Do you hunt for movies by Google or are there sites that specialize in older movies on disc? Australian Sources would be preferred.
Online Source For DVD/Blu-Ray of Movies, Musicals And Westerns From 1930'S to 1970's

Last edited 01/04/2020 - 16:09
Thanks for those links. I know I didn't specify but I was hoping for some Australian sources (I've edited the post to represent that preference). I usually just wait for stuff to come up in the bins at JB HIFI or Sanity however as many are I'm stuck at home and will be for a long time due to the high risk nature of the people in my household.
Thanks. That looks like an interesting site.
The PLEX app recently has some free-view movies for stream, most were of the old type when I checked, you could give it a look.
I tried using PLEX on my NAS and had some trouble getting it working. I might have another crack. Thanks
Just to be clear, I am talking about the PLEX app which you install on your streaming device (in my case Apple TV).
I am aware PLEX is popular with NAS setups, but a recent update to the App provided a selection of free movies to stream direct from PLEX.
Sorry to say both of these aren't great at cataloguing so you'd have to know what you're after but I've bought a few older musicals and movies from (local stores) and Thriftbooks (US-based and likely to be affected by slow shipping now as they're Ascendia I believe).
Thanks for trying. I would be reluctant to use from the very long list of 1* reviews. Thriftbooks (while maybe not a good choice for DVD/Bluray as they will mostly be the wrong region) looks like an interesting source for books which is always appreciated.
I googled the last half of your title and found a few.
Amazon have quite a few classics
A site called ""
A WB owned site called Turner classic movies. Here's western and musicals