Ozbargain is really taking off with popularity.
It's taking less and less time for an item to become "Ozbargained", which is great, the website is being used and maximized.
However, I would like to propose a suggestion for deals.
When creating a deal, perhaps the deal poster could choose for the deal to be "Public" or registered Ozbargain users only. This way, some of the more popular deals could be saved just for those who are part of the community (especially with deals of limited quantities).
Just a suggestion, and I know there are counter arguments.
Interesting idea but not sure how well it will work. I guess Whirlpool sort of does that with it's extra forums you get depending on if you are signed in and your WP karma.
I was actually going to post a restaurant group buy deal today but deferred as I don't want to have to compete with even more people to get a booking.