This was posted 4 years 11 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[WA] Hand Sanitiser Liquid 5L $80.00 Delivered to Perth Metro @ Pool Shop Online


EDIT: There was stock when I posted it, must not have had much left. boo :(

Seems like a good price at the moment, looks like Metro Perth delivery only, description pasted from their website.

Please note: There is a limit of 9 sanitisers per order.

DISCLAIMER: Due to the extremely high demand of this product, please refrain from calling or emailing as this slows down our operations. Once our website doesn’t allow you to place orders this means that we are out of stock. Please allow 7 days delivery.

Hand Sanitiser - 5 Litre
Hand san is an alcohol based hand cleaner. It finds application as a hand sanitiser in the home, office or work environment and in the food industry as a convenient hand sanitiser.

Hand Sanitiser Appearance
Hand san is a clear liquid with a pleasant lemon fragrance.

Hand Sanitiser Application
Wash hands thoroughly with potable water. Lightly spread the hand sanitiser on to hands, rub hands together to ensure complete contact of total surface of the hands with the sanitiser and allow hands to air dry. Do not over use the product as excessive use may cause defatting and consequent cracking of the skin.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    All gone , out of stock , “sorry we do not have… 0 stock ) ???

    • says in stock for me

      • +1

        What about when going to the cart after adding?

        • "There are some issues with the items in your cart. Please go back to the cart page and resolve these issues before checking out."

  • +1

    There are some issues with the items in your cart. Please go back to the cart page and resolve these issues before checking out.

    • Same.

  • Don't light a cig afterwards. Kaboom!

  • +6

    Only 45 litres of sanitizer per order?

    This rationing is starting to bite…

  • Is it possible to use metho?

    • +10

      I don't think that's one of the payment options.

    • Yes but alcohol should be mixed with water for best results as a disinfectant. For ethanol, 60%-80% alcohol is the range.

      People use aloe vera gel to make it more convenient too, like a normal hand sanitiser, but that's a bit hard to get ATM I think.

  • $85 delivered to Perth here:

    They did have stock, but are out now. Might be worth checking the site again to see if they get any more in.

    • Long gone, hence the expired listing…

  • showing No stock.

  • +1

    The warnings on the container make interesting reading.

  • +10

    I have a bottle of 5L isopropyl alcohol I bought online more than a year ago for $17 shipped. I'm sure this wouldn't be $80 on a normal day, but hey this is just surge pricing

    • +2

      Ahh the golden days. Bought 4 back then eBay UK/AU 15% off GC too.
      But used most of if pre-pandemic for removing waxes off cars prior to ceramic coating. Liquid gold now

      • I bought mine because i'm a germophobe and also its great to clean stuff without getting it wet / leaving water marks. But you're right - its liquid gold now.. hahaha

    • +3

      Yeah I got it for the bargain $10, but even for $30 like before the madness this just seems even madder to pay $80. There are plenty of alternatives. Heck I'd rather just have a soap bar and bottle of water in the car instead if this is the going price.

      I'll even go as far as saying this is very opposite to the sort prices I expected OzBargainers to ever pay.

      What happened to you China OzB, you used to be cool.

      • +1

        I checked prices mid march, and a 5L container was reaching $350+ on ebay.

        I'm still working through the 10L I got on ozbargain a few years ago but it made me wish I got a lot more.

        • +1

          Yeah same. I'm about 1/2 way through mine overall just as a cleaning option. Got sanitizing because of the virus I wouldn't say it's a big practical increase - the little misting bottle I mixed up is lasting a while!

          But yeah very unlikely to be that cheap ever again.

          • @dufflover: Also, for regular cleaning I use a 60-40 mix of alcohol and water, which is mostly fine. That one 5L bottle i bought still has a third left, though I've upped my paranoia level to 90-10 since march, which may actually mean I'll have to get more at inflated prices

      • Someone here mentioned methos (methylated spirits) as an alternative. I had to look it up and its apparently the same thing. Overall, you're right, most people don't need more than soap and water for most times.

    • +1

      Same just checked my emails to confirm, $18 for 5L in nov 18.

  • Lucky i can get 5L at my work for $30

    • +1

      I'm intrigued, Where dat?

      • +1

        His workplace….

        • i found that quite funny

    • Buy and install to me. Lol can't get it and I work cs/ndis so front line.

  • Methylated spirits (before some start, Australian retail products should not contain methanol, check the MSDS) combined with a diluting liquid (ideally moisturising e.g aloe gel) at no less than 70:30 ratio works a treat!

    • +1

      60% is fine for ethanol (70% is fine too), 70% minimum is for isopropanol.

      • +2

        Yes, need to allow for the methylated spirits not being 100% ethanol. The one I have is 95% ethanol. Mixing 70:30 would produce a product that is 66.5% ethanol but 60:40 would result in a product that is only 57% ethanol

        • That's interesting, I was under the impression that for most modern metho the denaturing component was not a significant %, but something to be aware of I suppose.

          • @mattythecapybara: 5% non-ethanol is not significant unless you mix it based on total volume rather than ethanol content. It's also important to ensure it doesn't contain any nasties like methanol in the denaturing component. Methanol can be absorbed through your skin and cause poisoning i.e. using methylated spirits that has methanol in it for making hand sanitiser is not a good idea.
            The SDS for Diggers methylated spirits, which you get at Bunnings and therefore one of the more common ones, states it is >=95% ethanol and <=5% water.

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