I house share with people who speak loud and just requesting to speak low is not working. Hence, I was wondering if someone knew about a device please that plays an alarm or something to give the hint to speak at a low volume?
Alarm When Someone Speaks Loud in a House to Help Me Survive House Sharing

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It's called, a door…. your bedroom door.
Use it
Good thread, I'm sure my hearing has been damaged (tinnitus etc) due to my kids shouting close to my ears.
You are the alarm… yeah some people have naturally loud voices. If you can't speak to them, then there is some other issue. Passive aggression rarely gets results. I went through an entire Uni semester with my flatmates having their TV in the next room on half to full volume and enhanced for low hearing on. They did turn it down when I asked, but to be honest it was loud like most days.
If loud people, at least you can hear what they are saying about you and not conspiring against you.
If loud voices in head, drugs can help. Actually drugs can help either way.some pantera at 2am will alarm them
my neighbours kids get a dose of this regularly after several requests to have them stop yelling at 5am.
Du-na-nununa… Please!
Du-na-nununa… Don't!
Du-na-nununa… Talk!
Don't wanna hear what you're saying.
Sorry you're going through this. Everyone staying at home is exposing how annoying their flatmates/neighbours are
the key word for cabin fever interactions these days is 'snappy'
hey ! waddyoo lookin' at - wy doncha STFU and GTFO ! Oh - that's right we have to stay home …
I'm OFF then ! … to the kitchen …
We use these in hospitals…..https://www.amazon.com/Yacker-Tracker-Noise-Monitor-Detector/dp/B001AZ2O2Q
Get a mic and speaker and join them.
I need this alarm for my housemate (wife) too.
She's constantly yelling.
you need to hang your towels up and stack the dishwasher correctly
This is true.
Maybe you're not cut out to live in a share house?
Everyone's pouncing on the poor dude, but I live in a household where several of us (myself included) tend to shout into the mic when on the phone (person has poor hearing) or in a heated gamer moment (lose self-awareness and just speak too loudly into the mic) and find it hard to change our habits - I could see a small audio cue working for people who actually want to quieten but just forget their setting.
Understandably maybe not the best idea as a passive-aggressive move to quiet others, but if its for a person who doesn't mind speaking quieter but just keeps forgetting and needs a friendly reminder I don't see the issue
Go to sleep at 4pm with head phones on listening to rain or something. And then wake up at 1:00 am and have your chill time.
When I went to China they had decibel metres in the park which showed the exact volume of noise there. You could get one of these and agree on acceptable noise levels
If you had an alarm they'll just raise their voice to speak over it.
Don't be that housemate. Get some headphones.
How many people live in the house?
Some people recommend squirting with a water pistol when a dog is barking. Worth trying?
You don't rent out a room in your house and then expect the people who move in to be quiet all the time. If Op likes quietness so much, then don't get a flatmate. simples.
Welcome to living in a sharehouse?
Wanting to set an alarm for people talking to loudly? You sound very controlling.
I think you're probably more of the issue in the house then the housemates.
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Ask them to get their hearing checked. Most people I know who talk loudly, turn the TV up full blast have hearing problems.