I am after a complete one but first of all what type should I go for? Cruiser? Longboard or Standard Skateboard?
My budget is 100 dollars. Is this a fair amount for a beginner?
and lastly, I am in Melbourne, happy to buy online as well as in-store if you can recommend a shop.
Skateboard Recommendation for a Beginner Adult?

The element one is ok as a prebuilt but wait for a sale
Health and life insurance.
Income protectionAn electric one, skating is hard work.
I remember back when i was a beginner adult
Try these guys for advice, but not sure if actual store open. Give them a call. Very helpful. Boards are over yu our budget I think. Best thing to do is to get knee, elbow and wrist protectors.
Bit pointless to be thinking about this now isn't it? Where are you going to ride it?
in front of my house.
Do you want to ride it like a form of transport or do you want to learn to do tricks on them ?
If its primarily a form of transport get a long board or a cruiser
If its for tricks i would get a prebuilt one 8 inches or bigger as a starting board - Dont cheap out and get a crappy kmart one
But you need skate shoes and protection in your budget
Thanks for the input. I think I would just skate like for a few hours in the neighbourhood and call it fun.
A regular skate board would be best then. Not a long board or that style. My brother has skated since he was prob 14. He's 30 now and still on and of skates :) it is a wild sport and will give u plenty of of broken parts on your body guarrenteed. I the only positive I can say is it'll make your spine very strong. In the form of balance. My brother working in a garage roof on a angle with perfect balance.
Good luck with that buddy
thanks budddy.
Decathlon would be your bet for an affordable beginner one + safety gear.