When Stubb opened his original Texas bar-b-q joint in 1968 he served a plate of what he called "love and happiness" Stubb smoked meat to perfection and made his sauces from scratch. Today his legacy lives on in the bottle you're holding in your hand. And if you're ever in Austin, come visit Stubb's bar-b-q for some great food, a cold one and live music!
½ Price Stubbs BBQ Sauce Varieties $3 @ Coles

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Prepping for the end of corona party?
Teasing losers never fails
Thanks op! great sauce, spicy one is the tits
Yumm.. tits!
Where do you get the spicy version? Not available in Coles.
Might have been Woolworths, can't recall sorry
Original is pretty 'meh'. Okay as a marinade, but too thin and plain for a sauce on it's own. Sweet Baby Ray's is 100x better!
I was gonna ask how it compares to SBR’s. 👍🏻
That’s my go tois that at Colesworth, or where?
I find SBR slightly sweet. The original Stubbs has just the right amount of tomato for me. Will try the spicy.
I'm with you on SBR and think the spicy is the best of the range.
Sweet Baby Rays is definitely better for a sweet sauce and condiment. Personally I find Stubbs to be better for marinating though due to the lower sugar amount.
SBR has/tastes like too much sugar honestly.
SBR is loaded with high fructose corn syrup which is just terrible, terrible stuff.
So on that basis, it's 100x worse.
Went through most of a SBR's bottle in two weeks, then looked at the back. Don't really want to eat more hf corn syrup… It was probably added lately for costs
Best sauce for ribs and pulled pork when you can’t be bothered making your own I reckon. Much better blend than the pure sweetness of SBR
Stubbs is the best Coles/Woolies bbq sauce available. Jump on it. Goes fantastic on ribs.
I've been buying stubbs from bibina for @ 15years.
I put it on my ribs, but my wife said I look ridiculous.
Better than most bbq sauces in oz. I miss Johnny s bbq sauce from costco
at least from a health perspective, Stubb's is perhaps the best barbecue sauce:
- only 15.4% sugar, no high-fructose corn syrup
- also 23.3% carbohydrate, 0.8% sodium
Just avoid the Dr peppers one.
Damn, I was looking to buy that online for a ridiculous price just so i could try it. What dont you like about it compared to the other varieties? I guess the first thing i should have asked is do u like Dr Pepper? :)
Is there a limit in place still?
Am I the only one that uses this sauce in a slow cooker with ribs and then just finishes them off in the oven!?
You won't be the only one, but on a smoker or bbq will give you a far better end result.
Tomorrow has come and the price is not right
Still $6 at Coles online and in store.
Just paid full price for it to cook some bbq ribs tonight.
Oh well, better get some more on Weds