Anyone want to join forces, and sell eachother stuff as well as turnip prices
OzBargain Animal Crossing New Horizons Group

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only mums, cosmos and some other crap one :(
Did anyone get Great Purple Emperor or Goliath Beetle before April? I heard these appear only between December - March for Southies.
Great Purple Emperor was never available for southern hemisphere, until November. The Goliath beetle did just go away, it was only found on palm trees.
Happy to help with the stalk market if you can net a profit of 50k bells or more (will not charge commission). Been tracking it since last week. This week is a decreasing trend but happy to update.
Looking for ironwood dresser and chopping board if anyone is willing to help. Happy to pay in bells or pears
Also check reddit ACTrade, a lot of people sell ironwood dressers and chopping board, but they are quite expensive
Thanks, but I am in no rush to get them. I would rather participate in smaller community trades rather than subreddit.
I can give you chopping board. What flowers do you have?
I have Mums, Pansies and Cosmos (white). Nothing great
If I can get 10 of each coloured pansies that would be great :D Otherwise 5 of each. Also, can you please provide the mats I need to make the chopping board? 2 x hardwood and 1 x iron nugget
@redpump: Hi, just to clarify, by 10 of each, you meant the original colour red, white and yellow? I think I can pull together 10 of each then. There should be quite a few at the back of the island in the cliffs Otherwise, two of them are on sale in the shops as seeds.
I am currently working but will finish around 4:30pm WA time Monday-Friday but likely to be busy on the weekends. When are you thinking of trading?
Update: No issues with materials. Happy to bring them
I've just started playing this game and it is the first AC I've every played. Don't really know how the trading thing works but would like to learn so I can plant fruit trees and flowers.
I have oranges native to the island and I've planted cherries and pears (still waiting for them to mature). Would love to trade any of these for peaches/apples or other fruit.
I have lilies, tulips and cosmos in my shop. Again happy to trade flower seeds or have people visit to purchase from the shop. I usually only have time to play on the weekend or after 7pm though.
basically you send your dodo code or they send yours and you drop the item and they drop theres. Can sometimes be dodgy if you do it online but usually everyone playing this game is nice.
I'm happy for you to come to my island tonight to pick the fruits, I have them all.Oh thank you. I'll just do a quick bit of research and make sure I know what I am doing so not to inconvenience you!
Can I bring any flowers or other items that would assist you at all? I only started playing a week ago and am still learning how this all works :)…
Does this cover it? Don't steal and leave a thank you gift and note? Like in real life?
Ah drat, I didn’t realise you need to pay to access the ability to visit others. I might find my feet a bit more before I decide if I’m going to do that! Thanks though :)
yeah check classifieds for a spot in a nintendo family online account. Its only 7 dollars for 12 months
My turnip prices are 193 each today. I have all the fruits. I have cosmos, mums and lilies. I would like some of the other flowers and visit anyones island if it's in the northern hemisphere
thats a great price
would I be able to sell at yours? Happy to give you anything from my kitchen
Turnip price at 206 today (afternoon)! PM me if you would like to sell. I will check for pm every 30 mins from 5pm WA time till 8pm.
Happy to help with the stalk market if you can net a profit of 50k bells or more (will not charge commission).
Morning all
I have now set up my online :) if anyone would be willing to allow me to visit to harvest peaches and or apples I’d be grateful. Happy to harvest my own or just collect from your airport area.
I’d love three if each fruit and can bring oranges or cherries, flower seeds (lilies and cosmos) or check If there is anything else I have that interests you? Please and thanks :)
you can come to mine, will be on in like an hour
Yay! Thanks :) Let me know if there is anything you’d like me to bring.
hey i am going on now, ill send you a dodo code so you can visit and no need to bring anything
Thanks Pingu - super cute island. And thanks for pointing out the wisdom in visiting your shop and Sahara! Sorry for my appalling spelling in game, I’m very new to it all!
no worries, i think you forgot to take some peaches!
Nope I grabbed them :) I must have been sneaky. They are already planted 😍
What's everyone's turnip prices today? Mine is 84 :(
110, bought at 107.
If you want to minimise risk with your turnip investment, use to predict your prices so you know when to sell etc.
Wow that site is awesome! I wonder how accurate that is. I had a stroll down and but I'm too scared of getting scammed.
Yeah I'm worried about scams too so will be very unlikely to use the exchange or Reddit for my turnips. I play with my partner and brother so at least we can buy turnips at the cheapest of 3 prices and we use the predictor to see when to sell.
The predictor has been really accurate for us so far. I think most if not all my prices (except for the first week) have been in the predicted range. It is more accurate when you know the previous week's trend to help the algorithms etc on the site.
@IceCreamBandit: Having family playing together definitely helps! I'll see how I go with this calculator thingy. I'll report back to see how accurate it is.
@pingualien: Are you based in WA or something? I thought the Nook shop closes at 10pm? Anyways, I'm gonna get my turnips ready and be waiting at the airport ;) Thanks!
will check mine when I finish work
Lol I’m at 60…
81% chance I'll have a large spike to around 500-600 bells this week according to turnip prophet 👀
If you get anything over 200 please consider your poor cousins on ozb ;)
I just tried the predictor and it’s not looking good for me this week. Thank goodness it’s a game!
My friend had his turnip price at 582bells. I purchased 1.3mil at 103bells. Made over 6mil and enough to pay off loans for myself and my fiance. Gave him 500k bells as tips just cause.
Wow. I sold at 125 today after buying at 92 as that appeared to be as good as I’d get this week. What a volatile market! 😂
It is! Very exciting each week. Been dropping all my savings on turnips each week for 5 weeks (started 22/03). That's why I only have 1 wooden bridge and no slopes.
I have a few friends that play but only 2 others that track the price twice a day so that reduced the risk significantly. The tool I use is:
Investment returns were:
Week 1: 1.3x
Week 2: 2x
Week 3: 1.5x
Week 4: 1.2x
Week 5: 5.8xBy my forth week, I was sending this to all my friends that play AC.…
Would keep reinvesting 1mil bells each week just for fun.
Video was too good
Hi AC fans! For non time travellers, today is potentially the first day Nooks cranny reopens. Thought it was nice that there could be lots of people experiencing the same thing.
Unrelated note, has anyone figured out how the hardwood tree leaves browning work? Looks to be random. I have had success transferring a brown leaf hardwood over to another location. At the same time there are instances when it just turns green on a certain location. No luck finding answers on reddit. I am making a path of hardwood trees and the different level of browning is making me uncomfortable.
I’m not a time traveller but started a few days after launch so I think I get the upgrade Monday or Tuesday. Congrats!
If anyone has Leif visit with hydrangeas or hibiscus I would be so grateful if I could pop past to buy some! I can bring all sorts of flowers, fruits and always bring a thank you gift
have you gotten the shady boat guy to come yet?
I did today. He's not on the boat the first time FYI. Just roams a part of the island.
You'll get notified when a sus art seller is in town by Isabelle when he arrivesYes I’ve had him. Isabelle made an announcement about a shady character. I found him near the plaza.
oh strange, i haven't got him but only have Leif
I had both 2 days ago. I'll let you know if leif does come back again with them.
Leif has been back twice since, but his stocks change. neither has been hydrangeas or hibiscus.
What's everyone's turnip prices today? Mine are at 27 :(
haaha i never knew they could get that low mines 69
Ouch. My Nooks is finally closed for the reno so maybe I win at techncially zero!
Also OZB Animal Crossing Folk - I have a metric s@#% load of basic colours as I try to breed hybrids. If anyone needs any basic flowers at all let me know and I can drop off your choice of type and colour in whatever qty you need and I have.
Anyone want Lucha, he is moving out of my island today
@pingualien: No idea who Lucha is and I am full sorry!
I've only recently learnt that certain villagers are valuable and desirable. I had Mott move out recently and went Nook Island hunting. I just wanted a new species and a boy (I have eight female villagers, poor Rex was outnumbered).
I kept running into pigs, rhinos and anteaters and I already have one of each of those. Finally I found both a new species and a boy. A little fella called Zucker. Cute, I love scuba diving and octopus are my favourite.
Turns out he is 'worth' a lot. But I think he is so cute I shall keep him!
@pingualien: I only realised that recently. The toothpick in his head was bothering me! Then it made sense.
As well as Zucker I have a mishmash.
Renee - Pink Rhino - Starter. I'll let her leave when she asks.
Colton - horse - first camper - drives me mental. I need him to go. Been hitting him with a net to no avail.
Aurora Penguin - too cute - shall stay!
Gala - Pig - super funny - shall stay unless she asks twice to move. I'm silly, I know it is a RNG but…
Fauna - Deer - found on an Island tour - another accidentally valuable islander I think?
Annabelle - Anteater - cracks me up, thinks she is destined to be famous. She is in my eyes.
Flurry - Hamster - pretty cute but I'd probably let her leave if she asked.
Rex - Lazy Lion - is adorable. I shall keep. My first chosen villager.
Gloria - snotty duck - must stay forever as she is effectively me in animal form.What about you?
@PugHugger: Hahahaha Colton is the worst I had him as well but he finally left
Now I have
Marina the octopus who looks like Zuckers friend
Goldie the dog which is my favourite
Bones and Walker also dogs
Ozzie the koala
Carrie the kangaroo and it’s got a little Joey the same so funny
Bluebear who is cute too
Cesar who I don’t like too scary
Diana who is also nice@pingualien: Lol - glad I'm not the only aniti-Colton person here. How is it possible for a generally reasonable adult to get so worked up over a set of pixels?
I am very glad I did not find Marina before Zucker. Rex would have been the only boy on the island. She is super cute and I'd break my 'one of each species' rule to have her.
@PugHugger: I've read that hitting with net still counts as attention. Might have better luck completely ignoring.
@azngamer: Oh good to know. I'll try that.
My big issue is Colton seems to be the only villager who crafts. So I have to talk to him for the DIYs. I wish he would leave!
Does anyone have an island I can please visit to pick up a couple of apples?
Happy to drop off some other fruit, bells or items you might need as a thank you.You can come to mine or I can drop to yours. Let Me know when you are ready And we can make it happen :)
Hey AC fans,
I got both the chopping board and ironwood dresser (to make that elusive iron kitchenette!…kitchenette!). Happy to trade for ANY of the items below:
- Houseplants that's not cypress or floating biotope planter or mini cacti
- Pull up bar
- Rockwall
- Double door refrigerator (black)
- Gas Stove (black)
- 50" wall mounted TV (black)
- Any Sakura related
If you don't have the above, and you would like the chopping board and/or ironwood dresser, I am happy to negotiate something.
I got ironwood DIY bench too but I would need some wood since it requires 12 and I don't have many extras.
happy to send you the pull up bar, gas stove, 50 inch tv tomorrow
Awesome! I will be free around 5pm WA time. I assume I'll get ready the chopping board, ironwood dresser and ironwood DIY bench?
noo its ok i already got all that stuff
@pingualien: Thanks for the generosity, but ss there any items that you are looking out for or would you prefer bells? Alternatively, I can pass along your kindness to someone and give those ironwood and chopping board to someone on this forum.
@azngamer: I have access to the Monstera, Yukka and Cypress Houseplants if you want those as well :) I will have to do a Nook Shopping order for them so the earliest I can bring them to you is Wednesday morning as I've already done my shopping for the day.
I also have the television and pull up bar but see I've been beaten ;)
I must say, I don't have any desire to install a kitchen in Animal Crossing, I have one of those in my real house…
@PugHugger: Would love the Monstera and Yukka Plant. I do have Cypress already. No rush with them. I am generally free after 5pm WA time.
Is there anything you would like in return such as items you are looking out for furnitures in alternate colours? Or can I pay for them by bells?
@azngamer: I would love for you to come to my island when they arrive and water my field of flowers for me! It takes about five or six minutes and it helps me get hybrids :) I'll provide the watering can. No pressure of course but that is something other players can do that actually helps as the flowers react better to being watered by more people :)
Otherwise, no not really, they are not that expensive so don't worry about the bells.
Yukka is in a blue pot but the Monstera can be black or white, preference?
Just remembered I also have the fan palm, do you want that too? Again multiple colours, any preference? When I log on today I'll check if I have anything else that you might like.
@PugHugger: Deal! Happy to water your flowers. Just realised yesterday that cloning is going to be very time consuming since there is a 8% chance of it multiplying and friends watering can bump it up to 25% for the first friend and up to 80% for 5 friends. I can buy a few watering cans prior so no worries with providing it.
Black lot for monstera please. Yes please to the fan palm. Just checked all the colours and they look great. Preferably black/blue or brown or white. But not too fussed.
@azngamer: Easy. I’ve got a black monstera already in storage and will order the palm tomorrow. If you want the monstera today let me know and we can do two trips and get one to you now :)
@PugHugger: All good. No rush. Shall I come over to water the flowers today? I am more free tonight. As for the plants, I can wait till tomorrow.
Do you still have the chopping board DIY?
Yes I still do. I have the recipe and can make more
I was gonna offer a pull up bar but the other guy seemed to cover that, is there anything else you would trade for it?
I dont seem to have anything on your list.
Edit: I can gift a Yucca
@thriftysydney: Do you have frying pans or something from the bamboo recipes that could work in a Zen garden?
If not I can just give the chopping board. How many do want? I am available after 5pm WA time.
@thriftysydney: Just saw your edit. I already have a Yucca in blue. It would be great if you have other colours, if not that's okay. What time would you be free?
Edit: crafted two cutting boards for you. I am having something later today, if I don't catch you, happy to pass it to you tomorrow.
@azngamer: Yeah its a white Yucca, and Ill make 2 frying pans for you too.
Ill be free for the next hour if you can.
@thriftysydney: Dodo code is 6D15P. I might have to go off for dinner, but the boards are at the entrance.
Edit: might be afk but I have attached my drifting joycons so it doesn't disconnect
@thriftysydney: Thanks for the flying pans and plant!
Hahaha yes. We are first in friendship, forth in obesity!
@PugHugger: Pawnee is my island name. It's from parks and recreation.
I was watching that show when I started new leaf and thought it was very appropriate for that game. Then when new horizons came out I couldn't think of another one so I stuck with Pawnee
If anyone has any of these diys spare please consider selling them to me! Or trading of course.
Aroma pot
Bamboo shelf
Bamboo sphere
Deer scare
Coconut JuiceAlso thanks to other players I’m drowning in hybrid flowers. Let me know if you want any!
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Do you have roses in your shop? Not native to my island :(