Campaign for Car Rego Refunds. What Does Everyone Think?

So One Big Switch The company that was once all about communities getting together and bargaining for a better deal which has since morphed into a marketing company that spams you with emails from the providers that pay them the most money is running a campaign to get car rego's refunded for those not using their cars during this crisis

Now I for one think rego is just part of owning a car, I mean i could register my car and not drive it for 6 months does that mean I should get a refund on my rego? so my vote is NO

OBS had an article printed in The Age and other papers where they put their reasoning…

Also has been on talk radio a fair bit getting support.

I see the campaign as a way to increase their clicks and membership as you need to "semi register" to sign their petition.

Regardless of this, what does the OzB community think of the suggestion that rego's be refunded (or discounted next year) to compensate for people being unable to drive and roads being used less.

Do you support a refund on current rego or a significant discount at renewal?

Poll Options expired

  • 40
  • 144


  • -3

    I was just thinking this - why do I need to pay for something when I'm not allowed to leave the house? If I don't pay it then my car needs to get a blue slip for a new registration. Then should at least pause registration.

    • +22

      "why do I need to pay for something when I'm not allowed to leave the house?"

      You are allowed to leave the house. For essential shopping, work if applicable, to go exercise, etc - all these things may need car use.

      Rego is part of owning a car. You don't have to pay for something. It's your choice to own a car or not.

      I don't believe that the taxpayers - you and me - should give money to car owners who aren't driving much. That's a massive cost to government revenue for zero benefit.

      • +3

        I don't believe that the taxpayers - you and me - should give money to car owners who aren't driving much.

        The taxpayers are giving their money to the government for the privilege of driving on the roads. It doesn't cost the government anything, it reduces their revenue take.

        • +2

          How do you think roads and their repairs are paid for?

          • @Mechz: I get that, but I think the point of the original post is that there are currently less vehicles on the road. The maintenance needs are reduced due to less vehicles using them, and new roads to alleviate congestion aren't currently needed. Seeking a proportionate reduction in these fees doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

            My comment above was to correct the statement that it costs the government. If money was being redirected from another source (e.g. income tax) which prevented them spending it on say Defence, that would be a cost. The money for roads substantially comes from road taxes.

            • +8


              The maintenance needs are reduced due to less vehicles using them

              Actually there is a pretty large backlog in road maintenance projects (as drivers like to constantly complain about). Not only is there still a comprehensive program of works needing to be done, there’s actually significantly less impact on drivers, so now is a perfect opportunity to fast track a lot of these projects and deliver more than previously planned.

              The existing money earned from rego can be used to do this.

              • +1

                @jjjaar: Could actually get people working and building things rather than just handing out cash.

                • @brendanm: Potentially, though given that construction is still going on it’s likely all those with the appropriate skill set are still working.

          • @Mechz: Only part of the Rego fees go to government consolidated revenue to pay for road upkeep. A big portion of rego fees goes towards the TAC and covering their claims

          • @Mechz:

            How do you think roads and their repairs are paid for?

            Not with rego.

            • @Euphemistic: You’re wrong.

              • @[Deactivated]: Rego does not pay for roads and repairs. It pays for the rego system. They might get a little extra for rod repairs, but it’s mostly to pay for the rego system.

                Road repairs are paid for from other taxes. The fuel excise, income tax etc. local road repairs (ie not main roads) are paid from rates collect by your local government.

              • @[Deactivated]:…

                Total Rego revenue is approx 10% of road funding. Take out the system of managing that rego and you left with single digit percentage of what it costs to build and maintain roads.

  • -3

    I support but it's near impossible to get money back from the Government.

  • +4

    Where do you think all this money is coming from?

    • +3

      Cayman Islands maybe :P

    • +3

      behind the couch cushion

    • +1

      Josh Frydenberg's naga, naga, not going to ever get paid back pile of money. Balancing a budget has proved impossible, let alone repaying the debt. We're in interest only mode, Baby, and not even covering those payments.

      • +1

        Maybe he could afterpay it?

    • +4

      I wonder that every time Scott Morrison opens his mouth

  • +9

    Think about the bigger picture. Governments are strapped assisting those that have lost their jobs/had reduced hours and businesses with reduced turnover. Should they get into more debt to refund regos or do we all help out and lump it (not to mention doing more if possible)? The answer is obvious.

    • This isn't going to happen but cancelling car insurance can :)

      • +4

        Don’t these forums get enough threads about people getting in car accidents without insurance? They’re always a good read… but I wouldn’t be encouraging it.

        • +1

          Absolutely…if people start cancelling insurance, we'll have heaps of "went for a short drive and got hit by someone (and couldn't take note of rego)"

    • +2

      Odd to see someone thinking of the country before thinking of themselves.. !! Should be more of this in these times.

  • +2

    Topic is close to a matter that needs looking at… vehicle insurance.
    During these times accidents and their resulting claims would be at an absolute minimum so insurance co's would be very happy.
    We all know insurance co's are tight fisted money grabbers and they are the ones who should be making refunds at this time. Lets petition them?

    • And when there are natural disasters (bushfire, floods, etc.), they'll petition us to donate to them?

      tight fisted money grabbers

      Yes, but it's a competitive industry and insurers don't make excessive profits.

      • +3

        " insurers don't make excessive profits."
        They like you to believe that but in reality they make insane profits, I have seen the figures.

        • make insane profits

          Don't look at absolute $; look at returns on equity (which adjust for size), etc. And capital gains on share prices over the long term.

          Trust me, they don't.

      • insurers don't make excessive profits.

        IAG must be strapped for cash with that $1.07 BILLION dollar profit last year… My heart bleeds for them.

  • +1

    As I'm not leaving the house, I don't really need property insurance that covers burglaries either.
    And as I'm not leaving the sofa, I don't really need the health insurance that covers injuries either.
    And as the dog is getting round-the-clock attention, we don't really need pet insurance either.

    I'm just hoping that my car tyres don't perish during this lockdown.

    • +1

      Put the car on blocks, thus taking the tyres off the ground and preserving them
      Your suspension will be a bit stiff when you do eventually go driving again

      • Jack it up, take off the wheels, rest it down on the rotors on cinderblocks. Win win, and you get the "Joe dirt" look for your front yard.

    • +1

      The insurance refund could pay for your new tyres.

    • Just pump the tyres up to their maximum sidewall stated pressure. Usually 50PSI. I've done and never had flatspots to worry about, even after a couple of years.

  • +4

    Campaign for Car Rego Refunds. What Does Everyone Think?

    You can drive your car still as allowed.

    There is no such thing as 'free money', gov hand outs are paid by tax payers. So sure get your free 6 months rego now and then don't complain when income taxes get ramped up next year to cover the budget shortfalls or even worst the GST is increased.

    • America has approaching US$30,000,000,000,000 of hand outs not paid by the taxpayer and a standard yearly deficit of roughly one trillion. Australia is following their lead. It's not a given that current debts will ever be paid back.

      • The deficit will eventually have to be repaid. Right now, the deficit is growing and that's just passing the buck. At some point, the taxpayer is still going to have to pay. It may not be current American taxpayers but make no mistake, it will be on American taxpayers.

        • What makes you discount default? Quite a few countries should be getting ratings downgrades this year, so even less likely to be able to pay debts back. France has never had a balanced budget since the inception of the EU. It's actually been in breach or close to the EU deficit ceiling the entire time.

          I think in the future, a coordinated global default is quite a possiblity. There are enough countries in trouble. It would take 90ish consecutive years of bumper record surplusses for the USA to pay off its debts. There is pretty much no plan to pay off a debt during the working life of the taxpayers it was spent on. It's pyramid debt. Australia hasn't paid back any debt since the GFC, the US since Bill Clinton's short smallish surplus during record boom time.

          • @[Deactivated]: Fair enough if they default but the economic fallout will still be felt and suffered by…?

            I know what you mean though.

      • America has approaching US$30,000,000,000,000 of hand outs not paid by the taxpayer

        YET…. They are paying the interest on that money though.

        It's not a given that current debts will ever be paid back.

        I guess they could sell of a chuck on the USA to pay for it ;)

  • +2

    How is anyone going to monitor that while you have paused/suspended your rego that you’re not driving? Then you have an accident or get RBT’d and you’re up for hundreds of $$ in fines along with repairs to other vehicles/property. Even better is you don’t have any income to pay for it now.
    This can only end badly for all involved. If you want rego money back return the plates to RMS.

  • +7

    Don't want to pay for registration? Don't have a car. Simples.

  • +1

    Someone has to pay for the upkeep of our roads or we don't pay and the roads be left to deteriorate.

    Unless we are at a point of destitution, we will need to maintain our roads both to maintain jobs and to allow economic activity.

    This only leaves us with the bill for the upkeep of the road.

    If you're going to want the use of roads again, you're going to end up paying whether it is now or later.

  • Its not all about maintenance of yhe roads.

    what about single lane highways that we all would like to see as dual lane, increasing infrastructure etc..

    Or just cancel your rego and dont drive till you decide you can, then re-register. But do not drive if its unregistered..

  • Rebate on all the roads I can't use. Not gonna pay my body corp fees since I can't sunbake at the pool.

  • Rego doesn’t pay for road repairs. General tax revenue does.

    Don’t want to pay rego, cancel it while you aren’t driving, but then you’ll need to start it up again in a month or two and go through the trouble of getting a blue slip or other inspection depending on your state.

    If you just let it lapse, but pay for it again before the new inspection is true you don’t save anything because it will still expire on the same date as if you’d paid on time anyway.

  • Victorians are doing it tough. We are driving almost every day in New South Wales.

  • If you are driving low kms you can ask for a lower premium from the insurnace company.
    Usually if you drive under 8,000km per year the premium will be lower
    Also Unleaded prices have fallen well below $1.00/Ltr so huge discount on fuel already.
    Registration is but a minimal cost and is related to safety and ownership. Not distance travelled.

    If one is no longer using there car they should sell it and switch to Car Share schemes or UBER instead. It works out much cheaper!

  • +2

    I’m saving hundreds of dollars on the cheap
    Petrol I’m not buying.

  • -2

    I own motorbikes, jetski and caravan. I would like my registration extended for the time they have said we cannot use them.

    • +1

      I hope that is a joke.
      Your profile shows you are in Melb; I'm guessing you don't use your jetski very much for a few months of the year in ordinary circumstances.
      What would be your total duration for caravan use in ordinary circumstances, for a full year?
      And nobody is stopping you using your motorbike (for essential travel).

      • Not a joke at all, if its a reasonable weekend I could take the jetski out fishing. We could have gone camping over easter long weekend, and I could be out at Neerim this weekend riding my dirt bike which they have explicitly said NOT to do. Is anyone still paying weekly for a Gym membership at this time? And if you have paid a full year up front you would expect your year to be extended by however many months the gym is closed.

        • All of the items you mention are discretionary, even if ignoring the weather and other factors that might 'prevent' you from doing those things.
          I don't see many, if any, jetskis on the water in July / August, so I suppose you only want to pay 10/12 of that registration?
          You didn't mention how many days / weeks you use your caravan over the year?
          Do you only ride your dirt bike on weekends?

          Gym membership is for a service; if the service is not being provided, people have been claiming refunds.

          • @GG57: It’s not discretionary at all, you’re risking a fine if you do any of those things I listed. Fair enough it’s for the good of the country to give up doing those things but at least extend the registration during the ban.

            • @Ken1977: You seem to be avoiding my point; all of those items would be used only occasionally during a 'normal' year (certainly not every day), so you were already paying a 12-month registration for less than 12-months use.

  • This is a good question to find out who the stingy ones are that want more on the refund front, discounts, free and or Government money - read Tax payer - read you and I money for the sake of whinging. Add this to the cost of a hopefully once in a lifetime worldwide emergency where we all share the burden and a fair cop of the expenses.

    Just throw the money from the Fuel & Maintenance Account into the vehicle yearly Expenses Account, fair is fair.

    Besides, as already said, we can use our vehicles, and many do, just for the right reasons legally, and for the wrong reasons as well by the idiots of this country.

    My vehicle has not done 3 tanks of fuel in last 30 months, yet that is my choice, I pay full Insurance, Registration and Maintenance, without question, because that is part of the privilege of owning a vehicle, It goes hand in hand with the privilege of driving on the roads.

    This is a small price to pay considering the expense this entire country, the whole whole world is paying and will still pay, mind of course not compared to the cost the family and kin of those that have paid with their lives.

  • Merged from Shouldn't vicroads start issuing some partial refunds on Rego at this point?

    Just wanted to hear your thoughts on partial rego refunds or discounts.
    Since most people were unable to use their cars or worked from home during the pandemic and again the 6 weeks lockdown starting tomorrow in Victoria.

    • Yes not just vic but all states must atleast give a 10% concession on rego renewals if not a refund

      • +12

        There's a high level of entitlement here. But I am intrigued. Where/how did you come up with the conclusion that all states must give a concession or refund?

        • mUSt

          • @fantombloo: Yeah I dont feel its illogical to expect a 10% discount in rego as roads havent been used as much and hence the cost of maintenance and depreciation goes down. While governments are mulling to scrap stamp duty on properties investment an avrage joe like me would expect a small discount as I was unable to use roads for 2 months due to the lockdown (2/12=17% less)

            • @mikesyd2011: But you weren't "unable to use roads…" were you? What was the restriction?

              • @GG57: Its called the lockdown if you were hibernating for the past 6 months.. I had to have a good reason to be out on the road or risk getting fined ..

                • @mikesyd2011: But for those 4 reasons, you could 'use the roads'?

                  • @GG57: But for all other 96 reasons I wanted to use my car, I couldnt

                    • @mikesyd2011: Not totally illogical and I can see where you are coming from. But when you use must, you make an argument that the government has to do it. I.e you must have a driver's license/permit to drive on the road. They don't have to give us a refund. Should they do it? Potentially, but a different kettle of fish.

    • +2

      Would that discount / refund be to all vehicle owners, or would some type of proof be required?

      I'm WFH, only driving for grocery shopping (but still driving).
      I've saved a lot on fuel, tyres, maintenance, etc., already.

    • +3


    • +5

      Next you will want refunds on Drivers Licence, Passport, Insurance, RACV assist, subscription to Indian Youtube Premium as you were sleeping for 8 hours and couldn't use it.

      • +1

        RACV assist


    • I see where you're coming from, as in if you were going overseas and you took out travel insurance and the plans fell through there'd be no point in having the policy, such as not being able to drive.
      However CPT insurance on a car (which makes up the rego) is different and the cost wouldn't change weather you leave it at home or drive it everyday, effectively those that don't drive it everyday are subsidising everyone else as is it. It's just how it is.

    • +1

      At this point I'm happy to keep paying because a) I have a job b) it keeps someone else in a job. Do you see the slippery slide?

    • +3

      It might be a better option for VicRoads to cancel the registration on all private vehicles for the duration of the new lock-down, and automatically add that 6 weeks or whatever to the registration validity period.
      Those that need vehicles for work purposes (i.e. tradies etc., not just to drive to an office) could apply for an exemption.

      Of course, we would all need to walk to the shops, but that might be a good thing anyway.

    • +4

      Has the government not given you enough welfare money already?

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