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Logitech MK220 Wireless Keyboard/Mouse Combo $19 Pickup @ The Good Guys


Good bargain for a Logitech basic keyboard mouse combo.

Being currently sold at $35+ at the following;
JB Hi fi(jbhifi.com.au),
BigW(bigw.com.au) etc.

Free pickup. Delivered at $8 extra.

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • Price in title please.

    • +5


      • +3

        Great work, good deal.

    • +3

      Extra info.: the up and down arrows are compacted to be the same size as the left/right keys next to them. Visualise left/up&down/right taking up 3 keys where up/down are "half-keys".

      If the arrow keys aren't used often, then this should not be a concern. I personally don't mind them.

      (Or… hey boomer! look at pictures on the sites.)

      • +1

        Up key is raised a little, so it's not too hard to differentiate them, and orient your hand on the keys. But the arrow keys do make your hand a bit cramped with lots of use.

    • Yep, those laptop style arrow keys get a hard pass from me

  • +7

    Keyboard is shit to be honest

    • +4

      Totally agreed. Had one, and was oddly relieved when it died.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! :)

  • Can these be used on PS4 Pro?

  • +5

    Pretty trusty minimal keyboard and mouse, that I've been using for about 6 years.
    Here's my "review" from a post a few weeks ago: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/8448451/redir

  • +3

    Horrible keyboard.

    • Mine lasted about a day before i binned it.

    • Agree. Logitech is usually ok and the predecessors were good but these are worse than no brand junk. I have 2 in the cupboard and I'd hesitate to even give them away lest I lose a friend.

  • +3

    I paid $13 from JB about a year ago.

  • No stock around me

    • +2

      But I got Harvey Norman to price match!

  • Yeah no stock near me. Any other recommendation for wireless combo?
    I've used this before and it's not that good. The keyboard is bit too small.

    What about this one? It's $39 with free delivery on Amazon prime:

  • I got MK345 from HN(harveynorman.com.au) for $52- decent keyboard & mouse. You can price match with Umart(umart.com.au)

    • Is it good

      • +2

        I've had that keyboard/mouse setup since 2015 and it's still going strong. I love it!

    • +1

      I returned the MK220 and bought this combo for $48 a year or so ago - 10x better, would recommend.

  • +1

    I had this in the past and i lost the receicer as i was moving office then couldn't use this anymore.

    Fyi, this keyboard+mouse are not compatible with Logitech Unifying Receiver.

    • You can get replacements (from eBay in Europe) but it was a pain in the A$$

      • +1


        I paid $17 for this keyboard at HN years back. The receiver cost $23 shipped so i just couldn't be bothered replacing it.

        Logitech Unifying Receiver can be had as low as $12 in some places.

        • Pretty sure I got knock off unify receivers for like $4 on eBay.

          • @BlinkyBill: But this one doesn't work with unifying one… So even the knock off one wouldn't work.

  • +1

    Anyone here useed one on a Shield TV

    the remote is a pain in the arse for typing with the onscreen keyboard

    • I use a Logitech K400+ which was $35 from JB a month ago on my Chromebox for streaming on the TV (with VPN for US TV etc.) - Same use model and I like it, keyboard nothing special but trackpad useful.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, will make a good secondary keyboard

  • It was $19 from HN a couple of weeks back, returned it only because wife brought home the one from work.

    Despite experiences above, some YouTube reviewers liked the keyboard.

  • +2

    $16 at JB about 2 weeks ago.

  • +1

    Bought. Thanks OP!

  • +2

    Thanks OP, no stock near me but was able to price match with BIG W.

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