Good apps. Enjoy :)
- Android: Unit Converter (Pega Pro) - Premium
- Android: Text Analyzer Pro
- Android: One By One - Multilingual Word Search
iOS : Picture Perfect - All in One
Good apps. Enjoy :)
Ah ok.. Added another one then :)
And another one. Bonus!
fiexd :)
Do I see Google ads sdk on a paid app, probs is disabled but still in the app.
unit converter, why not just google it? rather than wasting space on your phone…
if you're doing it often, might be easier than googling I guess, especially since Google can be hit or miss with some of them (e.g. currency conversion is frustratingly inconsistent)
Picture Perfect is now back at $2.99
Same here
Yep, it’s gone back to $2.99
Unit converter hasn't been updated in a while and the currency rates haven't been updated since 2018. There does not appear to be any automatic (or manual) sync. Sure… everything else is pretty static, but it's a glaring omission and makes the whole app unsavory.
Text analyser Pro was posted earlier