Unlimited free deliveries for 14 days. New users only. Expires 14 days after you apply coupon. You have until May 3rd to do so.
Free Delivery for 14 Days for New Users @ Uber Eats

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$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.
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closed Comments
The "unlimited free deliveries" part of the description would suggest otherwise
Sorry has been adjusted. What I meant to say was it has to be applied before the first order
Yes. Didn't work for me
Can't be targeted when it's for new users. Anyone can be one
Doh, skipped the new users bit 🤣
You are correct.Haha got too excited. You are right!
$30 Off was a better sign up deal
Depends on how many deliveries you get.
e.g. milk from Macca's is extremely handy and to get it delivered for free at any hour over two weeks is great! Let alone takeaways
What's the best way to sign up as a new user? Anything to keep in mind? (eg. shouldn't use same credit card/paypal, issues with going to the same address, etc?)
Absolutely, UberEats are so creepy. Definitely no common payment methods, names or IP address. Better to even have different addresses, passwords and clear cache/storage (in both UberEats and Uber apps) every time you switch.
Best way depends on your needs, either go for this or $15 off
Thanks for the info! Considering you need a phone number to sign up, it basically rules me out being able to create a new account without being banned, right? Thank you!
Thanks OP.
How far do they deliver?
as in you can only use it one time?