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[XB1] Select Square Enix Games (Tomb Raider, Thief, Murdered, Sleeping Dogs) < $6 @ Microsoft

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Links below. Enjoy!

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition

Murdered Soul Suspect


Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition

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closed Comments

  • +1

    If you could only choose one of those games which one would it be? Asking for a friend…

    • +18

      Sleeping dogs…similar to GTA but Asian style

    • +39

      Tomb Raider… Similar to Uncharted but female style

    • +2

      Sleeping Dogs

    • +6

      Thief…similar to Horizon Zero Dawn but silent style.

    • +6

      Murdered: Soul Suspect… similar L.A Noir but spooky style

    • +6

      Can I be your friend? I’m bcstyle.

    • Tomb Raider hands down.

    • Definitely Sleeping Dogs IMHO, having played all of them other than Thief (which got pretty average review from memory).

      DO NOT buy Murdered: Soul Suspect, it absolutely sucks.

    • second sleeping dogs! Great game.

  • +2

    Square Enix games are pretty darn good, old but good titles here. >10 hrs for all of them

  • Heaps on sale. Dirt 2.0 $20 (also on game pass.)
    NFS Payback $10

  • +1

    Bought Sleeping Dogs, cheers for that!

  • +4

    So a tomb raiding thief murdered some sleeping dogs.. Harsh.

  • +4

    I really dont need anymore games…. im becoming a hoarder as im a sucker for a sale.

    • +8

      Your OzBargain membership is valid, you may continue

    • -1

      This is amateur hour compared to PC with it's epic store freebies, steam sales and humble bundles.

      We all have literally hundreds of great games we'll never have time to play.

      Personally I also have dozens of greatest-all-time AAAA titles that I bought for $5 each or less in my pile of shame.

      • +1

        When you sit in front of a computer all day for work, at least you get to move to the lounge room to game. My life sounds a lot like yours otherwise

        • My gaming PC is in the living room, where the projector is. 100% couch and controllers for me.

          (The only games that really need a mouse are RTSs, MOBAs and competitive online shooters where you need that aiming speed and accuracy, and I don't play any of those).

  • +6

    Disclaimer: There are no dogs in Sleeping Dogs

    • +4

      Ruined my day.

      • Slightly off-topic, Watch Dogs 2 do have dogs, in form of an achievement/ trophy for petting one.

  • +2

    I loooove Murdered Soul Suspect. Such a fun game.

  • This is not a physical copy of the game right, its just a downloaded version ?

    • +4

      Correct, digital only.

  • Thief worth $4?

    • +1

      hard to argue with $4 isn't it?

      • +1

        Hard to recommend Thief, even at that price…especially if you're a fan of the original games.

  • +1

    Great deal, thanks OP

  • Life Is Strange is there for $5.39


    Well worth the price.

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