Do Aussies Have Enough Consumer Protection for Travel Products?

Hi all.
What do we think about our consumer rights under ACCC here in Australia?
My flights to Europe were cancelled by Etihad and they are only offering a very limited credit voucher that I’m not sure I’ll be able to use given the uncertainty about Covid-19.
People whose tickets originated or were bought in US, UK, EU and Switzerland are all being offered full refunds by Etihad.
Then there is the ongoing scandal of the Flight Centre group charging $300 per person cancellation fees for travel cancelled by the supplier.
Topdeck today has changed their refund policy retrospectively, so that customers previously entitled to refunds are now only going to get a credit voucher.
Is the lesson here to never purchase travel products either in Australia or from Australian businesses?
Is it possible to use a VPN to buy from an international supplier and be covered by decent consumer rights?
Thoughts and suggestions please.

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  • +2

    If you buy directly with the airline there are a system of protections in place.

    If you buy through a third party ie. Flight Centre then there's additional benefits mired with additional risks and loss of certain protections.

    There is no blanket answer to your question unfortunately. It depends on the specific circumstances of each and every transaction.

    • +8

      Actually the Conditions of Carriage advertised by Etihad provide for a full refund in the case of involuntary cancellation. This has been overturned by ACCC because they deem the situation extraordinary. So no way the t&c could have alerted me to this. Same with Flight Centre and TopDeck altering their t&c retrospectively.

  • +14

    Clearly we don't have enough consumer protections. This practice of charging consumers for refunds or issuing 'credit' when no service is delivered needs to be outlawed.

    • +1

      I totally agree …………

  • Travel Products

    I think you mean "travel services".

  • +6

    And so many people have been left with useless credit vouchers for flights. If Virgin goes under that's a significant hit for a lot of families who had trips booked.

    • You would be eligible for a credit card chargeback; if you purchased by way of credit card.

      • CBA advised they will not initiate CC chargeback unless the travel agent or/and airline goes bankrupt or under.

        • Yes that is correct;

          The writer said "if virgin goes under" …. then I replied with you are eligible for a chargeback.

  • +1

    Next time buy direct, not thru an agency

  • +1

    If you're bought directly with the airline and used a bank card you should try doing a charge back.

  • +1

    Nope, advise all who paid for flights with CC to initiate a chargeback. Only way you'll get all your money back from travel agent scum.

  • +2

    I was finally able to initiate a chargeback with CBA however they said it was likely to be declined as Visa and Mastercard have informed the banks they will not implement any chargebacks where Covid-19 is a factor.

    • Can you please report back regarding outcome

      • +4

        I have managed to chargeback and received a full refund. I have citi credit card. Citi was more than willing to initiate the chargeback.

        • Good to see a positive outcome for you. Do you mind sharing details of prepaid travel you were able to charge back?

          • @Gotchas: I bought flight tickets (flying with Malaysian air) from Aunt Betty back in Jan this year. Few weeks ago, I have been notified that a part of my flights was cancelled but there was no way to contact Aunt Betty. No email and they did not answer my call since my flight is in Jun. So I called citicard and asked them to initiate a chargeback. It took about 3 weeks and I got my money back. Citi was more than willing to intiate the chargeback for me and asked me a few questions like purchase date, amount and the reason for chargeback.

    • My credit card chargeback was approved today 11 weeks after flight cancellation on an ANZ visa credit card. Finally.

  • I also have travel insurance with InsureandGo which covers pandemics and was bought before it was a known issue. They won't refund me anything for the flights if I'm issued a travel voucher. They even agreed if I travelled under the vouchers terms they probably wouldn't insure me.

  • +3

    Its the Covid-19 get out of jail free card. Everyone gets to keep your money while not providing the services you paid for!

  • I would like to see the EU Flight Compensation Policy brought to Australia. Otherwise I think our consumer protection is pretty good.

  • +2

    I got a refund from Jetstar but it was difficult, it was like the customer service rep was playing a game trying to get me to agree to the wrong thing which was a voucher. I just stayed firm and emphasised I wanted a cash refund multiple times until they agreed.
    The idea we should not be eligible for a full refund when the service is not provided is absurd. If worst comes to worst do a charge back via credit card.

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