Hi All,
Hoping someone may be able to help - I recently received an email saying a payment bounced for a Deliveroo Plus account that I didn't realise I had.
Upon further investigation I realised I've been charged $18.99 a month since May last year for a premium subscription I haven't ordered with since the time. (yes, I know I should have realised earlier!)
I sent them an email requesting refund of the 10 payments of $18.99, to which they responded with a "terms and conditions state coming off period of 14 days and you confirmed via sms" etc, basically a 'lol, no'.
Is there any way for me to retrieve the $189.90?
I did not receive any receipts via email for the monthly charges over the past 10 months, nor a "your free trial is about to end" email and feel I have been duped after signing up for a free trial.
Is this just a lesson I have to learn the hard way?
Thanks in advance,
You haven't been duped. You signed up for a free trial, which has T+Cs attached to it, you agreed. Think of it as a pretty cheap lesson.