This was posted 4 years 11 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Jumbo Commercial Toilet Paper Rolls 2 rolls $21.50 + Shipping @ Catch


Although it is not the first two choices, it can be purchased online for those people have to stay at home.

Forget buying in small amounts grab them in bulk.

BB Hydro Australia 2 Rolls of Commercial Toilet Paper Jumbo.

2 rolls in the box 280m
9.3xm Wide
FSC Certified
White in colour

Related Stores
BB Hydro Australia
BB Hydro Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    Will it fit on myTP holder?

    • +1

      NM, that joke was too lame for even me.

  • Aren’t these the same as the ones that are used in shopping centres in public toilets.?
    Sorry but I would not pay anything new that price

    • +20

      How much would you pay for used?

    • +2

      Yes and they are awful and not worth the money.

  • Tp shortage is over. No need for this… which of course is ridiculous

    • -1

      Tp shortage is over

      no its not

      • Yes it is all supermarkets in vic have it in stock at anytime of day

        • +3

          And I haven't seen it in a month atleast in SA.

        • +3

          what are you doing in all the supermarkets?

          • +3

            @mlakmlak: Spreading disease.

          • @mlakmlak: it isn't true anyways, i was at southland last night and again like every other day they have 0 stock

          • @mlakmlak: Shopping like normal people not infected by the gov n media spin

            • @Dex38313: You’ve been told to stay at home.

              • -6

                @mlakmlak: No offence but by who I haven’t stood my daily routine because the gov and media say so invaluable my freedom I haven’t shut up shop

                • +2

                  @Dex38313: You’ll be dead in 2 weeks with that attitude.

                    • +2

                      @Dex38313: you're the people they had to being the fines and police checks in for. trump acted like you for a month, now he presiding over the biggest pile of bodies since the black plague

                      • -6

                        @unifex: Moree people have died from the flu in the us then carona

                        • +2

                          @Dex38313: You're so tough standing up to the government and thumbing your nose at everyone who has loved ones at high risk. Pretty tough behind that keyboard…

                          • -2

                            @Dontreadthis: I’m behind my phone keyboard out n about as always bunnings

                        • +1

                          @Dex38313: Please show me where 2000 died in a day? It's called 9/11

                          Glad they have fines for people like you.

                          Also, learn to spell.

                          • -2

                            @scuderiarmani: They don’t have fines for people like me because I’m an essential service I sell things on line for people to get that don’t want to go out about …. iv never been fined yet never will

                        • @Dex38313: Yes true 35k deaths from Flu each year which is about 100/day. Only 20k from covid "so far". Of course covid has only been existed in the US for 2 months so if you divide the death toll by the number of days its at this point in time 220/day. that number is growing every day so at the moment on a per day basis > 2x the number of people have been killed by covid.

                          • -1

                            @unifex: We’re talking about Australia 57 so-called covid deaths
                            Versus 1000s who die from the flu over 500.000 die from the flu in the us
                            And the death rate in the us has fallen buy 15% compared to the last 4 years

                            • @Dex38313: you said

                              "Moree people have died from the flu in the us then carona"

                              I answered that.

                              • @unifex: But if you are talking about Australia. You can't really compare because Australia locked down before it got going here. Every country that didn't lock down soon enough has had horrific death tolls (China, Italy, Spain, USA) People are staying home to stop it killing more people than influenza. Because you have no visible symptoms of C19 doesn't mean you aren't spreading it around. I hope you are not (and you probably are not because most of the population is staying home). Your hanging out in Bunnings not infecting people are probably possible because the vast majority of the population is doing the right thing and not going out. So go out be smug endanger people who are vulnerable and come on here and rub it in the face of everyone. Just remember you are healthy because better people than you are doing the right thing.

        • Vic ..centre of the known universe.

  • +6

    Why is this a bargain?

    • Who knows🤣

    • +1

      When jv is not making toilet puns you now a deal is pretty potty

  • +8

    Better off getting a few of these instead;…

  • +5

    Missed the OZB Memo…. if you see Toilet Paper, post a deal.

    Doesn't matter what it is, the price it is, where it is…. just post.

    Can we add another category mods? call it BS, useless, whatever you want.

    • Want to just call the category 'hand sanitiser?'

    • +2

      Agree. I mean there are pages for specific pizza deals, why not for covid deals as well

  • +3

    Anyone that buys that needs their arse kicked not wiped

  • +1

    User name doesn’t check out.

  • +1

    Aka. 1000 grit sandpaper

  • +1

    That’s one ply. Hello Satan.

    • Fold it over and boom, 2 ply.

      • Not the same.

  • +5

    Davey Warner would have had better effect on the ball using this in South Africa

  • Apparently tp oversupplied in commercial quality but undersupplied in home quality. We are not using more tp but just using tp at home more than out of home. The factories haven't had time to change from 1 ply sand paper to 3 ply luxury.

    Also not the mention the roll size difference. Can predict the reverse when restaurants/workplaces reopen.

    • +1

      They’ve had 6 weeks.

  • +1

    Does not seem to be a bargain.

  • -3

    So many downvoters seem to have trouble with the concept that it is possible for some areas of the country to have plenty of TP while it is still scarce or downright unavailable in others.

    It is useless to me having people 3000km away bragging that because THEY have lots of TP, then this is not a deal.

    If you can find TP online that can be delivered cheaper, faster or in greater quantity, then by all mean downvote the current deal. But please include a LINK to the better deal, for those of us still in need.

    If this is the current best option for TP delivery, then it’s a bargain to me.

    • +5

      Does Not Make It A Bargain, this is a bargain website not a where can you find items site.

    • Give people the thumb down button they will push it.

  • +3

    What a scam, not even a bargain price, Just go to coles and buy a 20 pack for $10….

  • This stuff is great if you want your bare fingers to make contact with your butt hole on every wipe and enjoy spending a fortune on hand sanitizer…

  • +1

    Cheapskate universities love using these as well. Not only are they one ply (or maybe it's half a ply seeing as it's almost transparent) they shred so easily leaving little bits of TP everywhere. A bitch for cleaners to clean up. You think you're getting a bargain with what looks like a huge roll but you'll be using 2 to 3 times as much thus negating any savings you thought you had. Just bad value for money

  • +1

    Is it a bargain?
    2 rolls is 280m x 9.3mm wide. Surface area is 26.04 square metres for $21.50
    or $0.83/Square metre

    A normal roll is 11x10cm x 180 sheets. Surface area is 1.98 square metres at $1 per roll ($6 for 6 rolls typical)
    or $0.50/Square metre

    Conclusion… It's a rip off

    • I think your price estimate might be wrong and artificially favouring the expensive roll! I’ll trust the maths though because I’m lazy at the moment.

      The most abundant TP (at least in my area) is quilton at $0.5 per roll ($10 for 20 rolls)

      Conclusion… It’s even more of a rip off

      • I based it on current 6 pack available price. I bought 45 rolls for $17.50 pre corona.
        38c per roll. Ahh a Brave New World… Oil goes down and toilet paper goes up.
        Next "Mad Max - Beyond Thunderdome" remake will have a totally new meaning.

  • +2
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