Looking for ideas to keep my mum entertained. It's crazy to think that having a job right now is actually great, because it's something to do for 8 hours a day. She, on the other hand, is stuck at home all day every day in total lockdown.
I visit her daily (I'm also totally isolated except for outdoor solo exercise and groceries) but otherwise she's eldery (70) and alone. Eventually I may just move in with her.
I have equipped her with:
- Netflix, Stan and Spotify
- WordSearch and Sudoku Books
- Knitting gear
- playing cards (been like 20 years since she's played, so we're starting with Go Fish haha)
- Books
What else is there? What have you got for your parents/vulnerable?
Just think 16 hours a day, everyday to fill. Far out.
Texas Hold'em.
Still not entertained? Up the stakes.
Try introducing board games. Try Catan or Carcassonne.