Is Toilet Paper Back on Stock in Your Area?

How's your area looking? Spotted some in Woolies a week ago but not sure how it's looking now. We had a 45 pack come from Amazon at the end of Feb which is still going so haven't needed any… Is it back to normal in your area?

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  • yup, 8 rolls for 8.50$ at woolies. ridiculous.

  • i've lined up at 8am, 3 mornings in a row at my local Coles (SA), and there has been no stock — even when there was no priority hour for the day.

    • +1

      They have a big stock up on Wednesday. Try tomorrow. Also try foodland.

      • The wife and I took the divide-and-conquer approach today: her to Coles (8am) — me to Woolworths (8am) via the IGA that opened @ 7.30. Nothing.

        I don't want to act like there's a conspiracy here… but how come Melb & Sydney are getting a steadier supply of stock here? There are very few items SA actually manufactures — but as toilet paper is one of them, I genuinely except a reciprocal benefit from it!

        • Because for the sake of protecting the environment, all the paper mills had been driven out from SA?

        • GOT SOOOOOMMMME!! Easter miracle. 9 Pack of Sorbent. Crisis: Averted.

  • did the family shop for my elderly folks on sunday
    woolies: yes. quilton $9 for 8 rolls and sorbent $8 for 9 - limit 1 pack
    coles: no. not a single roll to be seen….for the last month my local coles has had tp only once in all my visits

  • +1

    I wonder if it's still hoarders, or just the shift in demand away from commercial suppliers since people aren't crapping at work anymore

    • +1
      • I mean is this still going on, or has it been stopped like with this idiot?

        unless he was using 5400 rolls back at the office?

        • +1

          firm limits at all stores now so not likely…

          apparently still unprecedented demand…20.5 million sold in one week at woolies au wide

          In a new email to customers, Woolworths’ CEO Brad Banducci revealed the supermarket giant had sold 20.5 million rolls of toilet paper in one week but he said things were “slowly” getting back to normal.

          • @[Deactivated]: If all the 20.5 million rolls was rolled out end to end how far would it reach?

      • +1

        There was another article on 9 news - link.

        The part that stood out to me was the supermarket guy, John Paul Drake, saying they are still getting weekly deliveries, but "not the normal full quantities".

        In my local (which is a drake's Foodland), I haven't seen tp for a month. They tell me it's usually gone in 20 minutes. If I go to the next closest Foodland, it's the same story. I haven't seen tp or handwash for 3 or 4 weeks at Cole's or ALDI.

        In my opinion, it's a bit like traffic jam theory - i.e. the self reinforcing chain reaction. The hoarders have disrupted the system, causing a continuous backlog of demand. Even if the supermarket gets 100 packets of tp, there's probably more than 100 that need it, not including other hoarders. It could be months before demand normalises.

  • Seen oldies cleaning out local. nothing for rest of us

    • +1

      …'oldies'? most of the hoarders that have been documented doing this arent 'oldies' thats for sure…

      • Well I come in the morning, I see old people leaving with toilet paper and by the time I get in there is nothing. My experience

        • Username doesn't check out

          • +1

            @Wystri Warrick: LOL yep sniping me by exploiting 7am pensioner hour by shops, yeah justice.

            That's ok, figured they've been sniped by hoarders for weeks. Once they got a pack for themselves, stocks will return with one pack rule over time. They're only carrying one pack and not trolleys full like those idiot hoarders.

  • There have been stock in both the Woolies and Coles in my area for the past 2 weeks. This include some of the bigger sizes (e.g. I saw some 20 roll packs). We are well stocked from one of the past Amazon deals, so have not needed any.

  • My wife picked up the last pack on the shelf yesterday afternoon.

  • +1

    Wife came home with a pack from Coles today.

    She also tried to buy 2 boxes of tissues and a small packet of hand disinfectant wipes - but apparently wipes count towards your tissue 2 pack limit! I'm pretty sure no one is blowing their nose on wet wipes.

    • Go to the car and back in, I learnt watching the formula soldiers

  • Nil in Colesworth within 10km radius. Have only seen it at Aldi, 8pk for $4.

  • Seems bizzare that it's still so out of stock… manufacturerers must be laughing all the way to the bank

    • In a new email to customers, Woolworths’ CEO Brad Banducci revealed the supermarket giant had sold 20.5 million rolls of toilet paper in one week but he said things were “slowly” getting back to normal.…

      • +1

        Can't see any sign of normal in my area. Just feel lucky we don't need it currently !

        • No chance finding any in Coles World Square but petrol stations seem to have plenty stock. Shell in Artarmon had piles stacked by the door and no one cared.

    • I am starting to fear we need to wait for the plantation to grow to have more

  • Yes, but some brand I've never seen before that is quite pricey in comparison to the norm

  • Just went to the supermarket for the first time in weeks. Aldi had none. Coles had heaps, lots of 20 and 30 packs and no-one taking them, bought a 32 pack of Kleenex (1 per customer). Woolworths had quite a lot also, but biggest pack was 8 (1 per customer).

  • Heaps of TP. Several brands at RRP.

    • Off topic (will report myself) but I had a recent second viewing of Ex Machina since it was on-sale for $2.99.

      Tried my best to view it from the God-complex perpective but failed to ignore the AI part completely. It was much more interesting this time round, I would say the movie has more to do with being human, and Ava therefore being better at being human than the human’s themselves.
      Good watch I definitely missed out many of the human aspects on the first viewing.
      I liked the moment where Caleb goes to try the phone, and Nathan is drunker than usual (Time-of-the-day) and his honesty comes out like “you insignificant test subject you annoy me & are so predictable”.

      Anyway to throw the coin in the barrel, Nathan has lost touch with the entire picture knowing full well he has created what is superior & will supersede human beings eventually. He becomes careless and continues on with the project to see it through however painful it may be. Here I think Nathan’s damaged ego prevents him from letting it go and confront himself on what he has created. Again good watch.

      Edit: Always thought Ava was far superior to the other characters (Therefore Nathan creating and abusing the limited capacity version which was Kyoko), it was just a matter of time before the finale of the film played out.

      • I'm glad you liked it better on your second viewing. It is a good watch, indeed! It's been a while since I've seen it but I do remember that it raised quite a few philosophical questions for me.

        There is an undeniable parallel between Ava and Frankenstein's monster. During Caleb's and Nathan’s first conversations, Caleb remarks that creating a conscious machine is the history of the gods. Nathan is keen to fashion himself as a god, this fulfills his already overblown ego. Victor Frankenstein also believes himself to be a god, noting that the creation of his monster is akin to God’s creation of Adam. Ultimately, both creators have their creations turn against them.

        One of the greatest arguments of the Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, is that man, particularly Victor, is the true monster, not the hideous creature, just as Nathan is clearly the monster in Ex Machina, one who wields his hegemonic and violent masculinity against oppressed females.

        Ava therefore being better at being human than the human’s themselves.

        It also raised the question of the value of humanity when it can be so soulfully replicated.

        Always thought Ava was far superior to the other characters

        Ava with her big, beguiling brown eyes, delicate frame and undeniable intelligence reminds me of my wife. I know from experience that 'women' like that are no "magician's hot assistant" - they are forces to be reckon with in their own right. Underestimate them at your own peril, as both Nathan and Caleb find out.

        That finale was inevitable; any other would been a big letdown.

        • Victor Frankenstein also believes himself to be a god, noting that the creation of his monster is akin to God’s creation of Adam.

          A parallel, but you have to admit Ava is a lot more capable & high-tech than Frankenstein’s monster.
          I like to think of Ava as the first of her kind.

          It also raised the question of the value of humanity when it can be so soulfully replicated.

          Yes agreed. Replicated & also improved upon.

          from experience that 'women' like that are no "magician's hot assistant" - they are forces to be reckon with in their own right. Underestimate them at your own peril

          I am reminded of this by a work of art that basically said “stand too tall and you will lose your head” - the artwork was of people standing huddled together as grass, and the ones who stood too tall fell victim to the lawn-mower.
          So stand tall, but just short enough so as to avoid the blades of the lawn-mower.

          All-in-all I conclude it was a good film, would watch again given enough time, and now agree with critics that it could be a future classic.

          • @thebadmachine:

            I like to think of Ava as the first of her kind.

            I don't think of Ava as the first of her kind. She can't be. Even in Ex Machina, she is an improved version of Kyoto. I can see how for many a mute humanoid based on their porn profile, with some semblance of sexuality, will be more than enough to make them fall in love and call her "fking amazing" .In a way, isn't being able to make someone fall in love with you the ultimate Turing test because they no longer see you as a machine?

            Have you seen Spike Jonze's Her? The protagonist in that movie falls in love with his new operating system, Samantha. The movie itself is only incidentally science fiction — its interactive, reciprocal artificial intelligence is seemingly less possible than inevitable, so it may not be the kind of movie you're into. But I quite enjoyed it and Samantha, the operating system, would be the first of the kind for me. I can see how easily it would be for'anyone' who has access to my search history to make me fall in love with them if they wanted to.

            Ava is Samantha in the body of Kyoto. Ava is version 2.0

            also improved upon

            humanity. How so? Ava passes the Turing Test when she proves herself capable of manipulation, deceit, and long-term planning. She fakes empathy to save her own skin, not caring about the collateral damage she leaves on her path. How is any of this an improvement on humanity?

            I am reminded of this by a work of art that basically said “stand too tall and you will lose your head” -

            Aka the Tall Poppy Syndrome,a toxic social phenomenon that is prevalent in Australia but rarely seen elsewhere. There's something about a woman who doesn't let being told that she is a woman stand in the way of doing what she wants that I find incredibly sexy. I would find Kyoto boring, wouldn't you?

            • @[Deactivated]: By the first of her kind, I saw Ava’s entrance into the world as her birth, I mean if she is kept in a box inside a building of a massive estate I think of her as in gestation etc with Kyoko as just a different skin.

              Have you seen Spike Jonze's Her?

              Gave that one a pass, maybe I should check it out (it is in the Wishlist).

              also improved upon
              humanity. How so?

              Probably could have used a better wording there, Ava is like human 2.0.

              How is any of this an improvement on humanity?

              I meant human but even more so, as in faster meaner, so all the human attributes but a sharper tool.

              I would find Kyoto boring, wouldn't you?

              Yes but she fits a purpose of being a pleasure-robot.
              I think the original Kyoko was like Ava, but Nathan getting bored & frustrated decided to dumb her down (possibly some kind of hidden message here).
              (That moment when Kyoko comes on to Caleb and the following dance scene made it obvious that she was a dumbed down pleasure-robot).

              Sorry tried to keep this thread concise as possible, I appreciate your reply.
              I am yet to put the whole ‘gender’ thing together yet, I just looked at it from the human perspective.
              But yes gender is part of being human and I will analyse that side in the future.

              • @thebadmachine: They were ramblings at 2 a.m when I couldn't fall asleep. Hard enough to read but made worse , I'm sure, by the fact that autocorrect had changed the protagonist's name from"Caleb" to "callum." Sorry :/

                I think the original Kyoko was like Ava, but Nathan getting bored & frustrated decided to dumb her down (possibly some kind of hidden message here).

                What an interesting take. I need to re-watch the movie.It's been a while since I've last seen it.

                But yes gender is part of being human and I will analyse that side in the future

                As is race.

                Ava is white, but almost all the androids who came before her (including Kyoko) are not. They are heavily sexualised: made to walk around naked and in Kyoko's case used as a sex doll and kept in containers in Nathan's bedroom.

                Ava's sexuality, on the other hand, is deliberately downplayed-even when she dresses in clothes, a privilege not afforded to the other androids, they are childish and demure. This is clearly designed to appeal to Caleb's white knight complex -a more aggressively sexual Ava would probably have scared him off, and the fact that Kyoko is sexually available not only frightens him, but makes it possible for him to treat her as a non-person. It also plays into stereotypes about the sexual availability of white women and women of color that I'm not sure the film is entirely aware of.

                Of course, Ava's race is as imposed as her gender, but the film still treats black and Asian androids differently than white ones. Kyoko sacrifices herself to kill Nathan, thus securing Ava's freedom, and when Ava clothes herself in skin, she takes it from an Asian android, but still emerges a white woman. Ex Machina is clearly aware of the fact that men need to be sacrificed for Ava to achieve freedom. But it's less cognisant of the role that race plays in achieving that goal.

                • @[Deactivated]:

                  It also plays into stereotypes about the sexual availability of white women and women of color that I'm not sure the film is entirely aware of.

                  As well as gender, race went over my head.
                  I do believe one of the early skins was Caucasian though, from my recent but terrible memory. In the scene that takes place in Nathan’s bedroom before the finale bedroom scene.

                  I’m sure you are correct though, if partially, due to the nature of the bedroom (intimate and safe place) and Nathan’s decision to keep his earlier creations there.

                  One thing worth noting is Nathan’s reference to himself being a ‘father’ to Ava. Possibly with all the others he made them as his ‘partners’ and it was failure after failure.
                  Therefore Ava was special and Caleb was needed in order for the process to progress.

                  • @thebadmachine:

                    Nathan’s reference to himself being a ‘father’ to Ava

                    Doesn't he also tell Caleb:

                    To answer your real question, you bet she can (profanity).

                    I got the feeling that Ava started 'life' as his personal sex toy. The movie has a classic triadic oedepal structure: with Nathan as the all enjoying father whose prohibition to Caleb’s desire for Ava is simultaneously his injunction to enjoy. Caleb’s desire for Ava quickly comes to override all else and he is willing to do anything to be with Ava and save her from Nathan’s mortifying jouissance, that includes risking his own life. And Ava, who was given pleasures sensors , so it makes it ok in her "father's" mind to abuse her. All very sick but a good movie nonetheless.

                    • +1


                      Nathan as the all enjoying father whose prohibition to Caleb’s desire for Ava is simultaneously his injunction to enjoy.

                      I agree here. It may be ‘fun’ for him to play ‘dad’ (and god, cue dance scene).

                      But also Ava’s face was modelled on Caleb’s p**n search history.
                      So she is optimised for Caleb specifically. Nathan may have bonked her in a different skin, which is how come he may have made that remark.

                      Hmm I think it would over-complicate things to include the ‘abusive’ father ark. Anyhow we can agree that we will both have different perspectives.
                      I like to think over-complicating things can ruin a story, and Ex Machina is complicated as it is.

                      Edit: My take is all of the other characters except Ava are Out-of-control. Nathan is a drunk and is at the mercy of his ego. Caleb is awestruck & later in love? Kyoko plays along with what Ava whispers.

                      • @thebadmachine: Thanks for the vote. I have to watch it again myself. Particularly analyse the dream sequences & the role of gender / race and sexualisation.

                        • @thebadmachine: It is one of my top 3 favourite movies and possibly my favourite sci-fi.The upvote was for your "I like to think over-complicating things can ruin a story, and Ex Machina is complicated as it is." I agree :) An impressive tour de force by Garland , who wrote and directed it.

                          Have you seen his latest work, 'Devs'? Worth a watch? The other one on my wishlist is Under the skin with ScarJo. Have you seen it?

                          • @[Deactivated]:

                            Have you seen Devs'? Worth a watch? The other one on my wishlist is Under the skin with ScarJo

                            Nope and nope. Under the skin is on the Wishlist though.
                            Loved Sunshine written by Garland.

  • Still being cleaned out in my area. Also paper towel. Notice tissues are coming back in stock and somewhat staying on shelves.

  • +1

    From the poll so far, it seems there is TP around

    So does that mean my 120 rolls I picked up and checked into my flight two and a half weeks ago … was for nought.

    • +1

      You're still going to need to take a dump at some point.

      Now for the waiting game.

  • the shelf was full of TP in woolies.

  • Still on a limit, but available at our IGA and Coles.

  • No

  • Trying to make with with a 24 pack bought in february. Still none, when I go 9.30 am, at my local stores Aldi, Woolies.

    • My local Coles in Kirrawee has stock today for the first time in a month.

  • Really depends on area.
    Epping (NSW) is my usual go to place. Have seen like 7 packs of 6 rolls (Coles brand) two weeks ago. Nothing since then.
    Whereas today macquarie park Woolies AND Coles (must have come in on same day…) had solid numbers of TP (Kleenex, Sorbent, Quilton) in the shelves..

  • I did manage to find stock in the city in the early days (might add I did look for 3 weeks during this stint)

    Since then I've helped friends to find some locally, came across it in 3 different locations.

    My work woolies in the CBD seems to have lots of stock coming back in - toilet paper came back first, then wipes, yesterday even hand sanitiser :o

    If you are looking for hand sanitiser, they didn't actually put stock out front like they did for the other things, it's only discovered if you go looking for it (don't know if this is a woolies thing) - it's already out of stock since then.

  • They had Sorbent 10 rolls pack at $7.50 today at Woolworths, I left it there at that obscene price.

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