An excellent Android phone for the price, though somewhat hampered by the silly Android skin. Should be free to unlock, but if this is important to you, get the rep to check first on the website to make sure.
Price on the website is currently listed as $179, was going in store for $199 (or $149 with a $50 recharge), will be going for $99 starting tomorrow.
edit: to clarify, no purchase of a recharge is necessary to get the $99 price point.
I've been using it a couple of days now, and I can say I'm very happy with it. It hasn't crashed or reset on me, although it did hang for about 5s when I turned the GPS on one time (only once, other times it's been fine), but pressing the power button to turn the screen off and then on again fixed it, so not a big deal. I used a IDEOS U8150 for a couple of days when I got one for my mum, and the larger screen on this is certainly welcome, plus I swear it's thinner than the IDEOS (even though specs say only by half a mm). It does lag a tiny bit every now and then, but for the most part it's a pretty smooth experience, and definitely better than the U8150 (I noticed the lag quite a lot on that).
Overall unless the stability gets a lot worse I'd say this is a fantastic phone for the price.