Free - Survivalist and Prepping Articles


Given the current corona crisis and my interest in survivalism, I made a free magazine site that covers all things survivalist and prepping.

I am regularly updating it with on average a post a day. I have a couple of posts about dealing with the Corona Virus such as Pandemic Survival 101, and Items for the Corona Virus Crisis. There are more posts on topics such as Essential Survival Nutrients, Primitive Survival Shelters, Building a Bunker and much more.

If this interests you have a look at

I welcome any feedback, I am very actively working on it. If you have ideas for articles you wish to see, I am all ears :)

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  • +1

    I checked out this site. Very informative!

  • +2

    How fit are you? Stereotypically preppers are usually obese middle aged americans, while I agree with the concept of prepping I think it is pointless when you are fat and sickly and can't walk to your pantry or wouldn't eat healthy beans and rice on a normal day let alone in a crisis

    • I am thin but not that fit, it is something I could work on.

      It is a good point, fitness is often not considered, although I am not sure if the stereotype is true or not, personally I know two preppers, both of whom are Australian and of average fitness. That is a great idea for an article thanks! It is true that prepping is more popular in the USA for some reason.

      Is fitness important to you?

      • Fitness is more important than food storage, less important that water storage. That's how important it is to me.

    • In America they have those things called "guns" (please don't arrest me AFP!). Your fitness might not be top notch, but a rifle or a pistol can knock out any big guy in your way.

      All we have here to defend ourselves is a cricket or a baseball bat. Fitness is a requirement!

      • You can get guns here for hunting and target shooting. Look into it, it's really fun, safe to do, cheap and socially acceptable if you are not a criminal. However put self defence aside, try stalking a deer on a mountain side and then carrying said deer out after you butcher it. EXTREMELY difficult and requires ALOT of fitness.

    • Rule #1 - Cardio….

  • Do you have a design for tin foil hats.?

    • +1

      Not yet! Might be fun for a laugh post.. Apparently they actually can protect against electromagnetic radiation though ;)

  • Ingredients: 2/3 of a cup of rubbing alcohol (vodka is ok as well)

    No, it isn't.

    A standard retail vodka will have an alcohol content of around 40%; nowhere near the 70% required for effectiveness, and that's before you start mixing it with aloe vera gel. And even then, a recipe for home-made hand sanitiser appears to miss the most important point of hand hygiene against SARS-COV-2, which is this:

    If you run out of hand sanitiser, you can often switch to another method which is actually more effective than hand sanitiser: use plain ol' soap and water!

    I hate to sound harsh, but this is a serious topic and there's enough misinformation on COVID-19 already. Good on you for trying to compile information to help others, but please do thorough research before you start publishing content.

    • Thanks for the feedback, I think you must be talking about my other site, which is of a similar nature.

      When I wrote that post about three weeks ago, hand sanitizer was no-where to be found and someone on a forum had asked me what to use instead of rubbing alcohol as he claimed that was sold out as well. So I thought vodka as an option better than nothing. Thanks for pointing out it is not effective enough I will go back and edit that post. I know hand washing is great, I do promote that on that site as well.

      More comments are welcome I'm working on making my sites better :)

      • Okay, cool, thanks!

  • +2

    You seem to be posting other people's articles word-for-word without attribution.

    By: admin On: April 7, 2020

    Four Survival Skills Preppers Need
    "I wish preparedness was something that came naturally to everyone. Unfortunately, many people are unprepared to survive an emergency situation. In this article, I’m going to talk about the basics. I outline four survival skills preppers need to survive an emergency…"
    March 28, 2020 by Hanna

    Four Survival Skills Preppers Need
    "I wish preparedness was something that came naturally to everyone. Unfortunately, many people are unprepared to survive an emergency situation. In this article, I’m going to talk about the basics. I outline four survival skills preppers need to survive an emergency…"

    By: admin On: April 10, 2020

    Essential Survival Nutrients
    "One good expedient way to prevent or cure scurvy is to eat sprouted seeds not just the sprouts. Sprouted beans prevented scurvy during a famine in India. Captain James Cook was able to keep his sailors from developing scurvy…"…
    PrepperJumble Addeddate: 2015-08-02 02:03:38

    Essential Nutrient Sources
    "One good expedient way to prevent or cure scurvy is to eat sprouted seeds not just the sprouts. Sprouted beans prevented scurvy during a famine in India. Captain James Cook was able to keep his sailors from developing scurvy…"

    • I'm prepping my popcorn maker 🍿
      Hopefully op can survive this revelation.

      • A couple of the articles were placeholders, the majority are not now. The one you quoted from is from an old book, not from there directly. It is a good article. At any rate, the site is only a week old they will be replaced soon, that is part of the reason I am asking anyone relevant I can for feedback and article ideas.

        • +4

          The majority? I took a look at a few more articles, but all have been plagiarised. The example links aren't necessarily the source.

          Survivalist Gardening, April 9, 2020
          "Granted, gardening isn’t the sexiest topic when it comes to post-apocalyptic survival, but this is a vital skill…"

          Planning a Post-Apocalyptic Garden, November 15, 2010
          Granted, gardening isn’t the sexiest topic when it comes to post-apocalyptic survival, but this is a vital skill…

          Ways to Purify Water, April 8, 2020
          "One of the main survival priorities in a crisis is to find and disinfect enough drinking water to supply your needs…"

          Survival Skills: 10 Ways to Purify Water, October 3, 2019
          One of the top survival priorities in an emergency is to find and disinfect enough drinking water to supply your needs…

          Building a Bunker, April 8, 2020
          "We have acquired large, heavy duty tarps, parachute cord and if necessary, we can acquire 20 foot lengths of PVC pipe to make a frame for a dome shelter…"

          How To Build Basic Underground Shelter (this page, created with Microsoft Frontpage 3, circa early 2000, but they appear to have taken it from Usenet)
          We have acquired large, heavy duty tarps, parachute cord and if necessary, we can acquire 20 foot lengths of PVC pipe to make a frame for a dome shelter…

          Doomsday Causes, April 9, 2020
          Asteroid impact, pandemic, gamma-ray bursts, frozen Earth, solar storm, super-volcano, geomagnetic reversal, nuclear war

          12 Ways the World Could Really End, Dec 20, 2012
          Asteroid impact, pandemic, gamma-ray bursts, snowball Earth, solar storm, supervolcano, geomagnetic reversal, nuclear war

          Strengthening Exterior Doors, April 9, 2020
          "Many parts of a house have one job to do, like keeping out the rain or providing power. Doors are different…"

          Strengthening your exterior doors, January 10, 2008
          Most parts of a house have one job to do, like keeping out the rain or providing power. Doors are different.
          (and reposted on the survivalist forum you recently joined: )

  • +1

    I feel I would get more useful survival skills just remembering the 30+ Zombieland rules.


  • +1

    I'm not that much into survivalism by itself, as I think that life should be more than that, even during stressful times. However… we all probably should know practical skills. I actually did like that article about the passive fridge, that was awesome. It goes to show what you can do with simple materials. Though pots aren't that cheap, depending.

    The problem is not that we have shortages of anything, the problem is that we can't DO anything. :-P

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