Realised there was unplanned power outage yesterday evening across 3 eastern suburbs in WA after checking on Western Power website. Power out for abt 1hr.
Cut long story short, hence left out details of test done. Power has tripped (same switch on the Circuit Board) at least 7 times since yesterday and today.
We are now 99% sure circuit board issues/damaged after power outage yesterday.
Called WP earlier today and was advised they will only send someone over to check if we got electric shocks, other than that the issues with power tripping can happen after power outage and we will need to call in a certified electrician to check.
We thought that if CB is damaged due to power outage/surge, would be WP responsibility to replace? Anyone with similar experience or if any electrician here, appreciate any advice. Thanks.
Upon advice of a site electrician friend, we have determined it's our 10yo Westinghouse fridge tripping about every 15mins tonight. He reckons there might be some moisture from defrosting during the 1hr power outage. We will open the freezer panel and check it out tmr morning, nice project to do at home on a warm Easter Saturday, will keep posted.
What type of circuit board is it? Most likely you will have to foot the bill of rapairs/replacement.