This was posted 4 years 10 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Epic - Free - Just Cause 4 and Wheels of Aurelia - Epic Store


The next freebie from Epic are here.

This time it is: Just Cause 4 and Wheels of Aurelia

Wheels of Aurelia:…

From the website: Just Cause 4:

Just Cause 4 sees rogue agent Rico Rodriguez land in Solis to hunt down the truth about his past, at any cost. Jump into an action-packed open-world sandbox experience and cause chaos with a wide selection of weaponry, vehicles and gear!

From the website: Wheels of Aurelia:

Embark on an immersive road trip through the gritty western coast of Italy during the roaring 1970’s. Playing as Lella, a bold, spunky woman, experience the sights and sounds of a tumultuous time in Italy’s history while uncovering events from Lella’s past.


As requested the current freebies reminder here:

Current freebies:

Close to the Sun:…

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments:…

Don't forget to grab them.

Plus, Assassins Creed II will also be free in 4 days (as posted by dealbot):

Don't forget to grab that one as well.

At 3:00am today the following will also be free on Steam:

Ticket to Ride: First Journey:…

Only available for a short time - so don't forget to grab it as soon as possible if you want it.

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Epic Games

closed Comments

  • +6

    Just says coming soon on the site.

    Also, cheeky empty post to get in first then edit…

    • it says free on between 17th and 24th.

    • +5

      I am on laptop running Vista tonight - it does not seem to work too well with some sites, including this one (cannot log into Epic either to get this week's games myself - thanks Vista!). Kept saying someone else is editing even though that was impossible. It just went through while I was redoing it.
      All fixed now.

      • +4

        Sounds like someone needs to look for an Ozbargain deal for a new laptop…

        Thanks Lysander for your dedication to these deals, especially the reminders.

        Can't wait for the next one haha. :)

        • +3

          That new laptop has to wait - unfortunately hit very hard by the Covid-19 situation. 😕😔
          But I do have another slightly newer one running W8 so I am not totally dependent on the Vista one.

          • +3

            @Lysander: You ought to do the free upgrade to Win10 whilst you still can mate (esp Win8… hate that OS so much).

            If you have a .edu email address, you should be able to get the education version of Win10 too if you wanted to upgrade the Vista laptop.

            I've got two Win7 laptops… one of which I'll be upgrading to Win10 (the other has ATI graphics drivers that doesn't work on Win10 unfortunately.

            • @Mugsy: I can't update. MS forced the update to 8.1 and many of my installed programs don't work properly anymore. If I could I would revert to 8 or 7. Also I am afraid laptop would even be slower as only 2GB Ram.
              W10 has many issues. My second dad's touchscreen laptop lost its touchscreen functionality after a forced update and MS said its the laptop manufacturer's fault when clearly it was theirs. Every time we rolled back to before update touchscreen was fine but then MS forced update again. Very frustrating.

              • +1


                MS said its the laptop manufacturer's fault

                Ideally, the manufacturer should update their hardware drivers, or even better, use standard or open sourced driver software. It's not the job of MS to support every single niche hack-job piece of hardware.

                Does the manufacturer have Win10 drivers on their website? A good manufacturer should.

                • +1

                  @indemnity: That's not the problem. It came with W10 and worked fine. Then one of the forced updates killed the touchscreen functionality. We did not want the update but there is no way to stop it and even if you roll it back the forced update will reappear in a few hours.
                  It clearly is the update MS forces on us and MS admitted that.
                  However, MS thinks they do an update and then everybody else needs to adjust even if their update is the sole cause and clearly faulty.

                  • @Lysander: This is very anecdotal. Most Windows users are on 10 by now with limited issues like the one you described. I don't doubt Win10 has its flaws but these are pretty poor cop-outs to not upgrade. You're far worse off staying on an unsupported, out of date OS which is likely rife with malware by now.

      • I personally didn't have any real issues with Vista and kind of didn't mind it.

        Only thing was almost exactly every year on the dot it would bog down so much, i would have to reformat, but other than that i thought it was okay

      • I am on laptop running Vista

        I hate to think how vulnerable it is, given it hasn't had any mainstream support (i.e. security updates) for 8 years

        • I know right, people freak out if their phones don't have 2 years of support, imagine dealing with 8 years of unprotection.

  • +24

    Current freebies:

    Close to the Sun:…

    Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments:…

    Don't forget to grab them.

    Plus, Assassins Creed II will also be free in 4 days (as posted by dealbot):

    Don't forget to grab that one as well.

    At 3:00am today the following will also be free on Steam:

    Ticket to Ride: First journey:…

    Only available for a short time - so don't forget to grab it as soon as possible if you want it.

    • I like that you posted this comment.
      Any chance you can put it in your main post.
      - It saves remembering to go search for the old Epic posts … that have just become active

      • +6

        Sure, I am happy to give it a try and see if people like that.
        Typically, the nice peeps from Ozbargain highlight the current game deal on the front page at 11:00am and then again in the evening again on the day it becomes active so that people do not miss it.
        You can also set a reminder yourself (under the Report and Bookmark fields) which should send you a message when the deal becomes active.
        Given all the Steam freebies at this time I will try to make people aware of them as much as I can in comments - I get confused myself due to the many different starting times and durations. ;-)

    • +1

      and might as well grab TTRFJ free for mobile devices too.

    • Close to the sun and ticket to ride first journey… Don't get those two confused with your 5 year old!

      • Very good advice.😂
        Not following your advice could lead to 'a few' sleepless nights for everybody.

  • We are pretty damn close to finishing JC2 and I nearly bought WoA on sale the other week. Thanks Lysander!

  • +21

    Epic Gamers are really pumping out these free game. Releasing single and multiple games each week, were already over 100 titles. With more to come.

    Epic Free Game Giveaways 102
    >observer_ Hello Neighbor Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
    A short hike Hob Slime Rancher
    ABZU Horace SOMA
    Alan Wake Hyper Light Drifter Steep
    Alan Wake's American Nightmare Inner Space Stories Untold
    Anodyne 2: Return to Dust Inside Subnortica
    Ape Out Into The Breach Sundered: Eldritch Edition
    Assassin's Creed Syndicate Jotun: Valhalla Edition Super Meat Boy
    Axiom Verge Just Cause 4 SUPERHOT
    Aztez Kingdom Come: Deliverance Surviving Mars
    Bad North Juan Edition Kingdom New Lands Tormentor x Punisher
    Batman Arkham Asylum Last Day Of June The Bridge
    Batman Arkham City Layers Of Fear The End Is Nigh
    Batman Arkham Knight LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame The Escapist
    Carcassonne LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes The Jackbox Party Pack
    Celest LEGO® Batman™ 3: Beyond Gotham The Messenger
    City Of Brass Limbo The Talos Principle
    Close To The Sun Little Inferno The Stanley Parable
    Conarium Metro 2033 Redux The Witness
    Costume Quest Mint The Wolf Among Us
    Darksiders Warmaster Edition Moonlighter Ticket To Ride
    Darksiders II DeathInitive Edition Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Thimbleweed Park
    Drawful 2 Mutazone This War Of Mine
    Enter The Gungeon Nuclear Throne Torchlight
    Everything Offworld Trading Company Totally Accurate Battle Simulator + BUG DLC
    Faeria Overcooked Totally Reliable Delivery Service
    Farming Simulator 19 Oxenfree Towerfall Ascention
    Fez Q.U.B.E. 2 Transistor
    Figment Rayman Legends Watch Dogs
    For Honor Rebel Galaxy What Remains Of Edith Finch
    FTL: Faster Than Light Rime Wheels of Aurelia
    Gone Home RUINER World Of Goo
    Gonner Shadow Complex Remastered World War Z
    GNOG Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
    • +4

      Thanks for your effort with the table.

    • Haven't heard of them until these posts. Signed up an account just for freebies

      • -6

        why cant they just offer an assessment of our steam profile and then give you the same games. would make me switch ad try their platform rather than a few freebies every so often. which i have 80% of already?


      "Tencent, China’s largest video game publisher, invested $US330 million to acquire a 40 per cent stake in Epic Games back in 2012. Tencent’s large investment helped Epic reinvent itself as an industry powerhouse, supporting the creation of Epic’s Unreal Engine 4 game development suite and the eventual launch of “Fortnite.”"

  • +1

    Yikes! Big name title next week. I will have Just Cause 2 to 4… and still haven't finished any of them.

    • I haven't installed any of them ever :( I think I bought just cause 2 8 years ago but that's steam for you.

  • +1

    Just started playing Subnautica few days ago, great game! Haven't touched a single game on Epic till recently. Thanks Epic! :D

    • Just started playing these games as well. I recently played and finished Rime. Beautiful game with disappointing but sad ending. Just abruptly ended before I realised it was over.

    • Ive finished Arkham knight and also played a bit of overcooked. So many in the list to play but such large list of shame.

  • +1

    A free game i will actually play

    • Hopefully JC4 won't be as repetitive as 3.

  • Do I own the game permanently once installed? or I have only got a week to finish the entire game?

    • +1

      You own it.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! This is amazing. I loved JC3 beyond belief, so this is an incredible giveaway for me. Brightened my week! Stay safe

    • Don't get too excited. JC3 rates much better than 4. I was very excited too as I have many happy hours on 3. Not that I won't try it but just so you don't get disappointed

  • At this rate I don't think I will need Game Pass.

  • missed out Ticket to Ride: First Journey…..

  • Anyone else having issues with Just Cause crashing on the startup screens (during "performing online login")? My PC / video card should well exceed the requirements..

    • If you have an Nvidia GPU, try the following:

      Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings and then select “Program Settings”.
      Select Just Cause 4 from the drop-down list and set “Power Management” to “Adaptive”.

      Save and exit.
      Worked for me, hope it does for you too.

      • Thanks for the suggestion. Yes - Nvidia (GeForce GTX 1070). Tried changing power management to adaptive but still crashes at same point..

      • +1

        Turns out to be a connection problem due to so many people downloading.
        Turning off internet connection makes the game play fine for now (offline).

        • oh so we can play online with JC? i assumed all new games now are online only. how about assassin, shogun war, etc?

          • @CyberMurning: i mean oh so we can play OFFLINE with JC? i assumed all new games now are online only. how about assassin, shogun war, etc?

    • not having any issues on GTX960

  • recommendations for good multiplayer games?

  • I tried Wheels of Aurelia. Didn't click for me. Nor anyone that wants fun in their games.

  • I was excited, untill I found out there is yet again No Official Multiplayer! No wonder it's free, wasted potential… Cool as a freebie though i guess

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