Whilst stocks last, identical sonically to the normal Focal Clear, includes two sets of ear pads and only two cables instead of 3 - a black and red version of the Focal Clear otherwise!
Limited quantities.
Whilst stocks last, identical sonically to the normal Focal Clear, includes two sets of ear pads and only two cables instead of 3 - a black and red version of the Focal Clear otherwise!
Limited quantities.
Because C is less than B and only one worse than A.
I have Asian parents, if I don't buy A-Stock then I don't get dinner.
If you get B-stock, you will B very happy.
An A- may also be possible.
It's an A, minus the new.
I have received my B today and as happy as getting an A.
Username checks out.
Just be sure to use it on your B hole and not your A hole…
Long shot but any deals on Utopia's?
Not at the moment I am afraid.
I am afraid.
Don’t be afraid.
Be alert. Your country needs lerts.
B stock is returned stock or demo stock? Will they have all the accessories too?
All accessories, only open box units they aren't used.
Full warranty.
So who opened it :).
Edit: Deleted.
Don't mean to diss this deal,but this is B stock. $2199 is for brand new.
C'mon, 42 posts and you still can't put the store name in title?!?
first time i see 1k headphone, interesting…
@alvian: I listened to these at the hifi expo in Melbourne a few years back. I like my audiophile stuff but to be honest, I don't think they were much better than a good $1-2k setup. I guess I don't have au$83k ears (their RRP at the time). Still, was nice to put something on my head that was worth the same as a deposit on a house. Fyi extra set of headphones was 50k or so as the amp can drive 2 units, so 130k for the set 😃
@alvian: Not worth, this combo is subjectively better and about $15-20k cheaper IIRC.
If I had the money to pick it wouldn't be the Orpheus.
A lot of the bits such as their stand are stupidly over-priced but very little if any of the techn9logy in these components could be considered "snake oil"
"But look how much I saved!"
Wow…I have to sell a Kidney for this! 1+ k Headphones. Where has world come to…
Wow…I have to waste seconds of my life reading and replying this useless comment what has the world come to…
hence you are chef, not a tech guy! Just mind your own business!
If you're a tech guy you would know why these cost one thousand dollars,I know why they cost 1 thousand dollars, hence my reply to a stupid comment.
Okay gonna educate some people here: to purchase the equivalent quality headphones as speakers, you’re looking at 10x the price. These are typically aimed at audiophiles and audio engineers for mixing and mastering.
Edit: have my upvote. It’s a great price. B stock shouldn’t be a worry for anyone. You could probably beg Focal for an extra cable…
Please also keep in mind plugging these into your onboard motherboard sound card or your iPhone isn't the intended use at all.
How long is the warranty on these headphones?
Two years :)
Would jump on it if I didn't already have Clears :( Good deal, pads themselves are quoted to be $280 by the distributor…which is just taking the piss, but the headphones themselves do sound marvelous.
That being said my first unit had channel imbalance so make sure you buy from an authorised dealer like these guys to take advantage of the warranty.
At that price, they must be made by apple?
Any deals on Elegia (without dragonfly)? :)
Edit: Looking for closed back, not open back headphones
What are you doing to me.
First the Elear.
Next the ZX300 on sale.
Now your message is CLEAR.
I am waiting for the TAZH1ES and the WM1A to be discounted to complete my setup :).
More like going up soon I am afraid! :(
Holy Bat Ears! That is one expensive headset.
Believe me, it worth it.
Received mine today. A bit step up from the elear. It is a keeper. I am going to offload some of my headphones.
Can you please advise what cables are included with the Clear?
How does it sound compared to the Elear? I'm quite interested in it. I might pull the trigger on it.
Less punchy or dynamic bass than the Elear but greater detail at the 3-6khz range that gave female voice and string instruments bodies. The Clean is also sound more airy. The Clear is more than double the price but include the case, extra ear pads and cables. Is it worth that amount is up to your assessment and value. I can EQ the Elear to sound very good but not every players can EQ properly and 24bit or SACD files cannot be software EQ at the moment as there is no support by software developer.
Thanks for your reply! In your personal taste, which one do you prefer when I think you own both of it right?
I prefer the Clear as it is less fatiguing and I am happy just use it without Eq. Yes I have both and have try interchanging the ear pads which make the bass of the Elear less punchy which I thought is the selling point for the Elear.
Honestly, I can't tell a real difference between these and my HD 58X (post-eq). However, I am running both of them off on-board audio so maybe a dedicated amp/dac may change that.
It does not need much amp but good dac is essential.
How are these better than C-STOCK?