So now ALDI is well establish in every state, you would think there are plans to open a store in Darwin. Woolworths and Coles have a direct run from Adelaide for delivery of their groceries/ stock. They both have the strong hold of the market here. We need more competition! Do you think it will ever happen?
Bring ALDI to Darwin, Northern Territory

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what you need is amazon grocery for proper competition
If you want big city convenience you should move. to a big city.
My guess is Aldi would be there already if it was viable. The transport costs and low sales projections probably kill their viability.
You'd be surprised how big Darwin is. Also I suspect woolies/ Coles are playing dirty to keep the duopoly. One example is in Palmerston where a woolies closed and a Coles moved in - right next door to another Coles! Rumour was that aldi were scoping it out so Coles jumped in first.
It's like 300k people, just a big country town. If Aldi wanted in they'd buy land and build a shop like they do in countless other towns.
These giants do not play dirty, they seat at the table and share the market. You have probably noticed the specials are never in the same week, this week is one next the other one on the same product. Also if they were really in a war they would price match at request. Also out of the shopping centres Coles and Woolworths are never too close, they share territory carefully.
Aldi is pretty ruthless with it's supplier and ancillary costs ect. As mentioned if it were viable they would do it…
We need them in Tasmania too!
NT market would be too small for Aldi to get any scale and be able to consistently offer low prices.
They would first need to build a distribution centre, but that would be far too costly for the very small number of stores NT could support. In addition, NT's small population is spread out over a wide area, and probably far too expensive to transport goods around. Servicing the NT from the SA distribution centre would also be cost prohibitive I suspect. I have no hard evidence, but have been told by several people that prices are supposedly higher at Coles and Woolies in the NT than in other states due to freight costs. Feel free to correct me on that.
Others have summed it up, if Aldi could make it pay they'd be there now.
The same logistics probably apply in Tassie as well. Not a big enough market unfortunately to justify the capital expense and get the returns they need.
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