Job Keeper - Going from Full Time to Part Time

I have been stood down from my work. My employer is eligible to apply for the jobkeeper payment and as I’ve been working Full time for longer than 12 months,I’d qualify for the payment of $1,500 per fortnight.
If my employer decides to open his business and employ me part time up to the point where my prorata pay is equivalent to 1,500 per fortnight,
Am I entitled to additional payment for the time worked ?
Can I decline to take up the offer to work Part time ? I thought that I’m supposed to be employed on the same terms as I was before being stood down.


  • Yes if you work the hours and exceeding the $1,500/fn. Your employer will just top up your payment.
    If your fortnightly pay is $1,500. thats all you're getting. your pay is being subsidized by the government.

  • I don't have all the answers, however:

    Jobkeeper allowance is what you are considering. The jobseeker, is more if you don't have a job. I don't believe the store has to be open for you to receive the $1500 Jobkeeper allowance.

    If you work for more than $1500 worth, then they have to pay you the extra (if you get $30 an hour and work 40 hours you get the jobkeeper allowance of $1500 even though you only earned $1200. If you work 60 hours, they have to pay to top it up to $1800). Super does complicate it a little though.

    Did they give you a new contract for Part time, or did they say they could only afford to work you part time? I think if they offered you a new contract they may have to offer redundancy if you decline (you're best to check that separately with fair work though).
    However, more likely they left the contract as is and have dropped the hours as an alternative to standing you down completely which is probably fair. They need to minimise their losses, while keeping the options open for when business picks up again.

    • "Super does complicate it a little though."

      It's not that complicated really. Superannuation is not payable on the Jobkeeper payment. If you earn more than $1500 per fortnight then the employer has to pay superannuation on the amount above $1500 only.

      • +1

        Nope super will be payable on actual work input even you work $100 you will get $750'and employer will need top up super on$100.

        • Hence the complication :)

          Zonty is right, if you earn $3000 the employer has to pay super for all of that. If they earn $1000, employer pays super on $1000, but the $500 you get to make it up to $1500 you don't earn super on.

  • +1

    You get the $1500 whether you do no work or you work part time hours. You only get more if you do more than $1500 worth of work.

    The changes to legislation that were approved by Parliament last week allow your employer to reduce your hours and hire you in a slightly different role provided if need be. This is suppose to be an 'agreement' between you both. You can decline the offer though expect to be in the queue at Centrelink.

    Plenty of info on this online if you search for it.

  • Thanks for that.i managed to find stuff on some legal firms’ sites as they incorporated the legislation. One site stated that the rules and regulations are still outstanding.
    Thanks for correcting me on job keeper.

    I wanted to make sure that they were complying with the law.
    Personally, I think the reduced hours make sense as it’s gives the business a chance to recover. Although I doubt whether they’ll keep open if they can’t cover their rent.

  • You will get $750 week so if you make that week more then that only that amount will be pay by employer rest comes from ato.
    Example you make this week $600 you will get $750 and that will be pay by ato but you will get super on $600 which will be paid to you by employer
    You make $800 so $750 will be paid by ato and $50 will be pay by employer plus super on $800.

  • I imagine it's harder to get jobseeker than it is to stay in your job so I'd say, stay in your job if possible.

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