Ever since I've been a member of this 'community', I get a lot of spam from businesses but I've been able to unsubscribe from them all eventually through one way or another.
They won't let me unsubscribe!
I have seen this message a thousand times
You are successfully unsubscribed
But sure enough, I continue to get 2 or 3 more spam mails by the end of the day.
And it might just me being paranoid but ever since I tried to unsubscribe I have gotten twice the spam mail in return.
GOD it's so horrible!
I know I should've used a disposable email but it's too late for that now.
I'm sure at least one other person here had a similar experience, how did you deal with it? Thanks.
I am this close to deleting the damn ouffer account. Though I don't think it'd help.
Mod: Moved to Group Buy Deals Discussion Forum.
eMail them at their customer service