dick smith have the xbox 360 250g kinect pack on special on the 15th sept
for $399 with 1500 ms points as well .the best deal i can get in store at game or eb is 389 after trading in games that come with the package they offer so i would say the DS deal is good ,does Bigw do price matching on deals like this as i could use my amex card and get a extra $50 off ?
Xbox deal question

thanks my son wants it this week ,well he wanted it last week but im glad i held off !
Have you got a link for the DSE 360 250GB pack for $399?
Also, have you considered a PS3 given that they're cheaper, have Bluray and online is free? I guess it comes down to the exclusive games and if he has mates on XBOX LIVE.
its in the catalog that will be in the mailbox today or tomorrow -I have the catalog -available 15th sept the rest of the catalog starts 14th
My son wants an xbox as all his friends play online with it
The Dick Smith advertisement for this bundle:
http://catalogues.dicksmith.com.au/portal/offerdetails/micro…As per their policy, Big W will match the identical product:
"If by chance you should find an identical item currently advertised at a lower price by another store, we guarantee to match the price on the spot. Just present the competitors current advertisment or ask an associate to verify the price. BIG W will price match any product that is identical to the same brand; the same model number or style; the same weight."
They DO stock the same package:
However I don't think you'll get the bonus 1500 ms points (which have a retail value of $25) but with the AMEX discount you'll still be ahead.
interesting - they don't say the item needs to be in stock. Also doesn't say needs to be a physical store (quite negligent in this day of online retailers) so technically could get them to price match online prices.
if only :D
Get the PS 3 at 320gb at Target on special for $399
With 3 custom xbox 360's coming out, I'd keep an eye out for good deals on eBay unless your in a real hurry