This was posted 4 years 11 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Free 2 Pairs Men's Socks for Doctors and Nurses @ Mitch Dowd


2 pairs of socks - free shipping
Doctors and Nurses only - AHPRA Number required
Follow instructions on page
As explained, coupon code is: SOCKS4DOCS,SHIP4FREE - I couldn't put in the coupon code section due to the comma (which is part of the code)

EDIT: As people have pointed out, please follow the instructions - the code is applied on the "View shopping bag" page, NOT the checkout page

Mod Note: Deal marked as expired, as the ability to use both code together has been fixed.

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Mitch Dowd
Mitch Dowd

closed Comments

  • +3

    How about lady doctor and nurse?

    • +1

      I'm sure they are free to wear these socks if they want. It seems that "MitchDowd" makes men's clothes.

    • +7

      There are lady doctors. Outrageous

      • I know right… Next they'll be telling us about unicorns!

        • Well as long as they're not voting

      • But no lady surgeons. They become Misters lol.

        • I think you mean Messrs. And it would be Mses. Thanks for playing

  • Giving up Ahpra number for 2 socks ??? Is it really worth it ?

  • Won't let me put in the code, must be ozbargained

  • -1

    Won't let you put both codes in at the same time.

    • Yep Fail

      • +1

        Need to do it in the cart rather than check out.
        And need to put your Ahpra details in comments first.

        • -3

          yes I did but still not working, thanks to waste our time mitch dowd, thats what we need right now :(

          • @stefanko: why am I getting (and not just me) this neg votes? I followed the instructions to the letter, tried to add codes before checkout, tried 2 computers and 3 browsers.. it is simply not working, so just wasted my time :(

            • +1

              @stefanko: because it sounds like you having a cry about someone trying to give you free stuff?? im sure mitch dowd had good intentions.

    • Just tried again following instructions again step by step. lol. You gotta put the codes in before adding to cart. Not at checkout.

    • +1

      Works fine if you follow the instructions.

      • Still won't work for me

  • +1

    Can only use SOCKS4DOCS or SHIP4FREE - could not get both codes to work individually, or separated by a comma…

    • +2

      Put the codes in the shopping bag not checkout.
      Worked for me.

      • Yes, that works. Thanks!

  • Grabbed some :)

    Make sure the socks you want are in stock when you go to check out. For me one of the pairs was out of stock by the time I went to checkout and I couldn't enter both codes, I changed the out of stock pair and it worked.

    • How do I know if it's out of stock, it says the ones i'm adding are in stock?

  • -1

    Worked. Thanks.

    • how did you use both codes, when I add one the other drops out

  • I found the answer guys - you have to add the code when it is in the 'shopping bag' page, when you scroll down, it says 'If you have multiple discount codes please separating them using a comma' box, then you enter it there. It doesn't work on the checkout page.
    Hope it helps! :)

  • Thanks, got a few pairs with my Dr mates

  • It won't recognise the code for me in the bag.

  • +8

    Unable to find a valid discount matching the code SOCKS4DOCS

    EDIT: Does not accept the first code when adding multiple codes with comma in shopping bag

    • +1

      Mine keeps saying that too

  • +2

    Think it's ozbargained already…

  • Love the idea, doesn’t seem to be working though. The first coupon code in a series separated by commas is counted as invalid and won’t let you continue through to checkout.

  • +8

    On the shopping bag, can enter the codes individually just find and it recognises socks4docs. when using the comma with ship4free it bugs out:Unable to find a valid discount matching the code SOCKS4DOCS.

  • +1

    For some reason if you put SOCKS4DOCS in by itself, it works… but then there's the $10 shipping fee

    • Guess it still constitutes a bargain if happy paying $10 for 2 pairs of socks

      • +1

        Or you can add something for ~$4 and get free shipping :)

  • +2

    It's broken.
    Will not accept both codes as a single string.
    See attached gif.

  • +3

    Doesnt work for me as well. Followed the instruction but look like it only recognise either 1 but no both

  • Tried the codes in the shopping bag page and the checkout page. Neither worked.
    The same error as others "Unable to find a valid discount matching the code SOCKS4DOCS"

  • +1

    I'm trying to order for my BIL (dr working right now) but can't get the code to work? The Socks4docs code doesn't work-says it's invalid?

  • +1

    As above, cannot get both codes to work at the same time either.

  • perhaps they have exceeded their quota of free socks for the day?
    Perhaps they underestimated the number of medicos on ozB

  • +1

    "Mod Note: Deal marked as expired, as the ability to use both code together has been fixed."

    According to their description of this promotion on their webpage, I'm pretty sure that Mitch Dowd's intent is to allow both codes to be used together. There is probably a bug that requires fixing from their side.

  • Mine just worked! Good luck y'all

  • +1

    Likewise - I had been getting the same error for a while, but then it just worked.

  • -4

    Have victims of the fires been forgotten? All these companies are jumping on the bandwagon of any new crisis.

    • +2

      Fire victims are last month's news.
      Get over yourselves.

      Healthcare workers need free stuff in April.

  • -6

    doctors earning 1- 2 million per year getting free socks…

    • Is that you Andrew Bolt?

  • +1

    It's working again, mine just went through.

    Edit: Just tested again, it's consistently working as of right now, so get in while you can.

  • +2

    I just tested it again, it's working for me.
    I entered the code "SOCKS4DOCS, SHIP4FREE" - with a space after the comma - into the coupon code section at the bottom of the shopping bag page.
    It comes up as Discount SOCKS4DOCS + SHIP4FREE -$25.90

    • This worked for me. Thanks!

  • Just tried again before bed and it worked. Cheers OP.

  • About time …. I needed the socks

  • I managed to get the socks without inputting my ahpra number. 🤔

    • They may reject your order, I suppose

  • Thanks, I got some lucky socks!

  • Thanks, we’ve got a no boots rule at work once we go inside so these socks will spice things up!

  • Thanks MD!

  • Any other doctor freebies?

  • +3

    Codes not working for me - will only accept either but not both

  • +2

    Still not working for me…can only use one at a time.
    Have tried inputting the codes on mobile and desktop browser.
    Have also tried adding a space between the codes (after the comma) - no luck.

  • Enter SOCKS4DOCS, SHIP4FREE (including space) in shopping bag, not checkout.

  • yep, Distinctly Australia, as in works like a charm (NOT!)
    bloody waste of time

    • woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

  • Doesn’t work. Ozzybargined

    Edit: tried again and it worked however I didn’t have a chance to enter in my AHPRA details as when it accepts the code it takes you to checkout where there is no notes or special instructions.

    I hope the order will still go through

  • +1

    Doesn't work anymore

  • +1

    Doesn't accept the codes anymore? Deal expired?

  • It worked after trying several times. when fill in the AHPRA Number, just fill with the numbers, no the Letters in front, for example, nurse donot put NMW in, it works for me then.

  • Doesn't work at present.
    Deal expired probably.

  • Just submitted an order.
    Does work if you’re patient enough and keep trying

    • How many tries?

      • like 5 - 10ish

  • Thanks OP, still working :)

  • I just did it then, still working.
    Not expired.

  • Working now, couldnt getit to go last night or this morning. Stock running very low.

  • Damn it, missed out!
    Codes no longer work..
    Enter a valid discount code or gift card

  • I suspect people who were NOT Doctors/Nurses were abusing this offer.

    • That is really cheap if true

      • Unfortunately this is happening, see below…

  • How did people get it to work, I spent far too much time on it.

    • Unfortunately, it looks like it's expired.
      Btw are you a doctor/nurse?

      • -2

        Nurse. I meant I was trying it when it wasn't expired and then the next day

        • +2

          Are you sure you are a nurse?
          A simple Google search finds this:

          I'm not a Frontline worker but I got a voucher sent to me anyways

          Please stop trying to abuse these offers!

          • @forrester: No I really wasn't, my sister's a nurse and I was doing it for her but I just said nurse because it was easier and doesn't make a difference regarding whether it works or not. Can send you AHPRA details in official confirmation email or picture of uniform/name badge

            That comment was me and it was true

              • -3

                @ilikedeals: Still don't see how it's abusing the system. Why would she make an account just to ask

  • from the site


    I hope that some medical professionals did manage to get socks prior to them running out

  • Anyone receive their pairs yet?

    • Still haven't received mine.

      • Received my socks just now. Thanks to my partner who is a nurse, but also a female. She got them for me.

  • Thank you Mitchdowd for the free socks and extra presents. In behalf of the health care workers Thank you.

  • +2

    Entered my AHPRA number and details in the special instructions but just got an email saying I didn’t provide the AHPRA number. Oh well.

    • +1

      Yeah same. Disappointing

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