This was posted 4 years 10 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order] NORTHFORK Instant Hand Sanitising Gel 500ml $7.69 (Alcohol & Alcohol Free) + Post (ETA 29/6) @ MegaOfficeSupplies



Expected release date is 29th Jun 2020

Nationwide and Free Shipping on orders over $55 (Inc GST)

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closed Comments

  • +36

    Expected release date is 29th Jun 2020 ,, Really.. ??

    • +20

      may as well be june 2021..

      • +2

        Beat me to it.

        Pointless waiting for essential supplies to save a few bucks when covid19 could infect you between the time you wait for this and now.

        • Bonus once you’re infected you’re immune. So no need to use sanitiser.

    • +1

      Exactly what I said when I read the post.

  • +4

    66% Alcohol

    • +4

      User picture does not match the post content at all!

    • -2

      Good find OP, but no deal for me 🙅‍♂️

      66% isn’t strong enough

      • +8

        66% isn’t strong enough

        66% is within the 60% - 80% recommendation though.

        • -4

          70% is the optimum level

          • -1

            @Goraka: 72.68% is optimum

            • @D3m3ntia: I usually prefer 75% and add a splash of purified water. :)

            • @D3m3ntia: Do you have a reference for this? I'd be interested in reading it.

              • -1



                Formulation I
                To produce final concentrations of ethanol 80% v/v, glycerol 1.45% v/v, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) 0.125% v/v

                Formulation II
                To produce final concentrations of isopropyl alcohol 75% v/v, glycerol 1.45% v/v, hydrogen peroxide 0.125% v/v

                • +2

                  @xuqi: That's a recipe. If people actually read through the WHO PDF they'd find the following:

                  Hygienic handrub

                  The microbicidal activity of the two WHO-recommended formulations was tested by WHO reference laboratories according to EN standards (EN 1500). Their activity was found to be equivalent to the reference substance (isopropanol 60% v/v) for hygienic hand antisepsis.

                  60% v/v is specified as the minimum, the 66% here is perfectly fine according to the EN 1500 standard..

                • @xuqi: Those formulations were not made for corona but general anti bacterial and virus. If you look at some of papers about ethanol as a disinfectant there are some virus's that need up to 95% to be effective, but 95% as a hand sanitiser evaporates too quickly. 80% the compromise.

                  But for corona, 60% is fine

              • @mattythecapybara: It was a /joke, meant to be for the comment I was responding to

    • +1

      666% alcohol

  • +7

    cost-effective but an unacceptable wait - we'll have more than enough by the first week of May

    • +1

      Devils Advocate; How do you know? I bet there were people saying in March that we'd have enough in the first week or April.

      • +2

        Sure, the general public may have! Work in an associated industry that sells it and a good friend of mine works for a rather large business that distributes the raw material. Both businesses are expecting market saturation shortly, I would say they have the most to gain/lose and would be rather credible given the circumstances. But, this is a crazy time - anything can happen! haha

  • +2

    I suggest that the actual release date is likely to be later than 29 Jun. I ordered the alcohol free version from these guys on 17 March for an advertised expected release date of 1 April but they have not yet shipped the product.

    • +1

      whats an alcohol free version for?

      • Good question. Isn't that the whole point…

      • +4

        For light weights who can't handle their liquor

      • for people who just want something to sniff

  • +12

    never thought I would see the day when we Pre-Ordered hand sanitiser

    • When this arrives.. I am sure i'll have the protection from antibodies :)

  • Thanks Ordered - Suggest getting an order in anyone - this virus is likely to be with us for some time to come.

    • +1

      given every man and his dog seems to have gone into manufacturing sanitiser given how easy it is to make, I suspect by June their will be a pretty large oversupply. If not I will just make more at home.

  • +6

    A note of caution: I placed an order back in early March with these guys and the delivery timeframes have been pushed back time and time again. First it was 2 weeks, then it was another 2. Then it was before Easter, and now it's after Easter. I know their website says 29th June, but I'll be pretty wary of that considering their track record so far.

  • To those interested, the alcohol free is Benzalkonium Chloride which on current best evidence is less effective than alcohols against coronaviruses, so use at your own risk.

  • +1

    Alcohol or Alcohol-Free

    So in other words, effective against viruses V Ineffective.

    • -2

      Soap is alcohol free and it's better than hand sanitiser. I don't know what people's obsession with this stuff is. It's only useful if you don't have access to soap and water, all other times, it's a worse choice than soap.

      • +2

        yes, but soap is not something you can easily use when you have to go out. I use santiser before I get back into my car when I have to go out shopping or if I have been touching stuff that many others may have touched, something I can't easily do with soap.

      • +5

        I don't know what people's obsession with this stuff is. It's only useful if you don't have access to soap and water

        …so you do know! ;)

  • +1

    This like a fund me thing? get enough orders / demands and then we will change our manufacturing to cater for this product?

    • I suspect the economics of the venture are exactly that.

    • 500ml in one bottle for $59.86.

  • +1

    Unacceptable wait period, so for that reason…I'm out!

  • +12

    Pre-orders are not bargains or deals. What's to say that you even get the product (especially this one that's about 2.5 months away from 'expected delivery')

    Whilst I know that some people need these, I think this type of post should go into the forum

  • Expected release date is 29th Jun 2020

    Why me thinks this is another RoboGuy Vac deal in the making!

  • +1

    I did an order on the Mar 6,2020. eta 1 April, then mid April, then late April now looks like "31st Jul 2020" (got 2L bottle on order as well for my work)
    500mls was $6.19 when I ordered, so not complaining about price, but I wouldn't trust the date of when it will be back in stock!

    • My order was March 1 and I'm still waiting. Current ETA is after Easter but I'm not holding my breath.

  • +1

    No deal - too many wait delays - fail

  • +1

    If anyone is interested I have an amazing deal for 2020 Calendars. Expected delivery date 20 Aug 2020

    • That's when 2020 really starts!

      • Yep, first half of 2020 is shut down anyway.

  • most likely ran out of stock before fullfilment..

  • lol June ETA

    • Yep, you can add a few months delay on top of that to be safe

  • -2

    66% alcohol they say 70% is what you should use.

    • +2


      • My understanding based on a study specifically done for corona it is not incorrect. Happy to be corrected if you can find a credible source - cause I have some 64% I thought would not be as useful.

        • +1

          66% alcohol they say 70% is what you should use.

          Who is "they"?

          Happy to be corrected if you can find a credible source - cause I have some 64% I thought would not be as useful.

          using alcohol-based hand sanitisers (60% alcohol)

          World Health Organization

          Alcohol (at a concentration of at least 60% by volume) works as a disinfectant on your skin

          U.S. Food and Drug Administration, quoting the CDC

          If soap and water are not available, CDC recommends consumers use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

          • @eug: Did a bit more research on it myself. Basically hand sanitizer generally isn't full proof (regardless of 60 or 70%) the study I looked at relating to coronavirus specifically was saying that 70% was more effective than 60%.

            I guess with that in mind 66% is fine, but only as a last resort.

            • @Budju: So no reason to neg then? Plenty of credible sources say at least 60% is fine.

              • @eug: I'll leave the neg due to the delivery date. That is the new neg reason.

                • @Budju: Good news, the title and description now clearly state the delivery date and that it's a pre-order, so your neg reason has been resolved. :)

            • -1


              Did a bit more research on it myself…

              …yet haven't provided any credible links.

              … hand sanitizer generally isn't full proof..

              Nothing is "full proof".

              • @dm01: calm down buddy and take a deep breath. It's just hand wash.

                • -1

                  @Budju: Maybe you're projecting - I'm perfectly calm.

                  Where's your "research"?

                  • +1

                    @dm01: Doesn't sound like you are calm, you are even slamming the neg vote

                    • @Budju:

                      My understanding based on a study specifically done for corona it is not incorrect.

                      Did a bit more research on it myself.

                      While you amuse yourself with emotive words, I'll keep waiting for your "research" and "study".

                      • +1

                        @dm01: You'll be waiting a long while then buddy the "research" and "study" are a bit too high level for your eyes - it is for my eyes only.

                        • @Budju: That's the sort of taunt I'd expect from someone called out for posting misinformation. All good, mate - you know for next time. Enjoy your day!

                          • +1

                            @dm01: Lol you dude you hanging for an argument, just go to YouTube comments

                            • -1


                              Lol you dude you hanging for an argument, just go to YouTube comments

                              There's nothing to argue - your incorrect claim has been disproven.

                              @dm01: Doesn't sound like you are calm, you are even slamming the neg vote

                              Look at you, so flustered you've misattributed eug's reply to me!

                              • +1

                                @dm01: oyyy buddy, stop spreading misinformation

                                • -1

                                  @Budju: You talking to me or was that meant for someone else?

                                  • +1

                                    @dm01: Nerd alert! Nerd alert!

                                  • +1

                                    @dm01: You better start flaming people in this thread, they are saying 70% is most effective -


                                    • -1

                                      @Budju: Still feeling a little precious, are you? There there…

                                      • @dm01: Nah I just read it and thought you my man <3

                                        • @Budju: Jesus H…

                                          When does school go back for the pair of you tit for tatters?

                                          • -1

                                            @UncleRico: Schools out Uncle, and we ain't never goin back.

    • +1

      70% is a good safe number with some room for poor measuring, as low as 60% is fine as stated by the CDC. at home I go for 70%

      • Also alcohol will evaporate faster than water so it'll be effective for longer if you have a higher %, though that might not be such an issue now that people are using it by the bucketload.

        • actually too high a percentage of alcohol can be detrimental as it evaporates too fast on the hands, this is why you mix it with gels and water.

          • @gromit: Well that's not what I was suggesting, there's a range that's okay.

            It's not just that, the water is also necessary for it to disinfect properly.

  • Given the huge lead time and reported delays with existing orders, it's a downvote from me.

  • This feels more like an expression of interest than a preorder.

    • It's more like a Kickstarter campaign - give us finding and we might give you…

  • +2

    Ordered some Northfork anti-bacterials and pumps off Amazon for work a month ago.

    *All of the orange fragranced stuff turned colourless within a week of starting using it - not sure of the impact on it's anti-bac capabilities
    *3 x 5l containers were all shipped with 1 x 5l container
    *10 x pumps only included 1 x pump
    *Didn't order this gel sanitiser since it was out of stock, but did research it elsewhere and found multiple reviews complaining of the quality and inconsistent texture

    Submitted reviews for each, but Amazon have not published a single one, no doubt allowing other buyers to be duped by quality and quantity. Aqium, this stuff is not…

    Also, not delivered until July? Pass.

    • +1

      'Northfork', and 'quality' are mutually exclusive.

  • Got an email - order being cancelled due to insufficient stock

    • Well, at least they're consistent.

      Be glad - you dodged a bullet…

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