Hopefully this is a pretty straightforward question.
About to get a new home loan of $820k. Joint tenants/co-owners with GF. GF has personal loan of $40k. I make a little under double what GF makes (her $70k, me $132k).
I have decent capacity to put extra cash towards offset, but could put a portion of that towards GF's personal loan to pay it off faster, which would also free up her capacity to put more money towards offset (which would benefit us both).
House is at variable rate. Current 2.8% but likely to rise later.
Personal loan is at 9.85% fixed.
In terms of financial stuff, would it be better to make extra repayments towards personal loan or keep that cash in the house offset?
Edit: Changed incorrect reference from "tenants in common" to "joint".
Also we've been going out for 11 years, living together for 10.
if your money is your money, her money is her money, then keep it in offset
if your money is her money, her money is your money, then pay off her personal loan
if your money is her money, her money is her money, then how much do you love her ?