Anyone Try Requesting Specific Issue Date on Passport?

Thinking of including a note in my passport renewal envelope I'll send in the mail to ask to wait and issue the passport on a specific date lol.

My current one is a really nice number at the moment and will expire in the coming months.

If that doesn't work, does anyone have a ballpark figure for their processing time so I'll try and plan when to send the form?


  • +9

    Yes try do that during a pandemic

  • +7

    First world problem much?

    If that doesn't work, does anyone have a ballpark figure for their processing time so I'll try and plan when to send the form?

    A week but dependent on their workload or if there's a problem with your application etc. so actual answer is, who knows (especially with the pandemic)?

  • Ask them how many grains of sand on a beach.
    (I always wanted to know).

  • +1

    Why not simply delay sending it?

  • A really nice number. I'm sure $100 or $50 is a very nice number to include in your application. Nobody can really travel right now. I'd leave it to within a month of it expiring to get it to the passport office.

    Unless people are hoarding airfares for when the travel ban gets lifted!?

  • +3

    Incredibly pointless flex to gum up a bureaucratic office with.
    Just circle the amazing date in your calendar, gaze at it lovingly, and accept whatever you get in your passport.

    Or if it means that much, pay the extra for an urgent application on the day

  • +2

    People do this…? Incredible.. Now I'm curious… tell us more about this sexy number please.

    • I want to know that too.

  • I'd be interested to find out how much longer it takes you to get it.

  • +1

    Wait, you're trying to maintain a 'really nice' passport identification number?

    We continue along our path to peak Idiocracy

    • I think they meant that they wanted their passport to say it expires on 2/1/21 as an example (I can't think of any good examples for 2020)

      • +2

        well, that seems even less like something anyone should care about..
        We may be closer than i thought

  • Priority passport take 2 days normally don't know during pandemic

  • +1

    Really nice passport number is a Chick magnet. So this person is obviously trying to maintain that

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