So yesterday finally inevitable happened. any body can let me know, how much will i be looking at cost wise?
i bought this around Christmas from mobiciti_ebay. can i just take to mobiciti store and ask them about it.
Huawei Mate 20 Pro Screen Cracked

LV003 on 16/04/2020 - 15:36
OP uses a Huawei so they may not be aware of Google…
Tons of phone repair shops in shopping centres who can give you a quote. Or at least there used to be, not sure what's happening now though?
Based spoonfeeder. Had a laugh at those prices though, $1900 for screen replacement.
Hope you bought the phone with an Amex CC, they will pay for the screen replacement
Going by aliexpress, thats about $150 for the screen alone. Probably another $100 for labour for someone to install it.
Happytel were the retail warranty repairer, maybe try them for a quote.
What do mean when you say "inevitable"? 🙄
There's this thing called Google.