Individual Support Course from TAFE

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I am looking to take an Individual Support course, but TAFE has:

  • Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability);
  • Certificate III in Individual Support (Aging, Home and Community);

In your opinion, what would be the best course? Which one has more job opportunities?


  • +3

    They both have there share of job opportunities. Id be looking at which one interests you the most.

    Both Aged and Disability share similarities in the type of work you do, however disability does have a lot more complex clients which would require additional study on top of the Cert 3.

    I work in the industry so can provide further clarification or advice if needed.

    • -1

      If you work in it why didn't you tell him he needs cert 4 or higher as of the end of last year?

      • Because thats not true at all. Cert 4 is designed more so for people wanting to become team leaders in Individual support. Why would you do a Cert 4 if that wasnt your intention?

        Cert 3 is enough for NDIS and Aged Care and you can always add on things like Bowel Care, Hoist training etc at a later date.

        • Oh that could be a child safety requirement then as I work both and needed a cert 4. I was also told in qld due to the royal commission it was changing to cert 4?

    • Totally agree. This is great advice Belgarath.

  • Ok so, you can work while studying and Get your first aid with CPR.

    What clients do you want to work with? Aged, youth, disability? Don't get into community access atm as there is no community to access lol.

    I work cs and ndis, i have asked to do complex behaviours as I figured if you can do that there isn't much you can't do.

    I am doing a cert 4 community services atm

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