when compared to the alternatives.

                Norton incompatibilities with some software was well-known years ago but I think that was resolved some time back. Windows 10 has largely overcome the problem of users having hugely varying setups (through not always updating), which made the life of AV software engineers a bit of a nightmare and caused many of the problems users encountered. The incompatibility problem should have largely disappeared with MS auto updating so I'd be surprised if AV compatibility was a significant issue for users with contemporary systems. Legacy systems are a different matter entirely.

                Common sense is over-rated as a shield imo. It's certainly useful if you're the sole user of your device AND if you're diligent in keeping all your software up to date, but even then it relies heavily on the websites you visit having extremely solid protection in the first place. Fortunately most do these days but even the best can be hacked. Here's just one example where common sense would make little difference….

  • HI Op,
    Do you have any deal that are available for pc as well as mobile?

    • +2

      Hi mate,
      I am using it for both my PC and mobile too. After purchasing, I downloaded Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus from Google play store, then used the same Key to get the premium.

      • +1

        Edit: On the their site says

        Support PC and MAC and Mobile ( Windows - Apple - Android )

      • Can I use it on my iPhone and do you have any upcoming deal with Microsoft Office?

  • +4

    Kaspersky is currently benchmarking the best on the market right now(changes yearly), it has a 100% detection rate for known/unknown samples.

    • +3

      What is your source for this statement? According to Choice Magazine Antivirus desktop security software reviews Last updated: 27 March 2020, Kaspersky had a protection score of 92%, overall score of 91%. It came 4th out of 35 products. Pretty good, but definitely not "100%"!!

      • +1
        but specifically

        One interesting note regarding his videos when benchmarking, some AV products max the CPU to 100%, he speculates it might be a feature to halt malware from functioning but probably not, just poor design/handling.

        With Choice, do they provide any findings of how they concluded the scores? I can't view it as i'm not a member.

      • +3

        Don't know where Choice gets its data from but their tests are sometimes half-baked imo. Best to stick with specialist sites for in-depth reviews of things like computers, cameras, phones etc. It may be that the detection rates in the links below and Choice's protection scores are not equivalent measures but both AV-COMPARATIVES and AV-TEST currently rate KIS at 100%, which is pretty rare.

        AV Comparatives and AV Test both have Kaspersky at/near the top of the tree pretty much every quarter.

  • +2

    Bought one, how long does it take to get the email/key?

    • Thanks for your purchase.
      Starting from tomorrow 9:00 my colleagues in the sales team will start to send the Keys.

  • Thanks OP

  • -7

    Russian back door.

    • +9

      I like to collect, they go well with my US, Chinese ones… :)

  • +2

    Thanks OP. How low after payment can we get the key? Please let us know.

    • +1

      Thanks for your comment.
      Starting from tomorrow 9:00 my colleagues in the sales team will start to send the Keys.

      • Thanks OP. Got the key in the email already. Cheers.

  • +1

    Ordered, thanks OP

    • Thanks for your purchase :)

  • Covid-19 detection rate!!??

  • Thanks OP. Has anyone received their key yet?

    • No worries mate,
      Starting from tomorrow 9:00 my colleagues in the sales team will start to send the Keys.

      • keys posted or emailed ?

        • emailed

  • Avira or Kaspersky?

    • +1

      Kaspersky or Eset if you need a serious antivirus.

      If you are happy to practise common sense, the built in Windows antivirus is enough. I submit anything new to virustotal for online scanning.

  • +2

    Kaspersky….been using for a few years now without a single drama and the price is right.

  • +1

    My previous subscription is expiring in 2 months. Renewal will add 12 months or will wipe off 2 months.

    After purchasing can I wait for activation?

    • I think (but not sure) it will wipe of 2 months because it will be a new subscription. Usually people do not renew and buy a new license in order to make use of the big discounts on the new licenses.

      • Assuming your KAS software is recent (updating is/was free), the new key(s) will stack. I don't know if there is any limit on the maximum days (eg 731) but I doubt it.

        You CAN take advantage of special offers before your subscription expires and don't need to wait to enter the new code as it will be queued to activate when your current licence expires - as a couple of posters have already said in this deal. This is specifically stated in the software. See SOOOOOOZE's comment below.

    • Just wait till the current one runs out then enter the new number.

    • +2

      Last time I entered a key over my old one it said something along the lines of I still have time on the current license and the new key will be activated once the current one expires

  • Bought one. Thanks OP! How long can we receive our keys? Please let us know.

    • Thanks for your purchase.
      Starting from tomorrow 9:00 my colleagues in the sales team will start sending the Keys.

  • Does it have an expiry date when to commence? Thanks!

    • +1

      No. You will get 365 days starting from whenever you use the Key.

      • You didn't answer his question correctly!! The question was when is the end day of activation?

        • Well he kinda did:

          starting from whenever you use the Key.

          • @deltakilo: So the key has no expiry date when to activate?

            Why not just add that to the title so people stop asking.

            • +1

              @KOBH: thanks, I did that.

  • +1

    Thanks mate

    • no worries mate

  • Can I wait 80 days before activation?

    • Yes you can wait until end of 2020. You can activate at the last day of the year and you will get 365 days starting from that day.

    • +3

      sorry, just got an update from my boss. You can activate until the end of 2021. This means you have plenty of time.

  • how long is this code valid for if I don't want to use it right away?

    • You can activate until the end of 2020. You will get One year starting from the day you activate. Even if it was the last day in 2020.

      • sorry, just got an update from my boss. You can activate until the end of 2021. This means you have plenty of time.

  • +1

    Got one, thanks

  • Thanks Op. Purchased one.

  • Can you use 2 keys to make the subscription 2 years?

    • yes. You will use one key now. And at the end of the 1st year use the second one.
      You can use these keys until 31/12/2021. You will get 365 days from the day you use a key. This means if you used a key on the end of 2021, you will use it till the end of 2022.

      • It's for you to do another deal a year later like "Kaspersky Total Security 2020 - 3 Devices - 1 Year License Key for $12.99"?

  • Can I use this for my android phone and desktop and laptop?

    • yes you can.

  • I have never used a Kaspersky product before. How does this compare to Bitdefender Total Security?

    • +1

      Much for muchness. I had BD a couple of years ago but switched and find Kas simpler to navigate. BD may have changed since. Both are very highly rated AVs.

    • Bitdefender is highly rated, but it takes over your pc like McAfee.
      Kaspersky is much more lightweight.

      • PCs and their uses vary too much in their configurations and uses to generalise but KAS and BD (and McAfee for that matter) both do well in recent performance tests. These tests are at best a rough guide so gamers and other heavy users should google to see discussion on AV interference and performance.

        McAfee was rubbish a few years back but testing suggests it may have regained its mojo - not that I'll ever go back. Its history is interesting. It was popular for PCs and enterprises in the 90s, McAfee sold out and it deteriorated quickly. The story of John McAfee himself is also quite an eye-opener. If you google you'll probably find better summaries of his life but here's one to whet the appetite.

  • Thank you OP. GREAT DEALL. purchased this.
    🍻 to you!!

    • no worries mate, 🍻

  • Bought one and don't know how will Kaspersky performs.

    • +1

      It works great mate, been using Kaspersky probably for close to 10 yrs and still happy with it.

  • Bought one, ta

  • They have flash sale for $9.90 end in 3 hrs or so…

    • dang! I am not very happy now.

    • Oh! Yours is internet security only mate! We purchased total security, so they are different.

    • +1

      this is different product from OP and above 2 years license link for $16.49 is better value.

      • That 2 yrs only for pc not any devices. And i dont use those other three features from total security so for me this one is better 😀

  • I just checked the licence on my current Kaspersky and it says "Do not wait for the licence to expire, you can purchase a new activation code right now and enter it here. When the current license expires, the application will be activated using this activation code."

  • Great software and amazing price.
    I've recently renewed my subscription for 3 devices and 2 years for £36.00.

  • Link says 13.99. add to cart and go to pay says 89. Something gone wrong?

  • Ppl still use anti virus software? Man I thought they buried that with Windows XP. Windows defender is fine. Just don’t do dumb things with the internet.

  • +1

    Quick update, we're working through emailing all codes out this morning AEST, any issues, please let us know.

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